The boss’s daughter

Chapter 26 - rude awakening

Alice, as light on her feet as ever, dashed soundlessly up the stairs to Alyssa's bedroom. Thankfully, what followed was worlds away from soundless. From the foot of the stairs, ears pricked, I drank up every word, forming a vivid picture within my mind's eye.

Pounding on her sister's door would be far too subtle for Alice. Not to mention such a method betrayed the malicious hands-on approach she enjoyed so much.

Nope. Instead I heard Alyssa's bedroom door almost imperceptibly creak open, the calm before the storm. I could easily envision Alice's signature sexy strut as she crossed the threshold. The tight temptation of her ass as her hips shifted and swayed was admittedly mouthwatering, even when imagined.

I could even conjure Alice's headrush as she felt the see-through fabric of her nightgown slide across her naked hardbody, a monument to countless hours of toil at the gym, totally contrary to whatever dormant behemoth lay before her.

Snores rolled like distant thunder from the second story, set loose from Alyssa's bedroom by Alice's intrusion. It's funny, I could have sworn Alyssa had never snored during all the times I watched her slip into a food coma. And yet, it sounded as if a lumberjack was having his way with a redwood just up the stairs.

Could she really have eaten herself into such a sorry state in my absence? Sleeping her days away, snoring through the fat folds of her throat all the while? I wanted to see what damage she had done.

Wait. I strained my ears against the silence. What was Alice's next move?


The cracking of Alice's hand against what must've been Alyssa's sprawling, exposed stomach tore through the house like lightning, immediately answering my question.

"Rise and shine, piggy," Alice shrieked as her poor, sleepy sister attempted to gain her bearings. "Your boy toy made us breakfast, lardass. Can you manage to waddle downstairs to eat with us, or should I keep him entertained?"

I could hear Alyssa struggling and gasping to sit herself up, her breathing made uneven by what had to be Alice aggressively jiggling her belly. Alyssa let out a sharp moan, out of pleasure or distress, I was unsure.

"H-help me o-out of bed *huff* y-you twiggy bitch," was all Alyssa seemed to be able to string together. Jesus, she couldn't be that big, could she? Certainly I had to give some of the credit to how lazy she had become under my tutelage rather than her sheer size. Although I was honestly hoping for the latter.

"God, sis, no wonder I keep getting ahold of your boyfriends. Do you really think this one will stick around if you can't even get out of bed to see him?"

Alice punctuated her statement with a cruel, and honestly sexy, laugh.

"Maybe if you can manage to roll down the stairs I'll throw you a bone and let you have this one!"

Another cackle.

"Remember when you used to be my size, pig? Look at you now. You're more interested in filling out the rest of that queen bed than you are in getting back into shape! You know, when you were hitting the gym for a bit, I'll admit I was a little scared."

Alice's voice dropped in volume. I could imagine her leaning over her struggling sister, dangling her own perfect body in front of her, a cruel reminder of what Alyssa could have been.

"But now? You're too far fucking gone. At this rate, you might even end up bigger than mom! Even she isn't this much of a useless, fucking slob! Can you even get out of bed, landwhale?"

Alice got her answer a moment later. I heard Alyssa grunt with exertion as she rolled off the bed and stumbled toward her sister with the combined grace of an amputee ward. Alice squealed in surprise and must have nimbly dodged her sister's blitz attack, because seconds later I heard another SLAP as Alyssa's belly smacked against the floor. I could already picture her plump digits grasping for purchase as she lumbered toward Alice with desperate anger before her belly pulled her to the ground.

Alice allowed herself another cruel laugh, but she surely would know better than to linger any longer. Still, her arrogance urged her on nonetheless.

"Fuck, Alyssa, don't you know you're far too flabby to be sleeping in the nude? Nobody wants to see that, hon. But I guess you're spilling out of all your pajamas, huh?"

Alice let loose a shrill giggle at the notion.

"Thank god you have mom's old clothes, or you couldn't even leave the house! But I'm sure you'd like an excuse to stay in bed all day. Here, have this at least and spare our eyes, fatty. I'm sure Michael would rather be looking at me, anyway."

I retreated back to the kitchen table as I heard the pitter patter of Alice's delicate feet head back toward the stairs. What had she been talking about?

I quickly put two and two together as I saw her now totally topless form descend the steps. She must have given Alyssa her nightgown, if only to see how cartoonishly ill fitting it would look on her slob of a sister. And, I was sure, she was eager to show off her perky B cups and toned tummy in my presence. Her footfalls were still perfectly silent.

In moments, though, they were overtaken by slow, thundering footsteps as Alyssa began to make her way down to the kitchen as well. In total contrast to how Alice carried herself, I could tell that Alyssa's progress was labored and graceless.

How had she even pulled herself from her bedroom floor without help? I wish I had been there to see for myself.

It seemed an eternity as Alyssa struggled from her room to the stairwell. I couldn't see her just yet, but I could already hear her heavy panting as she drew ever closer, ever so slowly.

For a brief moment, I recalled Alyssa's sensual sway that had drawn me in when we had first worked together, her plush posterior maintaining its form despite its size. I remembered how she would turn her head back to catch me watching and beckon me with her eyes. I wondered if whatever muscle she had cultivated had drowned and died beneath her flabby cheeks yet.

My blood flow had already relocated itself in anticipation. Alice trained her eyes on me, ready to gauge my reaction, as I focused my gaze on the stairwell, eager for a glimpse of Alyssa's next advancement into her life as a pig.

It was time to see for myself.
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AndiFive 5 years
please continue with story !!!
Zacandcheese 5 years
Love this story!! I was wondering if we’d get an update on Elizabeth?
AndiFive 5 years
please continue !!!
ConJohn 5 years
Wow, love the direction this is going.
Shield 5 years
I just wanted to say this is one of the best WG stories I have ever read. The scenes with Laci are AMAZING and I really hope to see more! I also almost never comment so that should show how much I appreciate this story!
FA Guy 5 years
Excellent development. I can't wait to see how these changes effect Elizabeth.
Littlelittlepig 5 years
I can’t wait to see more between Michael and Alyssa. Their relationship is hot. And more of Laci would be divine 🐷💓
FA Guy 5 years
Excellent story. I love how your descriptions paint a picture so well.
Fatchance 5 years
awesome! MORE PLEASE!
AndiFive 5 years
Kane24 5 years
hope you continue!
SomeGiraffez 5 years
Chriskin8 5 years
I’m excited for more
Chriskin8 5 years
Awesome story really hoping for more soon
Ktm909 5 years
Love this story, your writing style is great and easy to follow, can't wait for more. Also really excited about this spinoff story about Alice, she sound amazing!
Plushush 5 years
actually wrote Alice with her own entire arc, but I wanted to keep the focus on the main 4 girls, so I'm going to make that its own separate story. Still, that doesn't mean she won't get her just desserts!
Plushush 5 years
I have so much more planned, feederfan! I have the story arcs mostly outlined, which will be quite a few more chapters, so it's just a matter of finding time to write everything. Once this project is done, I have a number of ideas for new stories as well!
Feederfan 5 years
Really great story. Writing is good, descriptions great. Hope you have a lot more planned.
Flavor42000 6 years
Really great story.
Perenolde 6 years
Love the story so far! Thank you for sharing!
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