The boss’s daughter

Chapter 17 - breaking ground

Had my head been clear after I completed my shift, I might have been disappointed by the disparity between Alyssa's house and Laci. She was by no means poor, but most buildings would pale in comparison to the Harper's mansion, so I wouldn't have been daunted by her middle class standing regardless. Not every oinker can be filthy rich and spoiled rotten. Although that was my type, I was never in this for money. I just wanted those girls huge.

Such thoughts, however, were only whispers in the back of my mind. Laci's shift had ended hours before my own and I had been stuck stewing in my own lust, eager to get the fuck out of the shop and, hopefully, into Laci's pants. There was only one thing on my mind as I approached Laci's home.

Almost, one, that is.

What about Alyssa? She must have thought we were exclusive; who wouldn't? All in all, though, she was just another piggy being fattened for the proverbial slaughter. Despite my own attempts to convince myself of that, pangs of guilt still echoed in the recesses of my mind. I mean, I may have met Alyssa's parents and jump started the deterioration of the body she was sculpting, but all is fair in love and war, right?

Well, at this point it was more like lust and cupcakes, but to each their own.

Still, I had laid claim to the formerly fit girls of that pizzeria the moment I stepped into that shop; I wasn't going to let a fledgling relationship interfere with my conquest. Alyssa had grown on me, undeniably, but I needed to see each and every one of my projects through to the end. There could be some kind of future with her, but not now. Not yet. There was still so much work to be done.

I pulled out my phone as I approached the door, shooting Laci a text to alert her of my presence. My eyes swept across the house's flat brick facade, searching wantonly for something, anything, to distract from my itch for sex.

It was, essentially, a two story box. Aside from the four white pillars that lined the front, the house was completely unembellished. It almost reminded me of a giant tombstone, perhaps to commemorate the death of Laci's thin body. I snickered, but my witty self indulgence was interrupted by an excited squeal.

"Miiiiiiichael! You made it! I missed you sooooo much!"

Laci had thrown open the front door, standing before me in all her chubby glory, warm light streaming out from behind her. I secretly wished her form eclipsed the door entirely, but again, there was plenty of progress to be made.

I was still thankful to see her outside her uniform, bereft of the protection of that damn apron. It had obviously been the only thing left that could have fit her fattened frame, and she hadn't bothered to buy herself anything she could squeeze into.

I kicked myself for, in my horny mania, expecting her to open the door decked out in ill fitting lingerie. Her initial text had flung my mind into the most outlandish sexual fantasies, and I had only marinated in them in the three long hours that had passed since.

No matter. Despite Laci being clad in mere pajamas, she was still a sight to behold. Her clothes would have been much more at home on her fit, cheerleader figure. But now? They hardly covered much of anything.

Her tight, white tank top worked better as a makeshift bra, as it failed to cover even an inch of her pale, protruding belly. Her tits sagged toward her stomach, pulling the fabric tight, and, even in the dark of the outdoors, I could see her nipples poking through. No lingerie, granted, but I was blessed to see her braless. It was a trade I could live with.

She also had a pretty cute pair of hot pink pajama shorts on, but these too were mostly useless. The white orb of her belly hung just enough over the waistband to obscure it, and what little of her shorts I could see battled against her bulging thighs. If only summer would never end, but tragically I knew she would have to buy more modest clothes once school began again.

"Get in silly," she slurred, "we've been waiting for you."

"We?" I inquired as she dragged me through the door and into the warmth of her house. "Your family still home?" I had been under the impression that she had the place to herself. I was definitely not in the headspace for tedious family pleasantries, and I was sure that my throbbing erection would agree.

"Nooooo dummy," Laci giggled, almost falling into me. I could smell the booze on her breath, and it was apparent she had been quite busy since her shift had ended. " Madeline's here!"

My body was flooded with relief, aside from my dick, which jolted with intensified arousal. I could only imagine what Laci had been up to since she had Madeline all to herself. I wouldn't have to imagine for long, though, as Laci grabbed me again and led me into her basement.

The finished basement had been fashioned into a kind of a family room, its coziness completely contrary to the cold exterior of the house. The lights were warm and dim, barely cutting through the haze of weed smoke hanging in the air. The only other light came from a huge television, playing some two-bit B horror movie. A ring of huge, leather sofas circled the TV, and I stumbled towards them, waving the smoke from my face.

