The boss’s daughter

Chapter 9 - roots

I was immediately worried about the challenges of splitting my focus between Laci and Alyssa; fattening up the latter was already a full time ordeal. I wondered if I could manage stuffing two of my coworkers at once, but luckily Laci didn't seem to need too much convincing to let loose at any chance she got.

Whatever challenges lay ahead, I figured I'd cross that bridge when I came to it. In the meantime, I had plans with Alyssa the upcoming weekend. I was having dinner with her family.

I could only hope that Alyssa's family was relatively apathetic about her rapid weight gain. Summer was coming to a close and I was pretty sure Alyssa had already blown past 180, and I had no plans on slowing her progress. With Laci in the picture, I frankly didn't have the energy to battle with Alyssa's parents.

Unfortunately, however heavier Alyssa had become was difficult to tell in her regular work uniform. Her tights still managed to stretch up over her belly, concealing the sweet blubber underneath, and strained valiantly to contain her surging cellulite thighs.

I didn't know exactly how much Alyssa weighed, but I did know that I needed to get her onto a scale as soon as possible. I needed numbers.

As I pulled up to Alyssa's home, I was awestruck by its size. A massive house for a massive girl, I supposed. Her family must have been loaded. It looked like a borderline mansion, the sprawling patio rapping around the the house and sloping into the spacious backyard. I could see the beginnings of an in ground pool but the bulk of it was hidden behind the house itself, towering above me. It was at least two stories high,with an attic to boot.

I made my way to the dark, mahogany double doors, marveling at the pristine stone walls and immaculate landscaping surrounding me. Despite having dressed to the teeth, the aura of the house still made me feel inadequate. As if I was impossibly out of my league. I knocked on the door.

All my anxieties soon melted away, however, because all at once my prayers were answered as Alyssa opened the door to greet me.

What a fucking vision. Now that she was no longer in uniform, I could fully revel in the damage I had done. It baffled me; with all her family's apparent wealth she still had yet to adjust her wardrobe in any capacity. Not that I was complaining.

My eyes drank up her figure; I couldn't get enough. The black, pleated skirt she had on would have fit flatteringly when she was still 150 lbs, but now it struggled to contain her bulk.

Her strapless top, being the tightest, seemed to have the most difficulty in containing her assets. It cut into her sides and caused the fat of her armpits to bubble over the sides. Her tits, which seemed intent on surpassing her current D cups, sagged heavily in her top, stretching the fabric tightly across the sacks of fat and pulling her outfit south.

This left me with a clear view of her now ample cleavage; the top dangerously close to slipping completely off her tits yet by some miracle still hanging on. Without the straps to obscure my hungry eyes, I could also see that her once prominent collar bones had completely melted away into her fat. Her upper body was all flab.

Her arms, too, had gained a couple inches in circumference and were now draped in thick, useless blubber. The double chin that had begun to invade the curve of her jaw had expanded further, hanging down and melding into her soft neck.

What had once been proud cheekbones had been consumed by plush, perpetually ruby flesh, a mark of her deteriorating fitness. Fleshy jowls had developed on each side of her face, joining her double chin in the battle to consume her formerly strong jawline.

Fortunately for Alyssa, the skirt itself was stiff, thick fabric that, unlike the tights she always wore, was not designed to cling to her fleshiness.

While this kept the fabric from becoming transparent or tearing completely, it was still unable to hide her gain.

At her lightest, the skirt probably reached to just above her knees. But now? It seemed to be on its way to becoming a tutu. Between her pillar-like thighs, blubbery belly, and jiggly, jutting ass, the hem failed to even reach mid thigh.

No longer stuffed into her signature tights, Alyssa's belly was clearly straining against her top and the cloth was pulled tight around her much bigger bulge. Her stomach, which should have been modestly tucked away in the top of the dress, hung down enough that the flesh caused the even the skirt itself to be pushed outwards.

Although her stomach still maintained a relatively spherical shape, with the extra weight it began to lose its curvature and became wider and pudgier. Even her thick, multiplying side rolls were clearly outlined.

Alyssa's ass, however, was the skirt's main opponent. Her backside must have been jutting out a couple feet behind her, lifting the skirt almost all the way up to the bottom of her cheeks. Like her belly, the once tight orbs of fat had become wide and flabby, all shape having surrendered to the spreading cellulite.

Several months ago, Alyssa could have out squatted most any other girl. Now? I doubted she could even make her way back up from one now that her muscle had given way to pure, useless, jiggly fat.

The shelf her rear had created was impressive, but was being actively invaded by her fat rolls as they rested heavily upon it. I couldn't believe that her work clothes had ever hidden all that lard.

Despite her ass bearing the brunt of her gain, Alyssa's thighs hadn't fared much better. Their circumference had expanded to such a point that while standing she had maintain a wider stance to allow the flab of her inner thighs to hang freely. Even then, the flesh had begun to touch ever so slightly.

I could see small rivers of sweat snake down her meaty thighs, as if it was exhausting just to stay balanced on the piles of cellulite and lard that had replaced her legs. She hadn't seen the inside of a gym since we had started our breakfast dates. At this rate, I'm not sure she would be able to fit through the gym doors even if she wanted to.

I did nothing to hide the raging lust in my eyes..
"Goddamn Alyssa," I whispered, "fuck, you look like a goddess."
She blushed. "You're too sweet hon, but I gotta say I make this skirt look damn good..." Alyssa punctuated her statement with a swift slap to her ass, sending ripples through the pillowy flesh and even causing her belly to bounce in turn.
"...even if it doesn't fit quite the same," she added in a mumble.

"Really? I think it fits perfectly babe. It showcases all your assets. How about you twirl for me? Lemme see the rest of you."

I shifted uncomfortably in place, hoping that when I entered her house my erection wasn't completely obvious.

Alyssa beamed. "Of course sugar!" And with that, she twirled for me, her steps made wobbly and clumsy by the her fat, ungainly thighs.

What little the skirt had covered was completely exposed. I could see her ass in all it's fat, naked glory; traces of a black thong rising up from the chasm created by what were essentially two doughy balls of fat. Even the lower half of her belly saw the light of day, shifting heavily with her movement and swinging like a squishy pendulum.

When she came to a stop, every roll jiggled and her tits jostled dangerously in her revealing top, threating to pop out and into the open. The sudden stillness sent ripples down her thighs and through every extra pound. She was gorgeous.

"Like what you see, hon?"

Holy fuck, did I ever.

Then, with her eyes gleaming and her pudgy hand wrapped around my own slim wrist, she led me past the double doors and inside.

"I can't wait for you to meet my family, babe!"
26 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 2 years
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Insanity2222 6 years
Great story so far, can't wait to see where you go with it
Rimtech 6 years
Fantastic story, love the way you've written it. Please write more!
Theswordsman 6 years
I like how you mention all the other girls growth please continue
Matteo 6 years
Plushush 6 years
Thanks Jazzman! This story is actually based on real people (and the occasional real experience) which is why I've included the characters I did. Although I admit it is a little ambitious for my first story. Another chapter is in the works!
Jazzman 6 years
Very nice writing.I always prefer less characters even though my own biggest story had like 12! Lol I like this story a Lot!
Boomer 6 years
You have me interested, keep writing.
Flavor42000 6 years
I'm loving this story.
Ktm909 6 years
Omg this is amazing, please keep going with this i cant wait to see how the story develops and what might happen to the boss daughter!
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