
Chapter 2

It had taken her a long time showing him her true feedee side. She had always been scared of showing to a man the way she loved to overeat, the way she got hot when she had really really overdone it. She had felt every time like it was crazy, abnormal, especially because she got into this feeding trance, was amazed at her own capacity. "I'm still not full???"

How crazy was that, a woman that stuffed herself like a pig and got wet doing it. Well, she had realized, by example that he really LOVED it, that it was exactly what he was looking for in a feedee and woman. And then it was so hot to show him, to just let herself go, and eat and don't stop till she felt ready to pop.

And when she had seen that her massive overeating gave him a hard on, there was no arguing with it.

In the last week he had fed her much beyond anything she had ever done herself, but he still loved to watch her.

It was like watching herself masturbate. Except...better!

She started to pack it in, having this feeling in her stomach of too much fat. It felt funny, strange, but she had started to like it, especially as it was super fattening. She gained easy, was "fat fertile" as he had called it.

She would have gotten fatter slowly and steadily, even if she had kept a diet. Eat freely would had brought her soon to the goal she knew she had programmed inside her: to become a very fat woman.

But being fed and fattened up, that made her virtually explode. And giving her these high fat shakes was outright perverse. She felt it and it also made her hot, as it did him. The stretch marks on her belly and breasts, the cellulite that developed as her tissue could not cope with the wildly growing fat showed them both that she was made to be fattened up.

She was a little afraid, but knew, that it was pretty much pointless to resist. He knew too much of what turned her on, how he had opened her up for pleasure and lust. And how hot she got at the own jiggling gut, the incredible realization "I am getting sooo fat! and fast!" when she looked at herself in the mirror and had to start rubbing herself.

The increasing bulk of her body and the fat made her feel better, more powerful and hornier.

And then, even if she would have been able to resist that, then there was still this cock.

She loved sucking it, seeing the large balls below and playing with them, and then getting fucked like she had not know that you can get fucked. He lasted hours and did not let himself come before he had really fucked her brains out and she was panting after the 5th or so orgasm. The first one she usually had just from him entering her, the built up horniness from getting fed and the anticipation of the incredible hot way he fucked her with this monster thick penis.

She ate and ate and ate, seeing him watching her and getting hot at it. She wore her jeans, that had been getting tighter and tighter and seemed ready to pop.

He had brought her several of her favorite pizzas and she did not want them to get cold and yucky, so she wolfed down.

He nibbled on her ear and told her stuff, that made her totally hot:

"I want you to become a jiggling sagging fat prone porker! I want you to have difficulty walking! To be my fat sow, programmed to gain as fast as possible!"

She moaned as she wolfed down the 4 pizzas and washed it down with a quart of avocado peanut butter shake that was her favorite. Next was pasta, then some burgers, all triple stack. She realized that this was too much food for her, that should would not be able to finish all this.

He grabbed her belly fat and massaged it with his large hands, while telling her that it should hang down more, that he totally digged hanging bellies. Porker bellies!

And it drove her crazy that he did, because she was dreaming of becoming so fat as she stuffed herself. She had done this before many times, but doing it with him felt strange, but so very natural.

He watched her eat and carefully watched her belly, how it got rounder and rounder. She felt like her pants would explode any second now.

The fat was hanging over them and he knew that they were done for.

She started on the pasta, spaghetti first and then a huge load of linguine, dripping in olive oil.

She wolfed everything down, couldn't believe that all fit inside her.

"Come my dear!" he said and opened her pants with a motion and her belly jerked outside, settled a little and looked like it had never been inside the pants.

"My goal is, that these pants will never ever fit you again!" he said and waves of horniness came over her.

She kept on eating and her large fat belly had almost lost all its folds, due to being so inflated.

She was pretty fat already, 286 lbs (130 kg) and feeding her was crazy it occurred to her.

But it felt so natural for her, her belly becoming more and more taut, her belly fat stretching and the wonderful feeling of blissful stuffedness.

The belly of the fat woman also looked like it was really made to be filled that much and that it was not done growing yet.

He saw that she did not eat more, that she held her belly and was totally occupied with the feelings of her full gut.

He picked up the spoon and tried to feed her some more, but she did not take it.

"Then you leave me no choice!" he said, a little annoyed.

He grabbed one of her wrists and looked at her sternly. She felt her knees getting weak, his face expression changed into a “I told you so look”, like somebody having to punish and not liking it. She knew she was a naughty girl and she did not fight much, she knew she deserved this, when he brought her arm around and met her wrists behind her back, gently, but with resting strength, that could wake up anytime she would resist.

He put the cuffs on, they were made of hard rubber, yielding just enough to absorb any attempt of freeing herself with the power of elasticity.
5 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 13 years , updated 54 years
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Rubens_feeder 8 years
Thanks guys, I appreciate it so much. Have not seen these comments before.
Giantjay 13 years
Can't wait to hear how she ends up, how big she is! Like fooman2008, I'd love to read the descriptions of her difficulty in moving, dressing, etc. due to her size! Great work!
Balloon 13 years
Can't wait for her immobility!
Kamina 13 years
Talk about capturng the pure, unbridled essence of feederism. You, my fellow FF, are an artist of wordsmanship!