The boss’s daughter

Chapter 22 - emergence

Everything was falling into place as September rolled around. Laci's progress was slow and steady, Madeline had all but given into our combined efforts, and Alyssa... well, I had admittedly been neglecting her, but it was increasingly difficult to make time for her with our now differing work schedules. I could only hope her fat ass family was keeping her on track.

Still, once Laci was finally content with Madeline's ruination, I figured I would be free to make up for lost time in spades. Not that this venture hadn't been worth it. As Madeline's gain began to slowly eclipse Laci's, it became increasingly difficult to work with her. She seemed to refuse to size up her uniform and I couldn't tear my eyes away from the sight.

I was sure once she joined the 200+ club her transparent tights would certainly be demolished. I could already see how her flabby ass swallowed her panties and her cellulite was just barely visible through the straining fabric.

Her tee wasn't faring much better. Her fat arms filled the sleeves to capacity and an ever expanding pale ring of stomach flesh was creeping out from the bottom of her shirt.

Nothing was loose on her. Not by a long shot.

Much to my chagrin, however, my eyes would have to settle for a different feast today. Madeline had called in sick. I tried not to worry, but my paranoia still gnawed at me.

I couldn't complain about the timing, though. This meant Laci and I would close the shop, just the two of us. I had wanted to update her in person and in private for sometime, but her nights were spent stuffing Madeline to capacity and I dared not interrupt that.

Outside of the day shifts she worked, I saw very little of her.


Unlike Madeline, Laci wasn't in denial about how huge she was getting. Approaching 200 is a special occasion, and she was sizing up her clothing in anticipation. Less distracting? Yes. Thank god. But it was much more difficult to track her progress without that frame of reference.

Her clothes were still by no means loose, but certainly not as revealing as Madeline's.

Madeline's fervent denial tickled me. Even Alyssa now had clothes that actually fit her. I guess the former fitness freak still couldn't face the facts.

I pushed these thoughts to the back of my mind and lost myself in the rush of customers. Laci was little nuisance now that she was decently covered up, and we both kept our heads down for the rest of the day. Once orders stopped coming in for the night, we would convene, but for the time being we were both all business.

Well, I was all business, at least. Although my focus had been solely on ruining Madeline for basically the past two months, Laci's conditioning was ironclad.

At even the slightest lull my little piggy was stuffing herself silly. It wasn't for arousal's sake, however. It was out of necessity. Her metabolism was absolutely wrecked at this point, no doubt, and her appetite had ballooned exponentially.

In her early days at the shop, she only needed a few slices of pizza to get her through a shift, if that. Now? She couldn't even go an hour without eating something, anything. By the time closing rolled around, she had grazed her way through an entire XL pizza, and that wasn't even counting any of the other snacks we had on hand that she undoubtedly got into.

I almost half expected her to be full after hours of consistent snacking. But sure enough, after the last customer had left, Laci had another pizza emerging from the oven just for her. Albeit, this one was considerably smaller, but even a small pizza is something I have trouble finishing solo. Yet here she was, in all her gluttonous glory, ready to shove another whole pie down her gullet.

Finally, we had the shop to ourselves, the ever present hum of the ovens broken only by Laci's greased up lips smacking together. As she was engaged in her indulgence, I breached the subject.

"So. Is Madeline coming along to your satisfaction then?"

Laci looked up from the already demolished pizza and paused.

"I'm not sure yet, babe. She's making great progress, but I'm sure as shit not bold enough to weigh her. It could reverse everything we've done. She's running on pure denial at the moment."

"But she has to weigh at least as much as you, doesn't she? And she's gaining twice as quickly as you at, at minimum. If we keep up this pace, she'll be way ahead of you in another month or so."

"I dunno, Michael. I blew past 190. Didja know that? I may have forgotten to tell you" she giggled.

"You are getting up there, I'll admit it," I returned her grin for a moment, though it quickly faded. "But you're quite a bit taller than Madeline. You carry your weight much better, so you can get away with it a bit more easily. Madeline is half a foot shorter and probably around the same weight as you. She already looks like a brimming tub of lard, even next to you."

"Are you calling me fat?" Laci clutched her stomach to emphasize her mock offense. Even through her shirt I could see her fingers sink into her ample spare tire.

My grin returned and I moved in closer. "Well, you certainly aren't thin. Although, soon enough you'll look like a Victoria Secret model next to Madeline."

"I wouldn't go that far, babe. I don't think I can stop. I just don't want to be the biggest piggy in the school..."

She began tugging at her shirt, teasing me with possibly freeing her belly from its confines.

"...but I'll settle for second."

My self control was at its limit. My erection twitched erratically, mirroring my impatience. I held my tongue, knowing that anything I said would betray my waning stoicism.

"I think we just need one little push to send Madeline over the edge and then... then I'll be satisfied. And luckily for you, babe, I already have a plan."

"Yeah," I breathed, "maybe you'd like to fill me in?"

"I think I need to show you what we're up against. Exactly how much we have to ruin that bitch."

