Looking back

  By Snp

Chapter 7 - Epilogue: Looking Forward

A few months after I stopped stuffing myself every night, my weight had eventually dropped back down to 290 or so. And that’s about where I am now, almost a year later. I’m 26 years old and I’m feeling pretty good about myself. Sure, there are moments when I wish somebody had a magic pill that could make me 140 pounds again. But as the days go by, I feel more and more like I wouldn’t take that pill. The experiences I’ve had and things I’ve learned while getting fat have undeniably made me a stronger person. And I’m glad my metabolism held out as long as it did so that I was able to experience life as a thin person for a while before packing on the pounds. It’s all come together to shape me into the woman I am today, and I don’t think I would change it for anything.

I’ve learned to find the positives in my new body. So what if my ass bounces all over when I waddle around? Sure, maybe I’ll never fit it into a bikini again, but at least I don’t have a boney butt like some girls I know. Most people probably wouldn’t want a big, round gut that sticks out into their lap and makes them look perpetually pregnant, but hey, it allows me to eat whatever delicious foods I want. As far as my big round chubby face goes, I argue that I’d look weirder without one, considering the body my head is on. And as for my massive boobs, well, who doesn’t want big boobs? Sure, they might hang down lower than is ideal, but they still feel real nice when they get squeezed and massaged.

Speaking of my love life, well, things couldn’t be going any better. I met an amazing man named Brad and we are engaged. Exciting, I know. But even more exciting is that I found out I’m pregnant. I just started showing pretty recently. I’ve been making jokes with my friends, like “I guess I don’t have to worry about pregnancy making me fat“, and “I‘ve been eating enough for two for years, at least now I have an excuse.” With all the baby weight I know I’m going to be back over 300 pounds again; the only question is whether I’m going to stay over it for good this time. And when I think about how bloated my boobs are gonna be from breastfeeding… yikes. But all that stuff isn’t important as long as our baby is healthy. Lately I lie in bed at night with a hand on my belly and wonder if it will be a girl. And if it is, will I pass on the family genes to her? Will she be destined to become a large woman like her mom and her grandma? In my heart I know that it doesn’t matter, as long as she stays true to herself. When I look back on my days, I see that the only thing you need in life is that inner peace. Well, that and a plate of mom’s meatballs. After all, they are to die for.

* Special thanks to BiggerBambie for letting me use her lovely picture as the thumbnail for this story. *
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TheOwl 13 years
One of the best stories I have read on here.
James Marlow 13 years
A very good story, straight from the heart and a refreshing change of pace from the usual badly written "spank fests"