Dating a feeder

chapter 10

Christmas was especially fattening with Zac catering to Anna's every need and the winter months passed with Anna enjoying the excuse to laze around at home in the warm. By Spring she had made it to 240lbs with a full stomach on her that formed two clear rolls when she sat down. Zac lovingly took her out for new clothes, ensuring his girlfriend was always well-dressed and comfortable.

'Surprisingly, it wasn't until Anna started to get close to 250lbs that people started to stare as Zac was affectionate towards her in public. Anna now had a large, bulbous backside on her that Zac could hardly take his hands off. When people would point, trying to be subtle, Anna would notice and whisper to Zac: 'I think they can see that you're a feeder-type'.

Zac would then immediately look around for them, smiling and squeezing Anna's overfed ass. 'Oh man, I hope so' he would say, lust dripping from his voice.

'We're off to the beach with some of my gym friends this weekend' Zac announced cheerily, a couple of months later.

Anna grumbled. 'Oh I dunno. I've never really liked the beach all that much. I'm more of an indoor girl.'

'Oh, come on. What's not to love?' he asked stripping off his shirt and moving towards Anna. 'I'll be in my tight little swim trunks all day long and it means I get to take you out to buy you a nice, new swimming costume.' Then he leaned in for a kiss, placing a strong hand on her wide backside. Zac always did know how to play her.

That weekend, Zac's muscular friends tried not to stare as Zac helped a very hefty Anna, take off her t-shirt and rub sun cream into her smooth, soft body. Anna chuckled to herself. Zac just wanted to show off his newly obese girlfriend again. All of the freshly fattened curves and creases.

Throughout the day, Zac went back and forth collecting snacks for Anna who sat there in all her fat glory, under the shade; the other young guys energetically running around playing volleyball and going in for a swim. Every couple of minutes, Zac would stare back lovingly at his fat girlfriend still gorging on the snacks and sodas she had been given.

If it was possible, Zac looked even sexier these days. He had been working incredibly hard on his own body, trying to stay in shape and even bulk up his shoulders a bit more. Occasionally, when he was overcome with lust, he would talk about trying to get stronger to handle his massive girlfriend when she was bigger... fatter. Anna loved that.

But Anna knew how to play him just as much. She sat there, devouring every last thing he had prepared for her in the picnic box. She knew that the more she ate, the hornier he would get, especially since she had an audience of fellow jocks today; not to mention the fact that most of her body was on display in the tight costume Zac had bought for her last week.

It was coming to the end of the day and Anna had rarely felt more stuffed. She had eaten everything in the box and sat there, holding her stomach uncomfortably. She wondered how she would get up off the beach; she certainly wouldn't be able to do it without Zac's help. She gasped a little, it was hard to breathe being this full; then she rubbed her distended belly. She had never seen it this big before.

"Zac!" she called out, as he was busy chatting to his friends. "Can we go soon?"

Zac turned around, looking proudly at her. "Yes, princess?"

Anna felt a little devious. "I'm starving," she lied. "I'm all out of snacks. Can we stop somewhere on the way home?" Then, to finish off, she rubbed her gut and picked the crumbs from her fourth sandwich off the shelf of her large breasts.

Everyone in the group watched her, all astonished that she was still hungry.

Anna, looked up briefly and smiled to herself. The outline of Zac's erect penis was there to see in his tight swim trunks. "Sure babe," he called, a little awkwardly, pretending to need to sit down and shake sand out of his flip-flops until things calmed down in his crotch.

"Did I make you proud today?" Anna asked on the way home.

"Very proud," smiled Zac, taking her hand warmly as he steered.

"You passed the doughnut place!" shouted Anna suddenly, seeing her favourite snack bar whizz by.

"You were serious about being hungry?" asked Zac, dumbfounded.

"No, but that was twenty minutes ago. These things change. You can spin around just over there."
12 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 2 years
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Karenjenk 3 years
I love the progression and descriptions. she is so alive and i can see her just giving up on the gym.
Though i wish you woiuld continue this is great as it is.
Thank you for sharing your talent!
Kane24 5 years
Hope you continue this is great!
Nok 5 years
awesome story all over, great writing and relationship, but I esp. loved ch. 9, felt so naught and real, tentative but utterly sexy
Wadegain 6 years
I’m loving this story!
Jazzman 6 years
Weight gain or regain pace is Just Right! Very Hot but also realistic. Great Story
Theswordsman 6 years
I like how serious the relationship is
Jazzman 6 years
Chapter 4 is even better.Wow what a story! And I like having just two characters.
DawnofBleach 6 years
I am incredibly hooked. You NEED to keep writing!
Jazzman 6 years
So well written.A Marvelous Story!
Karenjenk 6 years
Besotted.... cooool

i love this... please continue
Tablesofacha... 6 years
Please please continue!!
Pretty please???
CakesInCambr... 6 years
Yeah, this is a gorgeous set up. Good work.
Jazzman 6 years
Well executed prose and character development! And such a Marvelous Plot loaded with Potential!