Dating a feeder

chapter 2

Of course, just because someone was sending pictures of Zac, didn't necessarily mean it was really him. Still, Anna had a sense about it. Had it really been Zac this entire time? She immediately found a good picture of herself and sent it back.

'Anna?' the guy messaged straight afterwards.

'Zac!' Anna texted immediately in response.

After laughing about chatting for so long and not recognising each other, they set up a date for that evening in town. Anna couldn't believe her luck. She was going on a real date with Zac! Even in her wildest dreams, she never imagined landing a guy like this. She only had to look in the mirror to see Zac was so way out of her league. Why on earth would Zac be interested in her?

Insecurities aside, Anna got ready and went for her date. Her heart pounded out of her chest as she saw Zac already sat there in a booth waiting for her, both of them at least five minutes early.
'Zac. Hey!' Anna said with modest enthusiasm, trying to seem cool.

The perfect gentleman, Zac stood up and greeted Anna warmly, giving her a hug. Already Anna couldn't believe her luck, being embraced by the beautiful hunk. She could feel her whole body being enveloped by the warm, beautiful young guy. Zac stood there whilst Anna sat down, got comfortable, and only then sat down himself.

The conversation flowed easily, despite the fact that Anna felt herself melting under Zac's gaze, whilst trying not to stare at his muscular arms, stretching the fabric of Zac's shirt. In her whole life, Anna had never had a guy be so attentive to her. Zac laughed at every one of her jokes, offering to get her whatever she wanted.
'I heard you reached your target weight?' Zac asked, the first time he had mentioned the gym the whole time they had been there.

'Yeah, 120lbs at long last', Anna said, feeling a little embarrassed of her body still, next to this gorgeous hunk of a man.

'I hope that means you're going to have some proper food tonight then?' Zac asked, with a cheeky look on his face.

Anna found herself ordering one of the greasiest meals on the menu, followed by a huge pudding. Zac seemed to be genuinely pleased for her. 'You deserve it. You worked hard in the gym. It's about time you got to enjoy yourself' he smiled, giving Anna butterflies in her stomach. How was this perfect guy interested in her?

When the bill came, Zac scooped it up immediately and went off to pay, not giving Anna any time to protest. When he returned, Anna thanked him and offered to buy him a drink at a bar. Zac simply shook his head and asked Anna if she would like to go for a walk with him instead.

The pair got their coats and left, Anna staring at Zac's beautiful, peachy ass as he walked just ahead of her so he could hold the door open for her.

The park was fairly quiet, it was getting late. Anna couldn't believe it when Zac took her hand and walked with her through the beautiful gardens. It was too good to be true.

At last, they came to a bench and sat down next to each other. They were sitting so close that Anna could smell his delicious aftershave and feel the heat pumping out his muscular body. Zac lay a warm hand on Anna's leg. At that moment, Anna would have done anything for him. Was it genuinely possible to fall in love with someone this quickly?

After Zac made a hilarious joke and smiled broadly with happiness at having made Anna laugh so much, Anna asked him, genuinely puzzled: 'How are you still single?'

Zac looked a little awkward at the question and stopped looking at Anna in the face. 'Well, I'm looking for the right girl'.

'You could have any girl you wanted!' Anna pointed out, laughing. It was no joke though; Zac could absolutely have any woman he wanted with his handsome face, beautiful body and unyielding charm.

'Ha, thank you. But, no. It's not as simple as that. If I thought you'd say yes, I'd ask you out properly in a second. I think you're wonderful. But, I have a few... kinks, that most people would not like so much', he muttered sheepishly.

Anna couldn't believe that Zac really wanted to date her. To be her boyfriend! But, there was something in the way. 'Ah yes, the kinks!' Anna said enthusiastically. She'd been curious the entire evening to find out what they were. She'd already decided to go along with whatever it was, there was no way she was letting Zac go. 'What are they exactly?'
12 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 2 years
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Karenjenk 3 years
I love the progression and descriptions. she is so alive and i can see her just giving up on the gym.
Though i wish you woiuld continue this is great as it is.
Thank you for sharing your talent!
Kane24 5 years
Hope you continue this is great!
Nok 5 years
awesome story all over, great writing and relationship, but I esp. loved ch. 9, felt so naught and real, tentative but utterly sexy
Wadegain 6 years
I’m loving this story!
Jazzman 6 years
Weight gain or regain pace is Just Right! Very Hot but also realistic. Great Story
Theswordsman 6 years
I like how serious the relationship is
Jazzman 6 years
Chapter 4 is even better.Wow what a story! And I like having just two characters.
DawnofBleach 6 years
I am incredibly hooked. You NEED to keep writing!
Jazzman 6 years
So well written.A Marvelous Story!
Karenjenk 6 years
Besotted.... cooool

i love this... please continue
Tablesofacha... 6 years
Please please continue!!
Pretty please???
CakesInCambr... 6 years
Yeah, this is a gorgeous set up. Good work.
Jazzman 6 years
Well executed prose and character development! And such a Marvelous Plot loaded with Potential!