The boss’s daughter

Chapter 5 - impact

Alyssa never did have that gym date with Madeline. The power of horniness is a great thing. We sexted all morning that Saturday, and by the time she came it was much too late to go squeeze in a gym session before her shift. I figure that if I can't thwart her efforts in person, I can at least provide long distance distraction when need be.

In the coming weeks, I began to replace her gym sessions with our dates. Which were, in all reality, thinly veiled feeding sessions. Eat. Cum. Sleep. Repeat. It was a beautiful cycle. On occasion she would make it to the gym, but at most her calorie count broke even as I loaded her up with shakes before and after every workout.

I tried not to rely too much on the valerian root. I could resort to using it to totally sedate her every so often to maximize her poundage, but the last thing I needed was her to get suspicious of those shakes. They were working wonders.

As May melted into June, Alyssa grew wider and softer. It had only been a month, but I was guessing her gluttony had propelled her into the 170s with 180 fast approaching. When I had first started working with her, she maneuvered her thick thighs with single-minded purpose, in a sexy, sassy stride. But now? God, she had grown lethargic. And as she was still adjusting to an extra 20 lbs, her stride had degenerated into a clumsy waddle.

Her legs were like giant, cumbersome hams and touched all the way down to the knee. The loose flab of her inner thighs melded into each other and practically smothered her pussy. As she struggled to move each leg past the other, she seemed to squirm with suppressed arousal. I could only imagine how the constant rubbing of her fat against her pussy tortured her.

The back of the shop wasn't crowded or narrow by any means, but with every week and every new curve Alyssa was having more and more trouble navigating herself through the store. Her hips had widened exponentially, sloping outwards and bumping into coworkers left and right. I never complained, of course.

At this point, she couldn't afford to wear any tights that weren't pulled up past her stomach. Otherwise, it was all too easy to see the abundant flesh of her hips spill out and over her waistbands, creating an impressive muffin top.

Pulling up her tights also hid her burgeoning belly, which had grown considerably flabby during her gain. Her thick middle had blossomed into a sizable belly that sloped out from beneath her tits and had begun to encroach on her pussy.

While the rolls on her sides had multiplied, her belly was a singular, perfectly curved slab of flesh. Most of the weight settled in the bottom of her stomach, near her belly button, forming a sensitive, jiggling underbelly. Whenever she attempted to bend down, the hanging flab pressed against the ample padding on her upper thighs.

Even her hands had grown plump, her digits on the verge of resembling small sausages. Whenever she got out of breath, which was increasingly often, she pressed her chubby fingers against her newly formed belly and I would often watch in awe as they sunk into the tan flesh.Though as her skin continued to stretch over her curves, the olive tone was slowly becoming paler.

Although her tights hid her belly well enough, they could do little to contain her ever fattening ass. They all stretched so tightly over her inflated butt that even when Alyssa wasn't bending over you could see her bare skin through the straining fabric. A couple more pounds and I'm sure she'd rip right through them.

Shorts were out of the question, as the bottom of each cheek now oozed out of them and her crack swallowed the straining fabric. She wore shorts like panties and panties like thongs and thongs... well, I'm sure they became all but invisible.

Each of her cheeks was more than enough for two of my hands, and even then her ass would surge through my fingers. Her tremendous backside protruded a good foot out from her now, forming a full shelf.

As I had steered her away from the gym for weeks, Alyssa's rear had begun to lose its tight shape, now freckled with cellulite and beginning to droop. Any signs of fitness had vanished. She had devolved completely into a blobby, out of shape glutton.

Her tits had lost all perkiness, starting to sag slightly down each side of her belly. They had at least gotten bigger, though, nearing DD size and becoming quite the handful. With every cumbersome step she took they bounced uncontrollably inside her too small bras.

Alyssa was undeniably a chubby little pig.

It most definitely helped that I had gotten in the habit of bring her one of my special shakes at the beginning of each of her shifts. With a pizza slice in one hand and the shake in the other, I was entranced by how her developing double chin quivered as she guzzled down the homemade calorie bomb.

Every day I watched her chug a shake and slam the empty container down, sending ripples through her budding bingo wings. They were pathetically saggy, and the chub pooled around her armpits and connected seamlessly to her ever multiplying back rolls.

In addition, I made a habit of stocking the walk in cooler with various frozen treats. My boss still had yet to fix the fan I sabotaged, so it was pretty common to see one of the girls hidden away in the cooler, drenched in sweat and shoveling ice cream into her glistening face.

It was no surprise, then, that these habits began to affect girls other than the growing Alyssa...
26 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 2 years
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Cagor21 1 week
Biggest cliffhanger literally lol 😅 Hope it gets finished eventually
Lemmon 1 year
Hope this story continues one day it's been great
BulletSpire 2 years
Hope this gets updated
Urlacher127 2 years
Best story on this site, hope it gets finished someday
Xandercroft 4 years
Right on the cliffhanger. D'oh!
GrowingLoveH... 4 years
This story is exquisite. Thank you for writing it. I’m just a few chapters in. It’s wonderful.
ChrisBsmurfin 4 years
This the end dude or have we got a serious case of writers block?
ChrisBsmurfin 4 years
What a moment of clarity 😁😏
ChrisBsmurfin 4 years
Michael is like the quintessential feeder...
To any feeders out there we have all struggled with these emotions/characteristics!
Xandercroft 4 years
frostmoarn hungers
Xandercroft 5 years
Fa7h15101 5 years
Hell yes. More Alyssa please!
Plushush 5 years
I plan to give every main character a fully resolved story arc, although that will take some time. Alice is more of a side character, but if you guys like her I might do a spin off from her POV!
Plushush 5 years
Thank you all for the encouragement! I'm also glad to get back to Alyssa smiley We'll have some quality time with her before we return to Laci and Madeline's arc for a bit. I try to give all my characters some spotlight!
AndiFive 5 years
please continue with this story as soon as possible, by far this is the best story that exists here.
Shield 5 years
Really hoping to see this continue, but I respect if something has come up! One of my GOAT WG stories!
Katkatkatkatkat 5 years
This might be my favorite story ever, and it just keeps getting better and better.
Eponymous 5 years
This is a great story in a lot of ways, but I think that what I like best about it is how clear your descriptions are. You give us such a wonderful sense as to what these women look like, and as to what their overeating does to their poor bodies.
Whoskins01 5 years
One of my favorite what stories ever please keep adding new chapters
Xandercroft 5 years
Also voting for a continuation smiley
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