Josh gets fat

chapter 3-junior year

Josh and Matt moved into a new apartment for their junior year. Matt made sure it was on the first floor because Josh was only going to get bigger from now.

Josh and Matt had always dreamed of joining a frat so they decided to pledge. They met some of the guys but they both ultimately decided to joint FAT. This was the top house at the school and they were very excited. Joshs meeting went well with they president of FAT. The president was astonished by how fat josh was and wanted to see how far this blimp could go. Josh and Matt had to go through many activities but they wanted to join so they had to keep up with them.

One night Josh and Matt got a call to come to the house for a meeting. This was no ordinary meeting it was to see if Josh had what it took to be in FAT. Josh and Matt walked in and there was a table with one chair and all of the guys were standing around it. They had one special task for Josh to see if he was worthy. The Frat president Brad told Josh that he could not leave until he ate everything that was given to him. Josh had no problem with this since he was so fat already so he thought he would have some fun. Burger after burger josh went on and on beer after beer he did not stop. His belies could be heard from miles away. He kept stuffing food while all the guys were shouting at him. “Keep eating fat ass” “you’re gonna explode dude”. He kept going until he finished all of the food. Josh was proud of what he had done he loved being a fat ass and loved being teased about it. Later on that night him and Matt had a special time and they were excited to both be in a Frat.

Josh and Matt continued on through the semester and Josh just kept getting bigger and bigger. His dad told him he better not come home next time and be 400 pounds. He was ready to disappoint his father because Josh weighed in at a Whopping 430 pounds!!!! He was massive. They both went their separate ways for winter break and Josh and Matt would call each other every day. Josh got to the airport and flew home. He was very excited to have to ask for a seatbelt extender because he knew that meant he was massive.

Josh arrived at the airport and got an Uber home. He rang the doorbell and waited for his dad to come to the door. His dad was in utter shock. His son could barley fit through the front door. His dad told him he had to loose weight but it only wanted to make Josh get even bigger. He gained about 20 pounds over break putting him at over 450 pounds. He flew home after break and Matt picked him up he was so excited to see his fat boy had gotten even bigger. They stopped to get fast food on the way home and Matt stuffed his boyfried full of McDonalds on the way home.

The next day the boys went to the house for a meeting and Josh got a ton of comments on his weight gain over break. He loved being told how fat he was and the guys loved how fat he was and how he was happy with it. The school year went normal and Josh ended the year at about 485 pounds and he was showing no signs of stopping.
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