The boss’s daughter

Chapter 14 - checking in

I had been thankful that our commotion hadn't roused Alyssa's family. I figured both her parents had fallen deep into the clutches of a food coma. Alice had been drowning out reality with music or movies or whatnot, as I often did to escape the rest of the world. Those were my assumptions at the time, at least.

Either way, we were off scot-free. Alyssa and I had cuddled up in her upstairs bedroom, kept intact even after she moved out, and browsed Netflix wordlessly until I left. We had still been coming down hard from our, as you say, eye opening experience, so I hadn't wanted to push it. I had her in the palm of my hand. Why worry about the nitty gritty just yet?

I returned to the shop after my eventful weekend and almost immediately I noticed a shift in the mood. It was as if the tense undertones that had been present previously, the denial of the state of things, had entirely dissipated. Well, almost, at least.

Alyssa had, obviously, surrendered herself to both my influences and her own damned genes. Her awkward, frustrated waddle had become more calculated; she was adjusting to her increasing weight. It was now rare to see her without a tray of goodies or a slice of pizza in hand. Her unabashed embrace of her piggishness, ironically, lifted a great weight from her shoulders. With every treat that passed her greedy lips it felt like she was trying to impress me and outdo her own gluttony.

Laci still orbited Madeline, although I thought the smaller bodies were meant to be the moons, but I wasn't complaining. The one difference I did notice, however, was that Laci spent much more time in the cooler sneaking snacks since the day I caught her, daring me to stumble upon her red handed again.

It was undeniable that her ever increasing ventures to the cooler were accelerating her gain. Over the course of each shift her tummy would gradually swell as she snuck snacks until it oozed out of her already straining uniform. She had stopped wearing bras as well, likely in desperate need for ones that actually fit, and her breasts jostled freely as she moved about the shop.

The only way she was able to get away with such blatant slobbishness was by concealing herself with a long, dark work apron. While it sadly obscured most of my view and kept her modest, from the side I was allowed a fleeting glance of her exposed belly and rock hard nipples straining against her clothes.

The apron did not, however, hide her backside. While it was nowhere near the volume of Alyssa's, the flesh was expanding outwards inch by inch in a desire to jut out from her once svelte frame. Having no shelf to speak of, her ass compensated by allocating any newfound mass to the bottoms of her hanging cheeks, transforming her ass into an enlarged, upside-down heart shape.

She rarely wore shorts now that she had run into the same issue as Alyssa: her swelling tush turned them into, essentially, panties. The end of summer was nearing and that meant the weather was cooling down. Laci would need more than her thinning tights and shrinking shorts once Fall hit, and I was certain her old jeans were out of commission. Hopefully she had plenty of loose sweatpants set aside, but I doubted they'd be roomy on her now. For the time being, I enjoyed watching her eat herself out of her skinny clothes, completely oblivious to the looming consequences.

Madeline, much to my chagrin, was still resisting what I would ensure to be inevitable for her. I imagined she still hit the gym; there wasn't a pocket of cellulite to be seen on her milky white skin. Her uniform fit, her mobility was unimpeded, but... I wondered how long her exercises could outpace her appetite and, for that matter, Laci.

Laci's prolonged snack trips meant her fattening presence had become a little more scarcer for Madeline. It also meant that she brought back more snacks more often to her little protege. Quality over quantity, I suppose.

I also noticed she was bringing snacks of her own to add to my stockpile, and I appreciated her covert assistance. In fact, whenever she was with Madeline she only seemed to talk of gossip and food, but mostly food. New treats she'd picked up, new flavors Madeline JUST had to try, the new ice cream parlor that had opened up down the street.

As Laci prattled on day by day I could see Madeline squirm, futilely attempting to suppress her appetite. Some days, Laci would even drag her into the cooler when the shop was empty. How I wished to see Laci goad Madeline to shove treat after treat into her face.

My only reward was watching the aftermath. A triumphant Laci would lead a gorged Madeline staggering out of the cooler, face flushed, stomach clutched, and lips dripping with creamy goodness. She'd shamble through the rest of her shift, knowing deep down that she had spoiled the fruits of her morning exercise.

The results were gradual, but noticeable. Madeline breasts, outlined clearly in her shirt, were pouring up and out of their cups. Her assets were leagues away from Laci's own flopping milk jugs, but impressive nonetheless.

Her ass also paled in comparison to Alyssa's in terms of sheer size, but her exercises kept them round and smooth like twin medicine balls. Madeline's cheeks, however, were much more jiggly. I loved watching them slosh and sway in the confines of her yoga pants.

They were still too small, though, and despite her progress I had hoped to see Madeline's ass double in size by now. She was getting close, but her resistance began to irritate me.

Madeline's stomach had given in to an extent, at least. Her abs were already long gone, but the flat softness of her midriff was slowly pooling out. The beginnings of a belly were emerging, but I could only catch the briefest of peeks while she had her shirt on. Her tits occupied most of the fabric, so whenever she attempted to reach up to grab a dish or pan or utensil, I could see her pooching belly and budding love handles. God, I couldn't wait to break her resolve

Then there was the one I couldn't touch:

26 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 2 years
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Cagor21 1 month
Biggest cliffhanger literally lol 😅 Hope it gets finished eventually
Lemmon 1 year
Hope this story continues one day it's been great
BulletSpire 2 years
Hope this gets updated
Urlacher127 2 years
Best story on this site, hope it gets finished someday
Xandercroft 4 years
Right on the cliffhanger. D'oh!
GrowingLoveH... 4 years
This story is exquisite. Thank you for writing it. I’m just a few chapters in. It’s wonderful.
ChrisBsmurfin 4 years
This the end dude or have we got a serious case of writers block?
ChrisBsmurfin 4 years
What a moment of clarity 😁😏
ChrisBsmurfin 4 years
Michael is like the quintessential feeder...
To any feeders out there we have all struggled with these emotions/characteristics!
Xandercroft 5 years
frostmoarn hungers
Xandercroft 5 years
Fa7h15101 5 years
Hell yes. More Alyssa please!
Plushush 5 years
I plan to give every main character a fully resolved story arc, although that will take some time. Alice is more of a side character, but if you guys like her I might do a spin off from her POV!
Plushush 5 years
Thank you all for the encouragement! I'm also glad to get back to Alyssa smiley We'll have some quality time with her before we return to Laci and Madeline's arc for a bit. I try to give all my characters some spotlight!
AndiFive 5 years
please continue with this story as soon as possible, by far this is the best story that exists here.
Shield 5 years
Really hoping to see this continue, but I respect if something has come up! One of my GOAT WG stories!
Katkatkatkatkat 5 years
This might be my favorite story ever, and it just keeps getting better and better.
Eponymous 5 years
This is a great story in a lot of ways, but I think that what I like best about it is how clear your descriptions are. You give us such a wonderful sense as to what these women look like, and as to what their overeating does to their poor bodies.
Whoskins01 5 years
One of my favorite what stories ever please keep adding new chapters
Xandercroft 5 years
Also voting for a continuation smiley
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