Dating a feeder

chapter 8

Getting ready for Zac's Christmas party was just the incentive Anna needed to try and push herself over 200lbs. She loved the ritual each morning of Zac bringing her the scales to stand on and looking keenly at the number as it had crept up: 191lbs...195lbs...198lbs... Anna longed to see it almost as much as Zac.

Finally, on the morning of the party, Anna stepped on the scales, after a particularly greedy session the day before, to find her new weight was... 201lbs.

'You've done it!' Zac exclaimed happily as she stepped off. He kissed her passionately, placing his fingers on his new favourite spot, under her fat belly where it was starting to roll out.

The whole day felt like Anna's birthday. Unbeknown to her, Zac had been buying her little treats for weeks, waiting for the day she hit 200lbs. Anna lapped it all up, enjoying the fuss. She didn't even get dressed until well past midday. Then Zac insisted on taking her out to buy her a new outfit that she could wear tonight. And so, off they went, hand in hand to the mall.

Unlike most men, Zac seemed to love waiting outside the changing room to see his girlfriend come out in a new outfit. In the end, it came down to two hot little dresses. 'You decide...' Anna offered him.

'I like the red one best,' Zac replied, almost instantly. Anna chuckled inwardly. She could have guessed as much. The red dress made her ass look generously fat and round compared to the other one.

'Anna!' gushed Crystal, one of the gym instructors, at the Christmas party. 'We've missed seeing you down at the gym. Where have you been?'

Zac was standing beside her rubbing her chubby ass from behind where no one else could see. 'I've just been busy' she said simply. She had liked Crystal back when she had been going to the gym, but now she had heard from Zac about the endless amount of times she had tried to come on to him, even since he had been dating Anna. With her trim little physique and skinny butt, Crystal just didn't have what Zac wanted in a woman.

Zac led Anna around the room where the gym staff were all celebrating, his hand firmly holding on to his fattening girlfriend. At only a blubbery 201lbs, Anna was already the fattest person there by a mile. They sat down for their meal, Zac handing over extras from his plate for all the staff to see as Anna tucked in, gorging on all of the fattening foods.

Later on they stood to the side of the bar as Crystal and Gemma, another trainer, came over to speak to them. They were a little more intoxicated now and open to speaking their mind. Anna could sense that both of them were more than a little jealous that she had Zac by her side and, by the looks on their faces, neither of them considered her worthy of him.

'So how long have you two been going out now?' asked Crystal, sugar-coating her bitter tongue.

'Four months' Zac said proudly, circling Anna's ass with his hand from behind.

'And are you coming back to join us at the gym in the new year?' Gemma asked Anna directly, with a super-fast, discreet glance at Anna's belly.

'Oh, no, I don't think so. It's not really my thing', Anna replied. It wasn't a lie; the gym had never really been her thing.

Crystal and Gemma tried hard not to look at Anna's blossoming belly.

'No, Anna prefers cooking and less active stuff, don't you?' Zac continued. 'The gym is a bit boring for you isn't it princess?'

Anna nodded, feeling Zac's hand move up from her ass to slowly tug, ever so slightly, on the back of her dress, straining the fabric carefully at the front as she stood there in front of Crystal and Gemma, who were still trying not to stare. The effect must have been making Anna's belly very hard not to look at indeed.

'You love food don't you?' Zac continued. 'You're always cooking up something tasty in the kitchen'. Anna just nodded, it wasn't exactly true, Zac was the cook at home, but he seemed to be enjoying showing her off none-the-less. 'I think you've probably undone all of the work you put in at the gym last Spring, haven't you?' Zac asked, knowing full well that Anna was a lot heavier than when she joined the gym in the first place.

'Yeah...' admitted Anna, placing a chubby hand on her stomach '...I have put on a fair bit recently'.

Zac couldn't wait to get Anna home that night and after a perfect hour of sex, the pair finally lay down, smooching.

'You were fantastic tonight Anna' he cooed. 'I'm so proud of my princess. I want to show the whole world!'

'Thanks. I loved it, being shown off by you. It makes me look forward to next year'.

'Next year?' asked Zac, confused.

'Well, when we go to the next Christmas party and I'm a lot bigger. Look at how much I've gained in the last seven months' she said, grabbing a roll of her fat and giving it a jiggle. 'Just imagine what another full year of being with you will do to me'
Zac's penis was already upright again. He was clearly imagining it, just like Anna was.
12 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 2 years
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Karenjenk 3 years
I love the progression and descriptions. she is so alive and i can see her just giving up on the gym.
Though i wish you woiuld continue this is great as it is.
Thank you for sharing your talent!
Kane24 5 years
Hope you continue this is great!
Nok 5 years
awesome story all over, great writing and relationship, but I esp. loved ch. 9, felt so naught and real, tentative but utterly sexy
Wadegain 6 years
I’m loving this story!
Jazzman 6 years
Weight gain or regain pace is Just Right! Very Hot but also realistic. Great Story
Theswordsman 6 years
I like how serious the relationship is
Jazzman 6 years
Chapter 4 is even better.Wow what a story! And I like having just two characters.
DawnofBleach 6 years
I am incredibly hooked. You NEED to keep writing!
Jazzman 6 years
So well written.A Marvelous Story!
Karenjenk 6 years
Besotted.... cooool

i love this... please continue
Tablesofacha... 6 years
Please please continue!!
Pretty please???
CakesInCambr... 6 years
Yeah, this is a gorgeous set up. Good work.
Jazzman 6 years
Well executed prose and character development! And such a Marvelous Plot loaded with Potential!