The boss’s daughter

Chapter 6 - ripple

Not only was my intense focus on Alyssa expanding her waistline, but it was also able to distract me from lusting after my other coworkers. Until now, that is.

Although Madeline's exercise regiment had been warding off most of the pounds, she was definitely adding a few more curves to her figure.

I could actually see the slight curve of her budding belly outlined in her work shirt. She finally lost her washboard stomach to the constant barrage of calories. She must've put on about 20 lbs since I started my little project.

Her backside was more bubbly than ever, the twin fleshy orbs rippled wildly as she walked through the store. I could also see that her leg muscles had melted away into fat. Although not much wider in circumference, any previous definition was buried under Madeline's overindulgence.

She still carried the weight like diva, though. Her curves were definitely soft, but also smooth. Her frame was not yet smothered with drooping, hanging blubber. But it looked as if Laci was trying to change that.

The friendship between her and Madeline meant they were always in close proximity, and Laci took full advantage of that.

Laci encouraged Madeline at every turn. During dead shifts she would be sure to hover around whatever pizza I sent back to them, insisting Madeline join her. More often than not, Madeline surrendered and would obliviously munch away on slice after slice as Laci gabbed endlessly.

Out of all the girls, Laci made the most trips to raid the sweets in the walk in cooler. Whenever she ventured to snag a pint or a popsicle, Laci brought back another one for Madeline as well.

Madeline, despite the gradual decay of her tight, fit body, never refused one of these ice cold treats. As a result, Laci made more and more frequent trips to the walk in. And it showed.

Laci seemed to sit on Madeline's shoulder like a slim succubus, whispering encouragement into Madeline's ear. Telling her to eat more and more. To lose herself in self indulgence.

Or, at least, she would be if she were still slim.

The assault on Madeline's waistline had its fair share of casualties. After all, Laci was eating almost as much and as often as her new pet pig. The results, however, were leagues above what she had done to Madeline.

Madeline's devotion to the gym slowed her gain considerably, despite the progress that had been made. Laci, however, seemed to do little else than eat, sleep, work, party, and eat. The effects were devastating. Those long, slender legs had exploded with cellulite. They had gone from sleek and streamlined to thick, jiggly, and cumbersome.

The added weight had paid off for her ass, however. Her ass, while deliciously wide and shapely, had relatively little padding. Now her cheeks overflowed out of the bottoms of all her shorts. After all, that's all she ever wore, and they were being quickly consumed by her ever growing ass.

Laci's delicate, thin arms had become more robust and padded. Much more. The width of her blubbery arms fought valiantly against the constraints of her sleeves, the extra flab over flowing and spilling out.

The tall, blonde beauty was beginning to widen out elsewhere as well. Her once narrow midsection had given way to soft, cascading side rolls flowing into her love handles. Each inflated handle was decorated with stretch marks, testament to how rapidly Laci had exploded with flab.

Her bottom half, though bearing the brunt of her weight, did not save her slim stomach. Now sagging over the waistband of her shorts, Laci's belly had transformed into a waterfall of flab. Her soft, supple belly flesh sloped down and pooled heavily as they met her shorts.

Her side rolls and love handles fed seamlessly into her stomach flab, causing the flesh to swell further outwards in every direction. Her softening stomach now peeked out of all her shirts, causing the fabric to rise up and expose her sensitive fledgling underbelly. But the star of the show was, without a doubt, her tits.

Even when she was skinny, Laci always had plump, sagging DDs. But now? Her breasts had ripened even further, blossoming into juicy E cups. Not only did they sag further, pulled to the ground by the extra fat, but they were also split by her sizable belly.

Laci's gain had been so rapid that she apparently didn't have time to size up her wardrobe. Her fat, heavy tits were almost strangled in her bras. Even beneath her shirt you could clearly see her tit flesh bubbling out the tops of her cups.

If she kept eating like she is, it wouldn't be too long until those fat tits hung to her belly button.

Her tits, ass, and belly all now drooped off Laci's once, thin frame. Unlike Madeline, her curves were heavy and hanging, making her appear doughy and out of shape.

Even her angular jawline had completely succumbed to her appetites. Her slender neck was now ringed with fat, soft enough to nibble. Her high cheekbones were balanced out as the beginnings of jowls hung downwards. The curve of her jawline was being overtaken by a modest double chin. She was full on chubby.

I was honestly surprised. The poster child for blonde, bimbo cheerleaders had degenerated into a insatiable piggy in only a matter of months.

During one of the slower shifts her and I were closing up shop, just the two of us. Laci, however, had seemed to disappear. I looked in the back, the bathrooms, and then, finally, pulled open the walk in cooler.

And there she was, standing hunched over a whole container of ice cream. Looks like piggy upgraded from pints. She dug at her treat with her spoon like a woman possessed, splattering the confection over her face and shirt. Liquefied ice cream poured from the corners of her mouth and dribbled down her double chin.

Despite the briskness of the walk in, sweat beaded on her pale skin and mingled with the droplets of ice cream. Her flabby arms, jiggling wildly as she dug at her dessert ravenously, flung her sweat around the room. It even ran in little streams down her legs, interrupted only by the pockets of cellulite covering her chubby, doughy thighs.

Her work shirt was drenched in ice cream and exertion and now clung to her fat tits and flabby stomach. I could almost see her underbelly spilling from under her shirt expand as she ate.
The tiny tee was no match for her fatter, fleshier body.

By the time I had stepped in she had almost finished the entire container. Maybe she had been sneaking bites all day, but more likely than not she had consumed the bulk of it in this last feast.

Lost in indulgence, it took a moment for Laci to even notice I had entered. She whipped her head in my direction, and in that moment our eyes met. That's when I saw the pure animal hunger, the insatiable need for indulgence, and most importantly, unbridled lust. Perhaps her sweat soaked skin was a result of her arousal more than the exertion of her frantic feeding.

It was then that her pale skin turned a deep red and she mumbled an excuse, mouth still full of ice cream. "I was just... finishing off the rest... there wasn't that much..." Liar. I checked my stock of treats routinely and the container had been full at the start of our shift.

She pointed a plump finger to the label, "Cookie dough is my favorite so... I-I guess I just..."
I smiled, "Thank god! Can't leave half empty cartons laying around, yeah?"
As my eyes drank up her full figure, her blush deepened further and she attempted to pull down her ruined shirt over her newly bloated belly. "Y-yeah... right..."

Cookie dough. Fuck, I planned to keep that flavor stocked in abundance. My slender, sassy coworker had let herself go completely. She had become a sweaty, jiggly pig that couldn't resist stuffing herself silly.

She kept her bloated belly covered by her ice cream stained hands in an attempt to hide the effects of her binge from me. "I just came to let you know you can clock out if you want." Laci nodded, in a daze, and lumbered to the bathroom to change. I waited a few painful minutes until following silently behind.
26 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 2 years
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Insanity2222 6 years
Great story so far, can't wait to see where you go with it
Rimtech 6 years
Fantastic story, love the way you've written it. Please write more!
Theswordsman 6 years
I like how you mention all the other girls growth please continue
Matteo 6 years
Plushush 6 years
Thanks Jazzman! This story is actually based on real people (and the occasional real experience) which is why I've included the characters I did. Although I admit it is a little ambitious for my first story. Another chapter is in the works!
Jazzman 6 years
Very nice writing.I always prefer less characters even though my own biggest story had like 12! Lol I like this story a Lot!
Boomer 6 years
You have me interested, keep writing.
Flavor42000 6 years
I'm loving this story.
Ktm909 6 years
Omg this is amazing, please keep going with this i cant wait to see how the story develops and what might happen to the boss daughter!
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