Dating a feeder

Chapter 12 - final chapter

Just when Anna felt like her whole world might come tumbling down, Zac took her hand in his. 'Yes. Of course it would be alright if you wanted to lose weight!' he smiled with concern, sensing how nervous she was to ask. 'I'm here for you, whatever you want'.

Anna felt a huge rush of love flow through her and it was lucky that, at that moment, she just happened to glance up at the clock. The competition was in an hour! 'Mind if we stop by your gym this morning?' asked Anna. 'I'd like to take up a membership again', she lied once more.

Zac drove her to the gym, walking by the nearby restaurant where a huge crowd was gathering outside. 'What's going on?' asked Anna, pretending not to know and heading inside where Zac followed blindly.

Inside, the crowd cheered as Anna collected her entrance number and went up on to the top table along with the other guys and girls, eager to get started. Zac looked at her from the back of the room, confused. 'Just sit down' Anna laughed.

A minute later, all the contestants were in place; all ten of them. The guy on the microphone was introducing them all, until at last he announced Anna.

'And our local town resident who will be competing today is Anna!' The crowd cheered. 'She's a cookery lover who weighs in at over 350lbs!' The crowd cheered, whilst Zac looked open mouthed. He didn't know Anna had put on 20lbs in the last month.

'3...2...1 and GO!' shouted the man on the microphone a few minutes later. Anna tore into the pies with all of the hunger she had. Before she knew it, she was two pies down. She didn't even look up at the crowd or glance to her side to see how her competitors were doing. She just kept on eating as much as she could. By the time she felt satisfied, she'd lost count of how many she had had. By the time she felt full, she could sense the guys either side of her starting to slow down. And by the time the half hour whistle blew, Anna felt more stuffed than she had ever felt in her life. She looked down and saw her bloated stomach falling out of her t shirt and didn't know if she would ever be able to stand upright again.

The man with the microphone announced the order the contestants had come in. Surprisingly, the only other person as large as Anna, a man in his early 50s, had come last, eating only eight pies. Gradually the commentator eliminated the contestants one-by one. Anna's heart bursting with delight as she wasn't placed fifth, fourth or even third. Zac was going to be so pleased with her. It was the perfect anniversary present.

'And the winner of this year's pie eating competition quite some considerable margin....ANNA!' The crowd blew up right in front of her. It had been years since some home-grown talent had taken the pie eating contest crown.

Zac flew up to the top table, whilst the staff cleared away the tables and the other competitors moved away. Then the large table in front of Anna was carried off, leaving her beached in her chair as the huge crowd gathered around her.

At that moment, Zac went down on his knee. 'I'd been meaning to save this for tonight' he said, over the noise of the crowd. 'But I think now is the perfect moment'. He pulled out a small box and opened it up in front of Anna, her mouth still covered in gravy. 'Anna. Will you marry me?'

Anna was stunned as she sat there with her belly fat on show, a handsome hunk on his knees in front of everyone.

'Yes', she grunted, stunned.

The whole room erupted once more as Zac stood up and leaned in for a huge, gravy-covered kiss, unable to resist just a little squeeze of Anna's overhanging belly on the way.

'Smile for the camera!' shouted a photographer.

SNAP. There in full colour, for everyone to see, was a fat, greedy Anna with her beautiful feeder fiancé. What could be more perfect?
12 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 2 years
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Karenjenk 3 years
I love the progression and descriptions. she is so alive and i can see her just giving up on the gym.
Though i wish you woiuld continue this is great as it is.
Thank you for sharing your talent!
Kane24 5 years
Hope you continue this is great!
Nok 5 years
awesome story all over, great writing and relationship, but I esp. loved ch. 9, felt so naught and real, tentative but utterly sexy
Wadegain 5 years
I’m loving this story!
Jazzman 6 years
Weight gain or regain pace is Just Right! Very Hot but also realistic. Great Story
Theswordsman 6 years
I like how serious the relationship is
Jazzman 6 years
Chapter 4 is even better.Wow what a story! And I like having just two characters.
DawnofBleach 6 years
I am incredibly hooked. You NEED to keep writing!
Jazzman 6 years
So well written.A Marvelous Story!
Karenjenk 6 years
Besotted.... cooool

i love this... please continue
Tablesofacha... 6 years
Please please continue!!
Pretty please???
CakesInCambr... 6 years
Yeah, this is a gorgeous set up. Good work.
Jazzman 6 years
Well executed prose and character development! And such a Marvelous Plot loaded with Potential!