The boss’s daughter

Chapter 18 - alliance

"So," I ventured, "what the fuck was that?"

Laci giggled, only half registering my question, more focused on tracing light circle's on her friend's bloated belly.

"I put on a showwww for you Mikey, I need you," she turned to face me from across the couch, pressing her heavy tits together with her biceps. "I need your... talent. I mean, just look at me. I'm so so so much bigger than I used to be."

Laci dragged her ungainly form over a slumbering Madeline, pulling herself toward me.

"Did you think I didn't notice? I'm not stupid babe. I was thin before I met you. I was on track for another year on the cheer squad. Do you think they still want a pig like me?"

She peeled her shirt off and over her head, her fat tits sagging down over her plump belly. They hung before me like twin pendulums, swaying seductively.

"You did all of this," she ran her hands down her now naked upper body, outlining her curves. "I knew what you were doing, all those extra pizzas, all those extra treats, and oh god, allll that ice cream... but I still couldn't help myself. I still couldn't stop. Deep down, I think I wanted it."

I was still stunned into silence, entranced by her monologuing . I wanted her to get to the point, to some extent, but damn. I was loving whatever game she was playing with me. Laci could take her time.

"What do you want," I asked. I had finally found my voice, although it was but a rough whisper.

"Someone's antsyyyy," she teased, glancing back at my throbbing member, "I love how you've ruined me, Michael. I love being a useless fucking fatty. Buuuuut... as you just saw, I can be a bad bad influence."

Laci grinned hungrily, but her eyes were bright with, well, something else.

"You know how hard it is to get fucked at my size? I can't even get anyone drunk enough to touch me at what few parties I've dragged myself to. But Madeline? Oh Michael, you wouldn't believe what a little slut she's been. She's stolen guy after guy from me, and I think it's time she feels the weight of her greed."

Her grin widened, stretching across her face maliciously.

"I want her fatter than me, Mikey. I've been working my ass off to get her to this point. She's almost mine. I just need you to FOCUS."

With that, she yanked both my pants and boxers down with one surprisingly swift motion and clutched my erect cock. I was either too taken aback, or simply too horny out of my mind to even speak.

"I'll keep her fucking faded as much as I can," Laci whispered, "she's not only a slut, but she's a druggie too. Quiet little Madeline, you never would have guessed, would you? And those weed munchies do woooonders for her figure."

Laci's slow, long strokes gradually picked up in tempo, her lips only inches from my ear.

"I just need you to work your magic, babe, and she'll blimp up in no time. Isn't that what you wanted? To be surrounded by fat, submissive coworkers? Too addicted to food to deny you?"

Clouded in a haze of lust, my brain barely registered the hilarious irony of her statement. I remembered how shy and ashamed Laci had been when I caught her devouring that carton of ice cream. But now? She was totally in charge. Her shame had given way to whatever fire I had seen burning in her eyes. Anger? Jealousy? Desire?

It didn't matter. She was playing me, I knew that much, but I didn't care. We had shared interests, after all. I could let her think she was in control for however long I needed. And, admittedly, with her chubby digits encircling my dick, for the moment she was.

"Let's help each other," she hissed, "I want Madeline too fat to even think about fucking. Too fat to fuck even if she wasn't too busy stuffing her face. I want her ruined beyond repair."

Both Laci and I were breathing heavily now, and I reckoned this was the closest thing to a workout she had had in months. I was thankful for that, though, as her sweat kept her hands sliding up and down my cock with rapid ferocity. God, I was so close.

"And you know what, babe? If Madeline ends up even fatter than I am, I might think about letting you fuck me. Would you like that, Mikey? You wanna be balls deep inside this fat whore?"

I couldn't hold back another second. I grabbed her roughly by the hair, pulling her into an impromptu kiss as my free hand pawed at her plump tits. I came all over her belly in long, grateful spurts. Each surge of pleasure cleared the fog from my mind, and the world became acutely clear.

I pulled my lips from hers suddenly, looking her in the eyes, eyes that gleamed with anticipation and uncertainty. I was in control again.

"Alright, I'll play your game," I practically sneered, "but I trust you'll make this worth my while."

"From the looks of it, I'd say you enjoyed yourself, babe," Laci retorted, wiping the cum from her stomach, "I certainly did."

"It was a start," I responded coolly, but I allowed myself a slight smirk, "we have work to do, Laci. Madeline has a long way to go."
26 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 2 years
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Cagor21 3 weeks
Biggest cliffhanger literally lol 😅 Hope it gets finished eventually
Lemmon 1 year
Hope this story continues one day it's been great
BulletSpire 2 years
Hope this gets updated
Urlacher127 2 years
Best story on this site, hope it gets finished someday
Xandercroft 4 years
Right on the cliffhanger. D'oh!
GrowingLoveH... 4 years
This story is exquisite. Thank you for writing it. I’m just a few chapters in. It’s wonderful.
ChrisBsmurfin 4 years
This the end dude or have we got a serious case of writers block?
ChrisBsmurfin 4 years
What a moment of clarity 😁😏
ChrisBsmurfin 4 years
Michael is like the quintessential feeder...
To any feeders out there we have all struggled with these emotions/characteristics!
Xandercroft 5 years
frostmoarn hungers
Xandercroft 5 years
Fa7h15101 5 years
Hell yes. More Alyssa please!
Plushush 5 years
I plan to give every main character a fully resolved story arc, although that will take some time. Alice is more of a side character, but if you guys like her I might do a spin off from her POV!
Plushush 5 years
Thank you all for the encouragement! I'm also glad to get back to Alyssa smiley We'll have some quality time with her before we return to Laci and Madeline's arc for a bit. I try to give all my characters some spotlight!
AndiFive 5 years
please continue with this story as soon as possible, by far this is the best story that exists here.
Shield 5 years
Really hoping to see this continue, but I respect if something has come up! One of my GOAT WG stories!
Katkatkatkatkat 5 years
This might be my favorite story ever, and it just keeps getting better and better.
Eponymous 5 years
This is a great story in a lot of ways, but I think that what I like best about it is how clear your descriptions are. You give us such a wonderful sense as to what these women look like, and as to what their overeating does to their poor bodies.
Whoskins01 5 years
One of my favorite what stories ever please keep adding new chapters
Xandercroft 5 years
Also voting for a continuation smiley
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