Josh gets fat

chapter 4- senior year

This was the year the Josh and Matt’s final year of college. This was going to be their best year yet. Josh and Matt were now living in their Fraternity house and were sharing a room. Josh had always dreamed of this and he was so happy to finally be living it. There was only one more part of Joshs dream he wanted to graduate at a Whopping 600 pounds. He had dreamed of being picked up on a forklift to go and get his diploma. He had always wanted to be immobile and him and Matt agreed that he was going to get there.

The year was going pretty normal they just had a few classes left to graduate so this meant while they were not studying Matt was stuffing Josh to help him reach his 600 pound goal. It was time for winter break again and Josh and Matt went their separate ways. Josh was forced to buy 2 seats on the plan and everybody was staring at him as his fat ass boarded the plane. He got home and no shock he was was fatter than ever. Josh hadn’t been able to weigh himself since he broke the scale at the frat house. His parents were concerned with his weight but he said he was healthy and happy and they tried to understand. His brother was so skinny and tried to get Josh to workout with him. But Josh had no interest.

One night when everyone was sleeping Josh decided to go get some late night snacks. He got home sat on the couch and started stuffing his face while he was watching some tv. He was about to put another donut in his mouth when he started to hear a crack and he thought what now. A second later he was on the floor. Josh’s fat ass had broken his parents couch and was now on the floor surrounded by the foods that made him such a fat ass. He heard a footsteps and it was his brother. Thank god it was not his parents. His brother turned the light on the see his almost immobile brother on the floor like a fucking fat pig. Josh’s brother asked if his brother was ok. He said he needed some help up. Josh brother struggled to help his almost 600 pound brother up from the floor “Are u kidding me fat ass I can’t even get you up you are so fucking fat” I sat there with no care and told my brother to just help me. I finally got back up sweating and could barely move. The only thing I could do what sit down and continue to stuff my face like the pig I am.

Josh arrived back to college and met up with Matt. He told him what happened over break and Matt could not believe it and he told Josh how he would love to have seen that. Josh really wanted to know how much he weighed but didn’t know what scale to use. He went to an old scrap yard and asked to use their scale. He got on and he was in shock he was 550 fucking pounds of pure lard. He and Matt could not believe there eyes. They got in the car and hit up every fast food joint on the way home. They had three months till graduation and Josh only had one class left and he took it online.All he did was sit in his room all day stuffing his face. He was not going to leave until he was 600 pounds.

It was time for the big day graduation a new chapter. He got up to 600 and it was the big day. His parents couldn’t make the big day but he was ok since they would not like to see him this big. Josh could barley walk onto the stage to get his diploma but that made him so happy. He and Matt went back to their place and stuffed Josh all night long.
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