Josh gets fat

Chapter 2 - sophmore year

Josh started his sophmore year at about 230 pounds.He went to class wearing sweatpants and a baggy shirt to try and cover up his growing belly.Josh had a new room mate and his name was matt.Matt was extremley handsome and had an amzing body.Matt would walk up to Josh and say "Man you sure are getting fatter" and Josh would just smile and blush.Josh knew that he was fat but didnt know that matt was into that.Matt woukd secretly buy more snacks for josh to eat and to get him fatter.Josh and matt were watching tv and josh was snacking as usual.He got up to get a drink and when he sat down the button on his pants flew across the room.Matt sat there in shock trying to hide just how turned on he was by that.

He yelled "dam fatty keep eating like that and thats going to be a normal thing"

Josh lifted up his shirt and said "eh its not that bad im not that fat i'll be fat if i want"

"Yeah keep snacking like that and ill have to roll you out of this room by senior year"

Josh and Matt continued watching tv and josh continued to stuff his face.By know it was december and Josh was hovering around 260.Matt coukd not help but watch his roomate blow up like a blinp,and he was enjoying every second of it.Josh loved gaining weight to impress josh and it was about time they came together.Josh was siting in the dorm room stuffing himself with pizza.Matt walked in and saw josh and was instanly in love.

Josh said "ah man you werent supposed to se that"
Matt said "well what if i enjoyed it"

That was the start of there relationship and josh was only going to get fatter from there.

It was time for spring break and Josh and Matt were on there way home to Josh's parents house. They have not seem him since the summer and he is know about 280 pounds.Josh and Matt got off the plane and drove to Josh's house.His parents opened the door and they bot went inside.Josh was wearing a button up and his gut hung over his belt.Josh introduced matt to his parents and they were in shock of how fat there son had become.

Josh's dad said "look like you enjoyed the unlimted meal plan a little to much"

"Eh its only 115 pounds im not that fat"josh said as he lifted up his stomach for his dad to see.

"Next time i see you,you better not be 400 pounds you ***"

Josh and his dad just laughed.There spring break went as usual josh took us gut for a spin at the beach walking around shirtless.Josh walked around proudly with his gut.
Josh knew that he and his dad were just joking but next time he saw his dad he wanted to be 400 pounds.Josh spent his whole summer eating and eating he didnt have to lift a finger with matt by his side he gained over 50 pounds in the summer and was hovering around a massive 340 pounds.Josh was huge he was balloning by the day.He had a massive double chin his stomach hung lower and lower over his belt ever day. He noticed it was getting harder to get up and move around and he was getting lazier and spent most of his day sleeping.Josh knew that he was only going to get fatter from here.
4 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 5 years , updated 4 years
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