The boss’s daughter

Chapter 21 - convergence

And crash she did, that night and every night after. Although Laci had been eroding Madeline's self control from day one, with our combined effort Madeline's once active lifestyle took a nosedive.

You think she would have been more cautious with August drawing to a close and the inevitability of returning to school looming on the horizon. But she wasn't.

We kept her stuffed shift after shift, my special shakes ensuring she'd be too drained to resist Laci pulling her away from the gym every night. And Laci's after work smoke sessions kept Madeline in a permanent drug fog, transforming her into a docile piggy until she waddled into work again, ready to feed.

All she did was eat, sleep, and get stoned. Even at work we delegated as little to her as possible in an attempt to minimize the time she spent active and maximize the time she spent snacking.

A few weeks into executing our strategy the results were already noticeable. Madeline had become slower in movement and in speech, entering a perpetually groggy, almost inebriated, state. She hardly resisted Laci's temptations, at most only mumbling an incoherent refusal in between mouthfuls of food.

Resistance also became more scarce as we had less of a need to actually even convince her to eat. That bitch could devour an entire large pizza by herself over the course of her shift without any encouragement.

Having been a gym rat, at least before Laci and I got our hands on her, Madeline had a hearty appetite and an athlete's metabolism. Now her metabolism was overloaded week by week and was most certainly flagging. Her appetite, on the other hand, had only grown tenfold more voracious.

It was no wonder, then, as Madeline binged ceaselessly for remainder of the summer, that her weight shot up to almost rival Laci's. What had once been Madeline's reserved, laid back nature had degenerated into a complicit detachment from the ruination of her body. She was a hunk of soft clay ready to be molded in Laci's ample image.

Laci's more gradual growth was the only downside to the situation. The more time she spent fattening Madeline, the less time she spent indulging herself. Still, she definitely wasn't getting any thinner, so I wasn't worried.

At the moment, however, Laci was but an afterthought. I hadn't anticipated Madeline's will to break so quickly and so completely; I actually had to up my game just to keep up with her sudden transformation.

As Madeline's mentality became more and more muddled, she relied more and more on my special "energy shakes." She went from one every night at the end of her shift, to three throughout the day just to stay conscious.

Every morning I'd be waiting for her at the start of her shift with shake in hand, greeting her with insincere encouragement.

"Must've been an intense night at the gym, huh? You look exhausted!"

She nodded numbly.

"Uh, yeah... I guess..."

She trailed off, hands almost defensively covering her still bloated belly. The damage done the day before abated overnight, but never disappeared completely. Every day she came in a little rounder, a little flabbier.

This surprised me. No, it wasn't a shock that she was fattening rapidly. Even if she had made it to the gym every night, it would barely make a dent in the mountain of calories she consumed on the daily.

What stunned me was how unflatteringly her extra mass clung to her. One would figure that, as a former athlete, her newfound curves would transform her from fit and tight to soft and voluptuous.

But the muscle that kept her body curvy and contained had all but melted away. Pure flab hung from her frame, loose and jiggly, not at all like Alyssa's gain. Hell, even Laci's curves hugged her body more tightly.

Even watching her walk from her car I could see Madeline's entire body jiggling and jostling with each step, her skin tight leggings doing very little to keep anything in place.

She was out of breath by the time she reached me to pluck the shake from my hand.

"Huff... huff... T-thanks..."

It wasn't just her muscle that had abandoned her; Madeline's confidence had totally disappeared. It wasn't just buried under adipose, it had drowned under it and rotted away entirely. She couldn't even make eye contact with me.

"The gym suits you," I grinned evilly, but she wasn't' looking. "You look great, but you probably need some time to recharge. There's plenty of food in the back. You deserve to relax. All your hard work really shows!"

Despite the lust in my eyes, my voice was warm and sincere, hopefully lulling her back into complacence. I'm sure she knew she was getting fatter, deep down, but she had been smoking her insecurities away with Laci.

Even now she hadn't completely slept off her high. Her mouth hung dumbly open as I led her to the back of the store, a fresh XL pizza waiting for her. She could hardly process my words, unsure whether or not to believe my praise.

She must have accepted my sentiment, whether out of actual belief or pure necessity, I couldn't say. But she plopped her plump ass into a chair and dug into her meal. I hoped the weed munchies were still in effect; I wanted to see her put away the whole thing.

Now seated, her stomach surged forward, slipping out of her tights and in between her legs. I thought it impossible, but it looked as if the excess flesh was even paler than the rest of her. Well, except for the angry red stretch marks that decorated her skin.

Her ass, which had once been a cushion that neatly filled any chair it occupied, now almost overflowed over the sides of the seat. Love handles piled overtop her expansive ass, popping from her tights and bulging free from her tight shirt.

Her tits had definitely grown plumper and now threatened to sag down either side of her stomach, but her belly outpaced them in its growth. It reached past her tits and took residence in her lap as a beautiful, pale orb.

She was certainly as heavy as Laci, she had to be. There was no way she wasn't going into her senior year as a 200 pound lard ass. And that was a minimum.

Even her adorable face hadn't escaped her mindless hedonism. She wasn't just sprouting a double chin, her entire neck was starting to disappear as fat began to bridge the distance between her collarbones (which had also sunk into her plump body and vanished) and her jawline. She did still have a neck, but not for long I reckoned.

In the time I had spent admiring her, Madeline's lips, cheeks, and neck were already dribbling with grease. She wiped her glistening digits on her shrinking shirt, staining it the process.

Laci must have done one hell of a job conditioning her; Madeline was in a total trance state.

As much as I wanted to admire Madeline's blossoming beauty, I had work to do. Actual work, that is. I hoped to check in again with Laci soon. Now that Madeline was plumping up exponentially more than her, maybe I would have the chance to sneak a few more pounds onto Laci's frame.

Secretly I wished for more, but getting my hopes up would only throw me off balance. If Laci wanted to play the long game, then I would match her shot for shot.

I wasn't going to lose.
26 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 2 years
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Insanity2222 6 years
Great story so far, can't wait to see where you go with it
Rimtech 6 years
Fantastic story, love the way you've written it. Please write more!
Theswordsman 6 years
I like how you mention all the other girls growth please continue
Matteo 6 years
Plushush 6 years
Thanks Jazzman! This story is actually based on real people (and the occasional real experience) which is why I've included the characters I did. Although I admit it is a little ambitious for my first story. Another chapter is in the works!
Jazzman 6 years
Very nice writing.I always prefer less characters even though my own biggest story had like 12! Lol I like this story a Lot!
Boomer 6 years
You have me interested, keep writing.
Flavor42000 6 years
I'm loving this story.
Ktm909 6 years
Omg this is amazing, please keep going with this i cant wait to see how the story develops and what might happen to the boss daughter!
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