The food company delivers

chapter 4 - samantha

Hayley seemed to be in a trance."I wonder what it feels like, to be THAT big, all that weight weighing you down, her belly is perfect" Hayley thought as she squirmed in her seat which started a tingling sensation deep in the cavern in between her thighs. Samantha had already noticed Hayleys fixation on her stomach and smirked but pretended to not notice it. Sam loved the attention her gut brought to her be it from Ben or envious coworkers and used this to assert her dominance as the fattest one in the office by purposely wearing tight clothes,by eating more than anyone else did and making sure people saw it as much as possible. Samantha knew Hayley was now under her spell.

"'Sam cleared her throat' How as your first day Hayley?" Sam asked again, knocking Hayley out of the trance like state she was in.

"Oh know er... I haven't done much so far haha, i have only seen the offices and here" Hayley spluttered, sweating and itching her head.

Sam picked up the box of chicken nuggets and started putting eating them in her mouth one by one. As she bit down she moaned slightly as nugget exploded in grease inside her mouth

"What do you think?" Sam asked, her mouth still semi full

"Loud and busy... everyone's so bi-,busy, yes, busy" Hayley answered nearly letting her true thoughts slip

"Well after our little chat, we will take you to your office for your induction with Dr Yun, but we have to sort a few more 'urrrp' things ah...."Sam said, that burp relieving some pressure and opening up some room.

Samantha brushed crumbs off her chest and belly causing it to wobbling and jiggle hypnotically with Hayley sneaking a few glances. A bundle of papers was put in front of her.

"Your contract" Said Sam handing her a pen.

"Feel free to read, we've got plenty of time" She added

The first page had the company logo and the name "The Food Company" and was several pages thick. Hayley flicked through them."Non disclosure agreements, company discounts, health warnings, blah blah, whatever, " Hayley thought as she reached forward to sign the contract. Sams fat hand grabbed hers, "Are you sure, you barely read the thing" Sam said.Hayley shook off her hand and scribbled down her signature. Sam smiled to herself "She's either stupid or she knows exactly what she's in for. I might have some competition".

"Welcome to The Food Company, woo" Sam said waving her sausage fingers in the air. She did attempted to lean forward and shake her hand but her bloated gut put up stiff resistance. Sam put the papers under her desk and grabbed her stuffed sandwich of her desk, it flopped around in her hands, the fillings almost spraying out (it's almost as if the bread wasn't made for that much fillings). Her cheeks were stuffed to the brim, chewing vigorously. She swallowed and seconds later it landed in her stomach bringing a moan of pleasure from Sam and a welcome belly rub.

"Now your part of the team, anything you want to ask me" Sam asked while her hand was placed on her belly trying to calm it down.

"Why are all the female employees... well.. 'Whispers' fat?" Hayley asked inquisitively.

Sam laughed "Because they can, being big isn't a social stigma anymore, this isn't the 2010s, some women love the fact they are big it makes them feel... dominant over some men being bigger than them, they aren't forced to use the vending machines, they choose to, its all their choice in the end, but you won't be working in the offices, you have your own "special" office downstairs in R&D with Dr Yun".

Hayley understood deep down what Samantha was saying, it does feel hot to be big (even at her somewhat small size compared to Sam) and alot of people nowadays are at least overweight. Sam's speech reminded her of a post of the stuffing forums she's used to browse. Some ladies love the goddess nature being big gives them.

"Er one final question... its not about the company but erm... are you and Ben...?" Hayley asked slowly

"I'm his... goddess and he brings me offerings and his servitude, oh and we are also engaged "Sam said pointing to a ring stuffed on one of her sausage fingers engulfed by fat." So he's already taken" She added winking at Hayley.

"Oh ...ok... I suppose we are done" Said Hayley timidly.

Sam reached over to the intercom on her desk "Ben dear, please escort Hayley to her induction with Yun, oh and the foods all gone, devoured one would say..." A muffled response came through her side of the intercom. Hayley went to stand up but her ass was firmly stuck in between the arms."Get used to that, I made sure they put a small chair for visitors in my office, all of the office girls get stuck in it, your not as big as them but it's still fun to watch them squirm in embarrassment." Sam laughed with her fingers crossed enjoying the sight of someone looking so helpless. Hayley was sweating and red face in embarrassment, she lifted one of her hefty cheek and managed to roll out of the chair, her forehead saturated in sweat.A knock could be heard at the door, the door opened and Ben peered his head in "Of we go then" Ben said as he beckoned Hayley with his hands. He noticed Sam on her chair, belly free for all to see, Ben admired his handiwork and blew her a kiss and winked.

"Good luck Hayley, Don't get too fat" Sam said and grinning as Hayley left the room.
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I see we are coming up to 5k views on the story, thank you i never expected to see it go this high, I love writing this story and i truly appreciate the support on all of the parts so far.

I do also have a DA account where I will be posting this story as well as on FF and i do have plans for future stories.

Feedback is greatly appreciated
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Jolene 5 years
Looking forward to more! Great stuff so far!
Theswordsman 5 years
I wonder if Sigrun will start stress eating or not
Lpark435 5 years
I’m liking where this is going, looks like a serious weight gain is in store for Harley, hope they pump her full of a fattening serum.
Theswordsman 5 years
Are Samantha and Ben married or just dating because their relationship seems serious
Hubbert2995 5 years
More please
Theswordsman 5 years
Can't wait to see what happens next