The boss’s daughter

Chapter 10 - hereditary

Upon entering their spacious dining room, all concern of Alyssa's parents opposing her gain melted away. The table at which we were to be seated spanned the length of the room which, as I had stated, was massive. Every inch of the dark, sturdy wood was laden with rich, savory, Southern food.

There were mashed potatoes, grits, gumbo, fried chicken, and just about every dish you could imagine. And all homemade. No wonder Alyssa had been the thickest of her coworkers. Her gym routine must have had kept her balanced precariously on the brink of obesity.

Tonight, I would watch her plunge in.

Her father greeted me jovially as I approached the table. "Michael! I've heard so much about you! It's nice to finally meet you. I'm John, John Harper, and this is my wife, Martha."

Neither of her parents seemed to exhibit any of the discipline their daughter once had. Her father was a huge, bulky man. His arms still had traces of definition, but the abundance of muscle was thoroughly padded with fat.

Unlike Alyssa, his jawline had already lost the battle against his weight, his jowls hanging over and obscuring it completely. His double chin was so blubbery that it had overtaken his entire neck and joined his face to his chest with a cascade of fat.

His belly, while dwarfing his daughter's, carried weight in the same way. The behemoth curve of his belly extended several feet in front of him and was tight as a drum, pulling his polo snugly around his midsection and hanging only slightly over his khakis. Although he and his daughter had similar stomachs, the bulk of his muscles sculpted his like a wrecking ball while Alyssa's belly was soft, flabby, and quickly losing shape.

His legs were the only part of his body that were untouched. Carrying around his weight around kept them fit; he was probably around 300 pounds of muscle and flab.

The same could not be said for his wife, however. She had obviously been pampered and spoiled for a number of years, never having to lift a finger. And god, did it show. Unlike her husband, her arms did not look accustomed to lifting much of anything, other than food. They were thick and doughy like her daughter's, but hung so far down that they appeared to be double the size of her husband's.

Her wrists and ankles were creased with fat, and every single one of her digits was like a bloated sausage. Like Alyssa, she was also bottom heavy, a definite pear. I noticed that her chair was actually custom made, and though the others were already wide and stout, hers was about twice as wide and twice as thick.

With good reason, too. Her khaki shorts, like her chair, must also have been custom made and even then could hardly contain her ass. It billowed out behind her and pooled out around her as she sat, still reaching the edge of her seat even with its forgiving dimensions.

The tanned flesh of her thighs was saturated with cellulite, the flab of each leg sloshing into each other as she adjusted herself. While Alyssa's legs were plump and still relatively shapely, age had rendered her mother's to become looser and jigglier than her daughter's. Even the tiniest movement made the fat shake excitedly.

Even with the added looseness, she was still stuffed into her shorts. Her gargantuan thighs ballooned out, causing the leg holes to cut into the flesh. There wasn't any sign of muscle. I would be surprised she could walk on her own.

Her belly differed from the rest of the family; her flab had separated into three massive rolls. The bottommost was the smallest and was crammed into her shorts, tasking the small, silver zipper with its containment.

The upper two were much more massive and surged over the waistband of her shorts. Despite her flowing, flowery blouse, both doughy rolls pulled the thin fabric tight, turning it see through. While she was sitting, her flab flattened and widened, a sea of side rolls adding to the strain put on her top.

Unfortunately, Alyssa's mother had the presence of mind to wear a bra in front of company, so the twin teardrops of fat were forced together and away from my prying eyes. Still, I could see her massive milk jugs bubbling out of her bra given that her top did little to conceal the flesh beneath.

Her tits far surpassed her daughters, easily pushing M cup. Martha had such a head start on Alyssa, so I hoped the next hundred or so pounds would be more generous with her breasts.

The sore thumb in this situation was Alyssa's 16 year old sister. She didn't seem to care about the presence of potential company, still dressed in only booty shorts and a tank top. She was even bold enough to forgo a bra, but with her perky B cups I'm sure it was easier for her.

While the rest of the family was enormous, Alyssa's sister was a fitness goddess. Even sitting her stomach remained flat and toned. He lithe figure was accented with slight muscle definition. She wasn't just thin; she was in damn good shape.

Taking after her mother, she had a little junk in the trunk, but while her thighs and ass were larger than the rest of her, they were tight and sculpted. In fact, her thighs were on their way to being ripped; I'm sure she could've crushed my head between them.

The curve of her ass was perfectly round and forced her booty shorts to ride further upwards, being eaten up by her muscular cheeks. Thick, dark, curly hair flowed down the delicate curve of her back, several strands in the front falling in front of her big, brown eyes.

Her lips were just as plush as her sister's, but framed with a defined but gentle jawline and gorgeous, high cheekbones. Every inch of her was deeply and thoroughly tanned.

When she saw me, her eyes widened in surprise, but only subtly. She must have been puzzling over how her cow of a sister could be seen with someone so fit.

The parents both greeted me jovially with a hearty handshake, introducing themselves as John and Martha. It was then that Alyssa's skinny little sister sidled up to me and suddenly locked me in an embrace.

"It's so nice to finally meet you! Alyssa won't shut up about you, you know," she giggled, voice dripping with honey. "It's been sooooo long since she brought a boy home! I thought she had given up!"

"I'm Alice, by the way," she whispered as she pulled away, hands lingering on my body. Alyssa rolled her eyes and pulled me back to her side. "And now you see WHY I never bring boys home," she hissed. Alice only grinned wildly.

"So! Everything here looks divine! You guys really went all out!" I tried to break the tension and, thank god, succeeded.

"Yes, yes, of course! Let's not hold off on the main event," John exclaimed. "Help yourself! Dig in everyone!"
26 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 2 years
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Cagor21 2 weeks
Biggest cliffhanger literally lol 😅 Hope it gets finished eventually
Lemmon 1 year
Hope this story continues one day it's been great
BulletSpire 2 years
Hope this gets updated
Urlacher127 2 years
Best story on this site, hope it gets finished someday
Xandercroft 4 years
Right on the cliffhanger. D'oh!
GrowingLoveH... 4 years
This story is exquisite. Thank you for writing it. I’m just a few chapters in. It’s wonderful.
ChrisBsmurfin 4 years
This the end dude or have we got a serious case of writers block?
ChrisBsmurfin 4 years
What a moment of clarity 😁😏
ChrisBsmurfin 4 years
Michael is like the quintessential feeder...
To any feeders out there we have all struggled with these emotions/characteristics!
Xandercroft 4 years
frostmoarn hungers
Xandercroft 5 years
Fa7h15101 5 years
Hell yes. More Alyssa please!
Plushush 5 years
I plan to give every main character a fully resolved story arc, although that will take some time. Alice is more of a side character, but if you guys like her I might do a spin off from her POV!
Plushush 5 years
Thank you all for the encouragement! I'm also glad to get back to Alyssa smiley We'll have some quality time with her before we return to Laci and Madeline's arc for a bit. I try to give all my characters some spotlight!
AndiFive 5 years
please continue with this story as soon as possible, by far this is the best story that exists here.
Shield 5 years
Really hoping to see this continue, but I respect if something has come up! One of my GOAT WG stories!
Katkatkatkatkat 5 years
This might be my favorite story ever, and it just keeps getting better and better.
Eponymous 5 years
This is a great story in a lot of ways, but I think that what I like best about it is how clear your descriptions are. You give us such a wonderful sense as to what these women look like, and as to what their overeating does to their poor bodies.
Whoskins01 5 years
One of my favorite what stories ever please keep adding new chapters
Xandercroft 5 years
Also voting for a continuation smiley
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