The boss’s daughter

Chapter 2 - distractions

You know, it would be much easier to keep my mind off of Elizabeth if she wasn't up my ass every day. Not that I don't enjoy her company, and not that she can help it either. Peter told her to train me to make food, after all. She's constantly babbling in my ear or leaning over to point to the right ingredients and oh god... whenever she's right up against me like that all I can think about is how much I want to ruin her. Fuck.

Luckily, I learned that she's in track so it's not as if my wandering eye will ever be tantalized by her plumping up if she's running off any extra pounds. Thank god.

As I'm getting better and better at doing my job, I'm able to devote more and more time to staring at Alyssa's ass. I'm not the most subtle, so I've been caught more than a few times. Not that Alyssa seems to mind. More and more she's been throwing glances my way to see if I'm checking her out. Surprise, surprise! I always am. One of the perks of working here.

Fortunately, I'm a well built guy. Abs, pecs, biceps, the works. I'm only around 150 lbs at 6 foot so I'm more lean than bulky. Not a bad look, though, and Alyssa seems to like it.

A few weeks into working at Senza's and I'm finally able to break free from Elizabeth. My forbidden fruit itch was getting annoying. Alyssa and I have gotten closer, at least, openly flirting any chance we get. I still can't believe that a girl with so much junk in her trunk would grace me with the time of day. She's damn good at her job, too. Whenever there's a lull in business, she's baking up cinnamon rolls, brown sugar bacon pizza, and a whole assortment of treats for the crew. As much as I'd love to partake, I get more out of watching the girls chow down. I wish business would be slower more often; I could watch them eat all fucking day.

As we've grown closer, I've learned more and more about Alyssa. She has her own place nearby (score!) and, as I suspected, she goes to the gym a few times a week. That must be how she's grown her ass so damn big Although I'm thankful, I would still love to see her let go. She's just on the brink of having a belly. So damn close. At least she hasn't been doing arm day; they're as heavy and jiggly as ever. Let's see if I can get the rest of her to follow... looks like I have a summer project.

Now that I'm thoroughly trained, I figure I can slack a bit without too much issue, right? The occasional employee pizza is a good start, but I'll need a constant stream of food into my coworkers' mouths if I want to make any progress with Alyssa. If a few of the other girls put on a few extra pounds, I definitely won't complain.

Every so often I began to double make pizzas or purposefully fuck them up. Not anything too crucial or noticeable, of course. And any extra pizzas would be sent back to the employees. More importantly, sent back to Alyssa. This didn't come without a price, however. I worked every second of my shift to make sure Alyssa had absolutely nothing to do but stuff her face. As I said, she was good at her job, a veteran. But she was still young, and who wouldn't rather be gorging on pizza rather than working? It wasn't enough, though. This was just the beginning.

In addition to free food, employees got all they could drink from the soda fountain. I despised the stuff; water is really all I drink. But the girls seemed to love their soda. So much so that I felt more than justified in refilling their cups of my own volition. Just being a helpful coworker, yeah? They all appeared delighted to have me waiting on them, and I certainly loved watching them guzzling down cup after cup of pure sugar. The heat didn't do anything to help abate their thirst, but we needed to kick things up a notch.

Unfortunately for my soon to be growing girls, the cord to the industrial fan ended up mysteriously and badly frayed. Can't imagine what kind of monster would do such a thing. The summer heat and the multitude of ovens left my coworkers panting, sweaty, and thirstier than ever. More often than not I would find them in the back, pressed against the windows, trying to catch a breeze as they gulped down their sodas and bit down on slice after slice of greasy pizza. I was more than content to steal glances of them as I ran the shop. They were on their way to becoming good little piggies.

It didn't take much to ask Alyssa out on a date. After all, we had been blatantly flirting for over a month, so I approached her after work. "Hey babe, what days are you free next week?"
"Well, I work about every night, hon. What did you have in mind?"
"I was thinking breakfast? We're both free mornings, and I'd love to see you outside a pizzeria," I laughed.
"True, true! I'm at the gym Tuesday and Thursday morning, but aside from that I'm all yours."
"Shit," I lied through my teeth, "I only have those two days open this week. It's not a big deal, babe. I'm sure something will work out."
Alyssa paused, "It's just the one date, right?"
"Who said anything about a date?" I teased, as I closed the gap between us.
She hit me playfully, "Oh shut up! I can skip one day at the gym. But you better be paying for breakfast!"
"I wouldn't have it any other way," I grinned wolfishly. "I'll see you Tuesday." Sweet, sweet progress.

