
Chapter 3

She felt a foreboding come over her, she had been here before. In the beginning she had fought it and it had been so hot to resist and know that in the end, it would be for nothing and that she wanted it too. She knew what would come next and it made her super horny.

He helped her out the the jeans, installed the leg opener, a device that kept her legs wide apart, her unable to close them and her pussy wide open and available to him. He made some gentle strokes over her outer lips and she gasped in lust.

Then he put the mouth gag inside her ready mouth. She did not resist, she was totally in trance, the foreboding of upcoming events totally paralyzing her in disbelieve and lust. A low moaning escaped her throat.

She had gotten to know this gag, basically a rubber wedge that kept her jaw open and a large rubber tube that made a large hole inside her mouth that seemed to go directly down her gullet. (Note from Rubens_Feeder: I actually got that here ready for you to try it, my dear feedee!) It looked so perverse, he had shown her in a mirror a few times and she felt so open, so vulnerable with this. To be fattened, to be stuffed, to be overfed. Like a feeding pig!

He kissed her, met her eager tongue through the rubber and felt her nervousness.

"Don't worry, we will start in a second! You don't have to be afraid, I will fatten you up till you cannot walk anymore, promise!"

Lust washed over her, she gasped, felt her belly, the fat that had grown all around her.

It was so hot, so perverse, so horny!

He started to pour some liquid from a large bottle inside the rubber tube and she had to swallow it.

She knew what he would do if she did not. It tasted like pure fattener, incredible fat pushing.

He funneled it inside her gag and she drank like in trance. She had thought before, that her belly was full, her stomach at the limit. But now, as she was helpless, could not do anything but drink, it felt like her belly had adapted to it and gotten softer, and more yielding.

She was totally amazed how much fit into her, he massaged her belly from time to time, also paying attention to her pussy, rubbing her clit and putting a finger deep inside her vagina, to which she gasped and moaned. He never let her have enough of it, and she yearned to be fucked, felt her pussy stand wide open and leak wetness in waterfall like fashion.

Mousse au Chocolat


Then he opened one of the many 1 gallon tubs of mousse au chocolat, which he knew she could not get enough from. First he took a large spoon and started feeding her, then later he just tipped the whole thing and let her drink it. He listened to the lovely slurps of her swallows, pumping the chocolate fattener inside her bulging stomach.

He felt her belly how it settled down on her lap as it got larger and larger. There was no hotter thing than to feed a really fat woman that was destined to grow very very fat and see her belly grow from round, to large, to absolutely humongous.

She could not think anymore, she was in a feeding trance, she was being fattened up like a pig. She did not know anymore what time it was, how long he had been feeding her like this. But then she realized that this was later, that she was already very fat ridden, 145 kg (320 lbs)

What had happened? He had forced her, had pushed her and how...she remembered how full she had been, ready to explode, scared at the pressure inside her, but he had just fed her, more and more and she could not stop eating. It was like he had some kind of mind control over her. She had said that she could not go on many times, yet when he insisted and put the spoon to her mouth, she could not refuse, felt her tongue move automatically and swallow.

His hand had alternated between her totally fat and inflated belly and her dripping pussy. And wow, that was the reason why she had grown so large, why she was gaining at a incredible clip.

He just seemed to know what she wanted and needed, more than...more than she knew herself.

He called her names while he fed her, my pig, my porker, my tub of lard, she had been scared, realizing that she couldn't stop eating, that she would eat and continue till she exploded. The thought had made her scared and hot at the same time and he seemed to know this. And she trusted him, totally, to fatten her up properly. She felt deep inside her that it all made sense, that she was destined to grow very very fat and that he was the answer of her many silent prayers, that he was so to speak, her farmer and she his pig. He was trained and knew what he had to do. She still felt a little resistance...

But this had been some fat folds ago, now it was all different. Now she just took it and was amazed how her belly grew, how it expanded to suit the overfeeding, how there was always more room. She knew somewhere deep inside her that her wet pussy was her body betraying her, that it showed that feeding and getting fatter and fatter made her hot, feeling the pressure, overeating grotesquely and by him massaging her pussy, her fattening was a sealed deal, she could not resist. Part of her (and a growing part) was a pig that needed to get fattened and she loved the sight of herself in the mirror. She now got hot just by looking at all her fat. The way her breasts had transformed into large hanging udders, moving lazily with every step she took, how her belly started to hang, how much fat she carried on it, how she jiggled with every step and the folds on her sides, the double chin, all saying "porky", "tub of lard", "it shows that you are being fattened up, you are a mast pig!" and it made her all so hot and wet. Soon her hand was past her belly and made her large hanging sack of lard jiggle as she rubbed herself, yearning for his dick, the nicely large so thick thing that banged her so well, she longed for her feeder. Just knowing that he was responsible for all this fat made her so hot for him. It was totally normal and good to be fucked by your feeder as a feedee, you needed it, it was a logical consequence.

Now she was sitting there and eating. He had fed her all day long, sometimes letting her eat, watching her, sometimes taking charge. Her large sagging gut had filled out to its maximum size, pumping up like a deflated fat ridden balloon and being lifted in the process. It was the only time. Otherwise, it was still sagging lower and lower, fatter and fatter. Now it had almost reached her knees, she had an amazing hanging gut and needless to say he loved hanging bellies.
5 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 13 years , updated 54 years
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Rubens_feeder 8 years
Thanks guys, I appreciate it so much. Have not seen these comments before.
Giantjay 13 years
Can't wait to hear how she ends up, how big she is! Like fooman2008, I'd love to read the descriptions of her difficulty in moving, dressing, etc. due to her size! Great work!
Balloon 13 years
Can't wait for her immobility!
Kamina 13 years
Talk about capturng the pure, unbridled essence of feederism. You, my fellow FF, are an artist of wordsmanship!