Squinting hard, I peered through the fog, now noticing the minefield of empty chip bags, boxes of Lil Debbie desserts, and crumpled soda cans. In the midst of it all, absent mindedly shoveling ice cream into her face, Madeline slouched lazily, sinking into the couch cushions

Like Laci, she had traded her uniform for a more casual outfit. Casual was, actually, an understatement. Madeline was braless as well, but was dressed only in a loose fitting tee, stained ice cream and smeared with chip dust.

That is, it would have been loose if not for the effects of what, I was guessing, had been an intense case of the weed munchies. While her stomach had long since lost all ab definition, it had always been relatively flat. Soft, but it had barely protruded from her figure.

Until now, that is.

Her belly had grown round with inebriated overindulgence, and her tee had ridden up past her bellybutton, leaving absolutely nothing to cover her lower half. Her pale thighs were bereft of muscle. Or, at least, if there was any left, it had been buried under adipose. Her thigh fat oozed together, closing what had once been her thigh gap. Even her pussy had plumped up a little and was pressing against her panties.

Her ass, having always been a bubble butt, spilled out from beneath her and pooled around the sides of her thighs. As much as I loved gawking at her bare tummy, I wished I could see her ass in all its glory. Still, I could still see her tits straining against her shirt. The fabric, soaked with melted ice cream, clung to her fattened breasts.

Even her formerly delicate jawline had morphed into a slight double chin, accentuated further by her slouch. I saw that she must have been beyond faded, as she didn't even stir when Laci and I joined her. There was no way a sober Madeline would allow herself to be seen in such a state. She had always been fit and well kept, but now? She was a mindless, half naked slob.

Laci sidled up to Madeline, pressing their plush forms together, tits and bellies squishing against one another. Madeline lulled her head in Laci's direction, addressing her only with a muffled burp. Laci grinned, proud of her handiwork.

"Let me help you babe," Laci whispered, taking the ice cream carton from Madeline's hands. She held the carton with one hand, sloshing the melted contents with each shake. Her other hand pulled Madeline's tee up past the rest of her stomach and began to rub the now bare flesh.

Eyes bright with desire, Laci then tipped the carton into Madeline's open mouth, the excess dribbling down her chin and further soaking her shirt.

Madeline greedily gulped down every drop, clutching her stomach and stifling another burp as she finished.

"That's a goooood girl," Laci whispered, her hands now sliding up under Madeline's shirt, pawing at her tits. Madeline let out a quiet whine, her greasy fingers slipping into her panties. I could see the outline of Laci's fingers as she pulled at Madeline's erect nipples, her fat tits falling out of her shirt.

"Cum for me baby," Laci hissed, "you're sooooo close."

At this, Laci clutched Madeline's left tit with one hand, the flesh spilling out between her fingers, and began to suck hungrily on it. Her other hand desperately exploring Madeline's engorged body.

I was rock hard, gaping at the scene unfolding before me. Perhaps if I had any blood left in my brain I could have made sense of what Laci's intentions were, but I was completely entranced.

Madeline's whines gave way to moans, shamelessly echoing through the basement.

"God! Fuck! Shit!"

As Madeline climaxed she said the only words I would hear from her that night, and then went immediately limp. The combination of alcohol and cannabis sending her into unconsciousness.

Laci peeled her heavy body from off of Madeline, turning to me with a sly smile.

"Someone looks eager, Michael," Laci said, eyeing my cock, "I think we can help each other."

I didn't know what the hell was going on, but knew I wanted to see where this was going.

"I'm listening."
26 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 2 years
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Insanity2222 6 years
Great story so far, can't wait to see where you go with it
Rimtech 6 years
Fantastic story, love the way you've written it. Please write more!
Theswordsman 6 years
I like how you mention all the other girls growth please continue
Matteo 6 years
Plushush 6 years
Thanks Jazzman! This story is actually based on real people (and the occasional real experience) which is why I've included the characters I did. Although I admit it is a little ambitious for my first story. Another chapter is in the works!
Jazzman 6 years
Very nice writing.I always prefer less characters even though my own biggest story had like 12! Lol I like this story a Lot!
Boomer 6 years
You have me interested, keep writing.
Flavor42000 6 years
I'm loving this story.
Ktm909 6 years
Omg this is amazing, please keep going with this i cant wait to see how the story develops and what might happen to the boss daughter!
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