A lesson in tightropes

Chapter 8

I was afraid to call him out about the steroids and when he came back into the room without any clothes on I couldn’t even think straight.

He was wet and sexy and I’m weak, so very, very weak. I should just ignore it, but I can’t. I care about Clay. I love him.

“What’s wrong?” He asked. He was naked! Oh my god. How did he expect me to be composed when he was so freely naked in front of me? I stood up and walked over to his gym bag. I pulled out the bottles.

“This is what’s wrong.” I said firmly. He gave me a look of death. “You don’t need to take this junk…why are you taking this…this garbage?” I was stuttering now. That really didn’t get my point across, it made me seem like a kid.

“What are you going through my stuff for? I don’t go through your stuff!” I had the feeling he’d get angry. He walked towards me and grabbed the bottles. “You don’t understand anything.” He poked me in the chest.

As afraid as I was, I was still a little bit turned on. It was the weirdest feeling in the world. He moved in closer to me. His naked belly was pressing against my shirt. What I wouldn’t give to be shirtless.

His penis was still big, so...so maybe he had just started taking steroids. His, uh, balls looked okay too. I was staring at his penis at a time like this? What is wrong with me?

“What don’t I understand? I…I don’t want you to get sick, okay? What if you died?” His teeth were clenched and he was looking down at me as he grabbed the neck of my shirt. “What? You…you going to hit me?” Shut up! I felt my stomach tighten. What if he did hit me? Can you say broken face?

He stepped back after letting go of my shirt. He was blushing again, but I wasn’t going to point it out. “I’m sorry Michi.” He said. “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine.” I said. “Are you okay now?” I didn’t know what to do. Who could I tell? It’s not like I could do anything.

We sat next to one another on his plain, blue bed. I looked at him. His face was red and his hair was still wet. Of course my eyes raped the rest of his body as well.

“My coach told me I had to get up to at least 350 pounds before scouts will even begin looking at me.” Shoot, he was already the biggest guy on St. Mark’s team. I thought he was already a pretty big linebacker. “I’m 289 now, but I can’t get past it, I can’t and I need too, or I’m not going to college.”

“You can do it without drugs.” I said. I must’ve started sounding like an after school special to him. But I did believe he could do it, he sure ate enough. “You…you eat so much and work out all the time…”

“It’s hard, Michi.” He looked at me. “I think you can see I’m no underwear model, but with 60 extra pounds I won’t even look half way decent. I like looking nice too, Michi, and I’m just going to end up another fat, ex-jock, football idiot.”

“I like fat, ex-jock, football idiots.” I said. “And I don’t care if you’re not some fitness model. You’re the strongest person I know. I think you have pretty hair and you’re so handsome and I just…I love you.” He blushed. “You’re blushing.” I said. He smiled and kissed me.
10 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 13 years , updated 54 years
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GayVeganAbroad 13 years
Hey how did I miss this story??? It's awesome!
Fatfiction 13 years
Thanks Everyone for all the comments!!! ^///^
Chub41ub 13 years
wow, what a story! can't wait for more! ^_^ you make my Japanese heritage beam
Fatfiction 13 years
I do too Sundae, thanks.... Burstingattheseams I will add more soon smiley ...... Flabby Chub, Thanks! ^^ ..... Thank you submissiveplumper!
Fatfiction 13 years
MrCharles, You can do it!!! You just have to keep at it, lol ..... edit, you got it! ^^