The boss’s daughter

Chapter 7 - voyeur

I crept soundlessly to the door of the employee bathroom and crouched until my eye was level with the keyhole. I was desperate to catch a glimpse of her unrestrained flesh.

Laci stood before the bathroom mirror, cradling her bloated belly, rubbing it softly to ease the aftermath of her stuffing. "I didn't used to be this soft," she sighed as she slapped at her stomach, sending waves through the pale, stretch marked pudge.

"I can't believe I let him see what a bloated, tubby girl I've become." During her continued musings, Laci jiggled her underbelly mercilessly as she bit her lip in horny frustration. She began to tug at her shorts as she mumbled, "God, these didn't use to be so tight..."

Laci peeled off her shorts, causing her cheeks to bounce and slap together freely. Her bright pink panties were sucked almost completely into her ass crack, the waistband rising up and cutting into her blubbery love handles and disappearing under the white orb of her stomach.

As she bent down to force the shorts the rest of the way down her wide, well padded thighs, her stomach collapsed into a series of rolls and surged over her pussy. Laci was already beginning to breath heavily.

"So... fucking... out of shape..." Laci wheezed, doubled over and stomach sagging. She then shoved her arms up the back of her shirt and grasped clumsily at the clasp of her bra. The struggle caused her tits to shake violently, the extra blubber sloshing back and forth in the tight cups. She finally found purchase and her tits surged forward and strained against her shirt, her erect nipples outlined in the damp fabric.

"Fuck, I can't believe I used to cheerlead..." Holy fuck, she actually had been cheerleader. She really did fulfill the entire stereotype. "My girls have gotten so big... so so big..." Laci moaned, attempting to tug her drenched shirt up and over her formerly svelte body.

As the shirt slid over her belly it revealed the soft, porcelain flesh, broken only by the ring of angry red stretch marks around her midsection. She must have surrendered completely to her appetite to have exploded with fat that quickly. She had been a fatty by nature all along, waiting for an excuse, any excuse, to let herself go.

Her arms raised higher over her head, the heavy flab shifting as gravity pulled them down. Her once twiggy arms were slowly becoming plump and meaty.

Laci continued to tug, but her shirt caught on her tits. Her soft, shapeless biceps gave a few more desperate pulls, jiggling with effort, until her giant, fat tits slapped onto her stomach, sending ripples all through her doughy body.

She couldn't have been much more than 160 lbs, but it was an extra 40 lbs of pure, plush fat. In contrast to her past skinny self, she looked huge, but she still wasn't as fat as Alyssa. But every new curve Laci acquired, unlike Madeline, was loose and flabby and left her looking much larger than her weight.

"I've let myself go so bad... I'm so out of breath..." Laci gasped as she tugged at her tits, pulling at her nipples with chubby fingers. "My tits are... huge..." she whispered as her palms closed around them, the flab spilling out the gaps of her fingers. She shook each tit wildly, feeling her fat body shake with them.

If only her former cheer mates could see their friend now. A svelte, sexy cheerleader reduced to a fat, sweaty, horny glutton. I doubted she could make it through any of her old routines.

But god, I'd kill to see her in her old uniform. Her fat, pasty legs wobbling uncontrollably as she tried pathetically to stumble through her cheers, rubbing and meshing together in the tight skirt. A skirt which, by the way, had no hope of containing the surging cellulite of her ass cheeks, left free to shake hypnotically as she swung her wide, plump hips.

Her fat, sagging tits and pale, bloated belly would stretch the uniform top to its limits. Her midsection would ooze from the bottom of the crop top like rising dough while her tits would threaten to tear through the top. Laci's budding jowls would be bright red as she stumbled through the choreography, double chin jiggling beneath.

She wouldn't even be able to wheeze out the chant as she collapsed in a puddle of sweat, skin flushed and glistening. Her, thin, bitchy cheerleader posse would have a fucking field day with such a fat sow.

