The legend of the mast-liese

Chapter 3 - I curse you, damn it!

So she knew she would perish. And knelt down and poured out the loathing she had gathered inside her for the world, cried bitterly and felt moments of pure hate shaking her body at the ungrateful world that was out there.

But she swore that the world would not forget her, that centuries later, her life and demise would reverberate in a rare and delicious curse that she would bestow on the bastard human race. It would be a delicous curse, not unpleasant and highly sexually charged, so to make sure offspring with the same cursed genes would be abound. And the cursed women or men would be seduced by the curse and giving in more and more to the hot sexual feelings it caused, getting enslaved even more by it.

She knew that she would spare Gruber, to let him suffer the worst and most awful faith: To see his world crumble and disintegrate in front of his eyes.

She knew where his weak point was, his dependency on his family, his daughters, his wife, from which he drew so much of the love. Like a vampire, that needs blood, which he does not have himself, Gruber generated no love inside him or others. He had to leech it from his family.

Esmeralda send out to collect clothing that had not been washed from Grubers Wife and his daughters, and was especially keen on underwear, like panties that had touched the skin of the women directly and had been activated through the bouts of horniness that women involuntarily go through.

She collected all that clothing together and put it in a magic circle, and spent several hours of focusing her powerful thoughts on it, thinking of Ina, Katja and Grubers wife.

Then she prepared a pig pen with 3 sows and started to feed them all the food she still had left. She knew that she would not be able to get through the winter on it anyway and would just die later on, in the coldest time of the season. Although it could have saved her, the large vats of pig lard that she had accumulated over the many years gave her a strong allergic reaction and diarrhea, and now was the perfect time to use them.

The pigs ate happily and it was only after a few hours of nonstop eating that they started to have trouble, looked ill and stuffed full.

She again focused her thoughts on them, projected the strong imagine on them that they are balloons, which are empty and deflated. And as every balloon dreams about, being plugged in by the nozzle and inflated, feeling how the pressure pushes you apart and being pumped up.

The pigs reacted to this and soon started eating more and their bellies groaned as they enjoyed being stretched.

She put the clothing that she had gathered on all three sows and started to chant and pray to the daemons of fat and gluttony.

She poured all her intensity into the pigs and three women that did not have an inkling of what would soon happen to them.



The first one that noticed it was Ina. In the same innocent way that a calf does not know that it will be slaughtered when it is born.

She was using the bathroom, sat on the toilet seat and got dizzy. Suddenly, she felt like she sat there for a purpose other than waste extraction and felt a feeling of being opened up to something, felt how her anus was exposed to the water below and how a nozzle would slide up and plug into her behind, and then feeling how her small plump gut inflated by it self.

She had the misfortune to have gained a little already when getting healed by the witch and the strong fattening impulse was magnified a thousand times in her belly fat.

She jumped off the toilet seat, but there was nothing there. But she wished there was, that she could sit down again and let it happen, to open herself up and feel how her belly was pumped up, how she was inflated.

It was then that she realized and wished more than anything, that she would become such a fat woman that her legs, no matter how strong, would not carry her anymore.

It was shocking and arousing at the very same time. Even so much shocking as she got so wet from it and started to pleasure herself, welcoming the thoughts.

She felt empty inside, needed to be filled, to be expanded and needed to swell.

She wandered around the house, it was late at night and everybody sleeping. She ended up down in the factory, which occupied the lower part of the house. It was dark, empty and all she could see was the dim lights of the large freezers and fridges.

She did not know what possessed her, but she realized that she was coughing hard, having wolfed so much down that she could not breathe anymore. Where was she? What had she been eating? She felt the binge come again, assail her like a fever, make her pussy glow and explode in sweet arousal, she pleasured herself, stuffed stuffed and coughed again, her stomach got heavy, full and she moaned, her primal sound filling the large room, like somebody being tortured sexually, having a feather drawn over her clit and teased, but never released sexually. The moan sounded driven, full of foreboding and surprised, “what the hell is happening to me? Oh God! Oh GOD!!”

She felt the deep desire to be pumped up, to be inflated, to feel a strong pressure push her apart, to just stand there and come apart, grow to all sides, fatten and become large and saggy with fat, impatient that it still took that long as seconds.

As she wolfed down the precooked meat, heavy with lard she felt the strong taste of it, and the revulsion of pure fat was gone.

She wretched after her stomach found the food to overwhelming, but her hand clamped over her mouth and did not let anything out.

It she did not remember having told her hand to do that, but it closed her. Then the hand went to her neck and pushed two fingers in two very special points and the next wretch happened, but she could not throw up.


Esmeralda knew exactly where these points where these nervous points where when she held the neck of the pig. The gullet was closed and the sow, although it needed to throw up badly could not.


Ina stood there and felt her stomach convulse, again and again, but nothing came out. The pressure jumped inside her thanks to the strong muscle contractions and she felt like it was bad for her stomach to pump so strong, to throw the food out, but having the force splashed back into itself. It was destroying firmness and stretching the stomach in a forced way.

As she stood there and felt her hand grip her neck, felt the force in her hand, and realized suddenly that her hand was not under her control, that she could not release it, even if she willed it, she heard thoughts repeat in her head.

The same thoughts that Esmeralda was projecting on the sow and the thought that made her grasp for control of her fingers and release the grip.

“You will not throw up, this food stays inside you, even if it will make you explode with force”

The thoughts repeated, chanted in her head and she noticed how full her belly was, moaned louder and louder, driven, even pained of being pushed so hard and then having a screaming orgasm, finally releasing the buildup, of realizing that all this made her so horny, and how she longed to be fattened up, how she was a pig, waiting for farmer to take her and fatten her up and never stop.
3 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 13 years , updated 54 years
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Rubens_feeder 12 years sorry, was missing a "g"
Rubens_feeder 12 years
There will be. I have the outline done since a year, but never got around to writing it. Too many stories want to be written, new ideas and creative stuff assaults me on a daily basis. Please note that most stories get published only on my website, as I don't have time to split them into the small chapters that FF requires, too much work.
Rubens_feeder 13 years
Yeah, just wait, it will get a lot better, hihhi, I got the whole story outline writen down. I wonder HOW THE HELL I come up with stories like these??? They just drop on me, from nowhere. I have ideas like these practically every week.