It was the first time I had seen her outside of work. When I swung by to pick up Alyssa from her apartment, I was greeted to the sight of her in a bright yellow flowing sundress. The billowing fabric (fortunately) did little to conceal her curves. The cloth hung loosely off her perky, round tits only to wrap tightly around her juicy thighs and oh so wide ass. I could almost see the individual cheeks, plump and heavy yet impossibly tight. Gravity defyingly so.

"Do you like?" She spun as she said this, giving me a torturingly quick glimpse of that smooth, round ass. I wanted nothing more than to sink my fingers into all that flesh. "You're drop dead gorgeous love." I was almost drooling. "You better be hungry, I'm treating you to quite the breakfast."

I knew just the place: The Melt. Their gourmet grilled cheese was so rich and so absolutely packed that you could gain ten pounds just from smelling it. We were seated quickly and I squirmed as I watched Alyssa's bare ass and thighs spread across the seat. Each cheek reached the edge of the chair, dangerously close to hanging over. By the time summer was over I'd see to it that she needed two chairs to seat her massive backside.

Alyssa nearly had an aneurysm when the waiter handed her a menu. "Holy shit, so many options!"
"They're all pretty safe, honestly. You really can't go wrong," I replied.
"Should I do a whole sandwich, or half?"
"Oh, whole, definitely! You won't want to stop eating. The food is insane."
"But... I mean, I am skipping the gym for this, Michael."
"Tell you what. Indulge today, and Thursday we can hit the gym together. I'll keep you in line," I winked.
"Oh no, I'm sure you'd be more of a distraction than anything," she smiled as her voiced turned husky.
"Well then, there's only one way to find out."
"Fine," she acquiesced, "the gym gets kinda lonely anyways. You won't make half bad company."
Things were going better than imagined. God, it was almost too easy. I'd make sure she didn't even break a sweat. I grinned. "Let's order."

Holy shit holy shit holy shit. I could finally see the outline of a budding belly in her sundress. She was bloated beyond belief. "Oh fuck, baby, I think I've overdone it," she gasped as her hands pawed lazily at her distended stomach. "It was worth it though, right? Besides, it's probably just all that cheese making you feel heavy. It was just one sandwich, babe."
"C'mon babe, that thing was huge! What was I thinking?"
"Oh hush, my little cousins could outeat you. Trust me, you just need something to cleanse the pallet, that's all."
"Oh no, you don't mean dessert, do you? No fucking way."
"I had something else in mind. Let's swing by my place."

I helped her to her feet, she almost seemed in pain. But her discomfort was more than worth it to be able to watch her waddle, belly tight as a drum, back to my car. The bloat had caused the sundress to ride up just a little bit. As I lagged behind, I watched her jiggling ass cheeks peek out from under the raised dress. With each heavy step she took they bounced rhythmically, causing the fleshy thighs beneath to vibrate wildly. But she was too delirious from stuffing herself to even notice me looking.
26 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 2 years
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Insanity2222 6 years
Great story so far, can't wait to see where you go with it
Rimtech 6 years
Fantastic story, love the way you've written it. Please write more!
Theswordsman 6 years
I like how you mention all the other girls growth please continue
Matteo 6 years
Plushush 6 years
Thanks Jazzman! This story is actually based on real people (and the occasional real experience) which is why I've included the characters I did. Although I admit it is a little ambitious for my first story. Another chapter is in the works!
Jazzman 6 years
Very nice writing.I always prefer less characters even though my own biggest story had like 12! Lol I like this story a Lot!
Boomer 6 years
You have me interested, keep writing.
Flavor42000 6 years
I'm loving this story.
Ktm909 6 years
Omg this is amazing, please keep going with this i cant wait to see how the story develops and what might happen to the boss daughter!
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