Dating a feeder

chapter 4

The lie in the next day felt amazing. Anna couldn't get over her luck as she rolled over and already saw two flirtatious texts from Zac, lamenting about how much fun he had last night. Anna felt so happy, she decided there and then to have the most fattening day that she could. She would gorge and eat like she had never allowed herself before. And so, whilst they texted back and forth all day, arranging their next date, Anna set about experiencing all of the tasty delights she had been denying herself these last few months. By the morning of their next date, a couple of days later, Anna was already back up 5lbs.

'Hello there' said a smooth Zac, leaning in for a kiss as he picked Anna up from her front door. 'Ready for the best date of your life?' he asked, outstretching his arm to display his car, waiting to carry them both off somewhere. It was a large four-wheel drive that sat high up and suited a muscular stud like Zac perfectly.

Zac opened the car door for her and jogged around to the other side to drive. Once inside, he sighed happily and placed a warm hand on her knee. 'I've been looking forward to taking you out all week,' he smiled. 'I can't wait to spoil you rotten!' he went on, leaning in for a kiss. Anna had expected a small peck, but instead, Zac gave her a deep, passionate kiss that would have made her knees buckle, were she not already sat down. No guy had ever kissed her like Zac.

Zac took Anna on a fantastic road trip, seeing the sights that Anna had never got around to visiting since she moved to the area. All day, Zac ensured that Anna was well fed and likewise, Anna was sure to accept any offer of food so that she could show Zac how committed she was to indulging his kink, as well as her own appetite. It was amazing going around all the different places and watching other girls checking Zac out, whilst he only had eyes for her.

It was a hot day and Zac soon took his shirt off as they went walking about the coast. Anna could hardly believe how perfect his body was; his huge shoulders, tight stomach and toned pecs; not to mention the fact that Zac had excellent posture that made him look even taller and broader. And here she was, holding his hand!

'Can I get you another ice cream?' Zac asked sweetly after pulling her in for an impromptu kiss on the harbour in front of a crowd on onlookers. Anna didn't refuse.

By the time their date was over, Anna's tummy felt considerably more swollen. Zac leaned in for a goodnight kiss, both of them still sat in his car. He placed his warm hand on Anna's thigh and kissed her once more, with more passion than Anna had ever felt in her life. She grinned as Zac pulled back slightly to stare into her eyes. He looked just as besotted as she was. Then Anna picked up Zac's hand from her thigh and placed it on her swollen stomach, making Zac's eyes widen and sparkle with delight.

'Is this what every date with you is like?' Anna asked.

'Yes' whispered a smitten Zac, allowing himself to gently rub the swollen belly.

'Good, I'd hoped you say that' smiled Anna, kissing Zac goodbye one last time before getting out of the car to head back inside.
12 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 2 years
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Karenjenk 3 years
I love the progression and descriptions. she is so alive and i can see her just giving up on the gym.
Though i wish you woiuld continue this is great as it is.
Thank you for sharing your talent!
Kane24 5 years
Hope you continue this is great!
Nok 5 years
awesome story all over, great writing and relationship, but I esp. loved ch. 9, felt so naught and real, tentative but utterly sexy
Wadegain 6 years
I’m loving this story!
Jazzman 6 years
Weight gain or regain pace is Just Right! Very Hot but also realistic. Great Story
Theswordsman 6 years
I like how serious the relationship is
Jazzman 6 years
Chapter 4 is even better.Wow what a story! And I like having just two characters.
DawnofBleach 6 years
I am incredibly hooked. You NEED to keep writing!
Jazzman 6 years
So well written.A Marvelous Story!
Karenjenk 6 years
Besotted.... cooool

i love this... please continue
Tablesofacha... 6 years
Please please continue!!
Pretty please???
CakesInCambr... 6 years
Yeah, this is a gorgeous set up. Good work.
Jazzman 6 years
Well executed prose and character development! And such a Marvelous Plot loaded with Potential!