"God, I'm so hungry," she whimpered. Hungry? After her binge she was still hungry? I stood and knocked on the door.
"Are you alive Laci? I'm about to lock up."
I heard her giant tits slap against her stomach as she jumped in surprise.
"Y-yeah, I'm almost out," she stammered.

I returned silently to my watch as she kicked her pudgy body into overdrive. Her thighs wobbled furiously as she crammed them into her tights and pulled them over her ass in a panic. She slipped on a white tank top which left little to the imagination.

The thin white fabric lent clear view of her soft, pink nipples through the cloth. Without the support of her bra, her tits sagged forward freely and rested on the slope of her stomach. As the pounds continued to pile one, I could only hope her tits would soon flank a much more mammoth belly.

Still, her belly was sizable enough to stretch her top tight and leave her in a perpetual battle to try and hide her newly fattened frame. As she tugged the hem down over her belly in a vain attempt at modestly, I slinked back to the kitchen and slipped into the walk in.

As I exited the cooler, I saw Laci strutting through the store, her back fat folding in on itself and her blubbery behind bouncing as she neared the exit.
"Laci! Wait!" I cried as I strode towards her.
I dumped a full carton of cookie dough ice cream into her arms. "For the road," I said with a wink.

Her cheeks reddened for the second time that night and she lowered her eyes to the floor. I slapped a post it note onto the lid of her fattening gift, causing her eyes to shoot up, and scrawled my phone number onto it.

"If you ever need to restock, just give me a holler. Maybe we can make a day of it..."
"Y-yeah... thanks Michael... I will..." Laci stammered. Me seeing her in the throes of gluttony had caught her off guard. I knew her dirty little secret, and the shame had reduced the sassy, vivacious valley girl to a submissive, quaking tub of lard. From the way it made her squirm, I knew she loved it. And I also knew I had found a new target.

----------------------------------- --------------------------------------------
Had to rewrite this chapter after accidentally wiping the original finished product. A fucking nightmare. Hopefully it's just as good! More chapters still to come.
26 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 2 years
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AndiFive 5 years
please continue with story !!!
Zacandcheese 5 years
Love this story!! I was wondering if we’d get an update on Elizabeth?
AndiFive 5 years
please continue !!!
ConJohn 5 years
Wow, love the direction this is going.
Shield 5 years
I just wanted to say this is one of the best WG stories I have ever read. The scenes with Laci are AMAZING and I really hope to see more! I also almost never comment so that should show how much I appreciate this story!
FA Guy 5 years
Excellent development. I can't wait to see how these changes effect Elizabeth.
Littlelittlepig 5 years
I can’t wait to see more between Michael and Alyssa. Their relationship is hot. And more of Laci would be divine 🐷💓
FA Guy 5 years
Excellent story. I love how your descriptions paint a picture so well.
Fatchance 5 years
awesome! MORE PLEASE!
AndiFive 5 years
Kane24 5 years
hope you continue!
SomeGiraffez 5 years
Chriskin8 5 years
I’m excited for more
Chriskin8 5 years
Awesome story really hoping for more soon
Ktm909 5 years
Love this story, your writing style is great and easy to follow, can't wait for more. Also really excited about this spinoff story about Alice, she sound amazing!
Plushush 6 years
actually wrote Alice with her own entire arc, but I wanted to keep the focus on the main 4 girls, so I'm going to make that its own separate story. Still, that doesn't mean she won't get her just desserts!
Plushush 6 years
I have so much more planned, feederfan! I have the story arcs mostly outlined, which will be quite a few more chapters, so it's just a matter of finding time to write everything. Once this project is done, I have a number of ideas for new stories as well!
Feederfan 6 years
Really great story. Writing is good, descriptions great. Hope you have a lot more planned.
Flavor42000 6 years
Really great story.
Perenolde 6 years
Love the story so far! Thank you for sharing!
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