I could tell that she was beginning to match my arousal. She had no animosity towards Madeline, but when Laci got going she couldn't help but release her malicious feeder urges. It was like a fever taking hold, a feeling I knew all too well.

Just as I let her last statement sink in, she turned her back to me and tugged her shirt up over her head in a clumsy display of seduction. Even from the back I could see twin sets of heavy, hanging back rolls wrapping their way around her torso and merging with her tits.

Her shoulders, which had been delicate and sloping, were rounded with padding and curving upwards, creating an arch that met at a neck ringed with fat. Her formerly scrawny arms now puffed out, daring to become larger than my own biceps, albeit with fat instead of muscle.

And those tits, those huge, hanging tits. She wasn't even 200 and I could still see them sagging and spilling over the sides of her belly, peeking out slightly even from the back.

When she had been at her thinnest they were already resting about halfway down her torso, devoid of perk from the beginning. Now they were slowly inching their way down her body, sinking further with each pound.

Her belly was a sizable spare tire, and you could tell she was wider, but it wasn't large enough to split her tits. Or at least, it wouldn't be if her bust hadn't met her belly halfway.

She spun to face me, tits swinging pendulously with the sudden motion.

"Look at this gut, babe. Look how it hangs over my leggings. Look how I need both hands just to lift it. It's soooo heavy... I want Madeline even bigger. I want hers to hang over her pussy. I want it to spill out of her chubby little hands when she tries to grab it. I want mine to look like a budding beer gut in comparison."

Laci rubbed her belly, trying to ease the fullness from her previous grazing. It only gently parted her breasts, not quite large enough to push past them completely. I could still hear her stomach gurgle over the ovens' white noise.

Her hands moved up to her tits, pulling at her engorged nipples before disappearing completely under her ample underboob.

"I want her tits to sag even lower than mine. I don't want a single trace of perkiness left, just fat, hanging sacks of shapeless lard spilling over her fucking gut."

She looked up at me with wild eyes and held my stare before dipping down to remove her leggings, the combined weight of her belly and breasts quickening her descent.

While she had finally conceded and bought larger leggings, she still had trouble peeling them off of her thighs. Her legs weren't that much larger, but anything that had been muscles had been overtaken by cellulite and flab.

Those long, gorgeous legs that had previously propelled her through cheerleading were now all jiggle and slowly increasing in circumference.

She turned her back to me again, craning her neck to gauge my reaction, folds erupting below her budding jowls.

Her ass had gotten enormous.

While the upper cheeks had plumped up, disrupting what had been a continuous, sloping curve of her back that led to her ass, the main attraction was further down.

Not only had her hips widened and bulged out, her ass had exploded with cellulite.

Her butt had already begun to hang over the backs of her thighs, the lower cheeks ripening and fleshing out. But now I watched in awe as she slipped about half her hand beneath the crease where her ass and thighs met. The loose flab of her backside sagging over, overloaded with adipose.

"I'm started to fill up all the chairs I sit this fat ass in, baby. But I want that whore bigger. I want her wider. I want each of her ass cheeks to be spilling over their own seat. I want that bitch to need an entire bench."

With surprising speed she closed the gap between us while I was caught in my trance. Her arms lashed out and pulled me into her near naked body, my cock pressing against her gut.

"And I know just how to do it."
26 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 2 years
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AndiFive 5 years
please continue with story !!!
Zacandcheese 5 years
Love this story!! I was wondering if we’d get an update on Elizabeth?
AndiFive 5 years
please continue !!!
ConJohn 5 years
Wow, love the direction this is going.
Shield 5 years
I just wanted to say this is one of the best WG stories I have ever read. The scenes with Laci are AMAZING and I really hope to see more! I also almost never comment so that should show how much I appreciate this story!
FA Guy 5 years
Excellent development. I can't wait to see how these changes effect Elizabeth.
Littlelittlepig 5 years
I can’t wait to see more between Michael and Alyssa. Their relationship is hot. And more of Laci would be divine 🐷💓
FA Guy 5 years
Excellent story. I love how your descriptions paint a picture so well.
Fatchance 5 years
awesome! MORE PLEASE!
AndiFive 5 years
Kane24 5 years
hope you continue!
SomeGiraffez 5 years
Chriskin8 5 years
I’m excited for more
Chriskin8 5 years
Awesome story really hoping for more soon
Ktm909 5 years
Love this story, your writing style is great and easy to follow, can't wait for more. Also really excited about this spinoff story about Alice, she sound amazing!
Plushush 6 years
actually wrote Alice with her own entire arc, but I wanted to keep the focus on the main 4 girls, so I'm going to make that its own separate story. Still, that doesn't mean she won't get her just desserts!
Plushush 6 years
I have so much more planned, feederfan! I have the story arcs mostly outlined, which will be quite a few more chapters, so it's just a matter of finding time to write everything. Once this project is done, I have a number of ideas for new stories as well!
Feederfan 6 years
Really great story. Writing is good, descriptions great. Hope you have a lot more planned.
Flavor42000 6 years
Really great story.
Perenolde 6 years
Love the story so far! Thank you for sharing!
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