The food company delivers

chapter 5 - treats on the house

The doors closed behind the pair and Hayley was instantly reminded of the hustle and bustle of the office area. Since entering Samantha's office, around an hour had passed. The working day was in full motion with the voluptuous office women lumbering around doing their daily tasks, such as filing paperwork and taking phone calls. Some were seen having to squeeze past each other -- something the corridors created between the cubicles were clearly not designed for

"We should probably wait a few minutes," Ben said while looking down at his watch

"Why, is Dr. Yun busy or something?" Hayley asked

Ben chuckled. "You'll see in three.. two... one."

As soon as the arms struck 10:15AM, a siren sounded in the office. All of the women stopped, almost instantly, and were completely silent. All that could be heard was the heavy breathing coming from some of the employees. A voice boomed from the speakers across the room; It was Samantha's.

"Good morning, piggies. As you all know, 10:15AM to 10:20 AM is Treat Time. Please all go to your assigned vending machine, and no pushing this time. I'm looking at you Sindi, you were a little bit... too enthusiastic yesterday."

The crowd of women all looked towards one corner of the room at a young, chubby, olive-skinned girl who looked down and shielded her eyes with her hand to hide her embarrassment.

That must be Sindi, poor girl. Sam seems to love making examples of people, Hayley thought. As they were instructed, all of the women waddled over to a vending machine, squirming past each other. Once they were all in position, the vending machines began beeping with a robotic voice constantly repeating, "Free! Free! Free!". In a frenzy, the women were all pressing every button on the machine, ordering every single sugary treat in it. Packets and wrappers flew out of the trays, the women desperately trying to find room to hold them, stuffing them down their skirt pockets and large bras, and even down their tight panties if there was room.

The flashes stopped, and the room fell near silent again. Conversations could be heard comparing the loot each one of them collected, and what their favourite treats were. Others were talking about how they did not buy any because they could barely fit in their uniforms. (Most of these were lying -- they did get some, but wanted to appear superior over their colleagues. You know, office politics and all).

Watching the "piggies" all waddle back into their cubicle, Hayley turned to Ben.

"Now I understand why they are all fat. Sam said they choose to be, but it looks like you force-feed them treats."

Ben appeared hot under the collar. "They do choose, they don't have to get stuff from the-"

Ben was interrupted by a crescendo of ripping noices and the locals tucked into their goodies.

"After all, we all know deep down they are fatties because if they weren't, they would have quit by now, ahaha," Ben continued, wiping a sweat bead from his neck, "Why are you so concerned?"

Hayley couldn't really answer. Deep down, she wanted to be like them, but the small inkling of reason in her mind was still there for now. Hayley ignored the comment and asked, "Can we go now?"

Ben smiled. He raised his hand and bowed to usher her towards where she wanted to go. While walking, Hayley remembered her encounter with Samantha -- the way she managed to assert her power over here with no real effort, casually getting her belly out; the small seat she knew people would get stuck in, stuffing her face in front of her as if she wasn't even there, and the way she knew I was captivated by her gut. Hayley never thought she was into the whole belittling/domination thing, but just being in Samantha's presence made her slightly wet.

"Just a little joke that we have between us security guys: we call the offices the 'Farmers Market', as all those pigs are on display," Ben said, chuckling to himself

"Well... I understand why," Hayley replied softly.

"It's all a joke. Most of us date someone in there anyway. It's all in good fun. It all came from us picking the biggest ones from the department, like you would pick a pig at a market," He continued.

Hayley grew hot. Being referred to as a pig is so hot, being measured with their eyes to find the best pig to be sold off to the highest bidder, having people see you struggle against your clothes, sweating everywhere...

She shook her head. "Stop that, you weirdo. This shit is demeaning. They are people with eating disorders being preyed on by chubby chasers, and you shouldn't even be here. This place is red flag central." Hayley was talking to herself almost as if she had an angel and devil on either shoulder.

"No one has ever found us attractive because of our size, and these people will love us because of it," she muttered. "No one found us attractive because we are useless slobs with no aspirations, eating crap and binge-watching netflix!"

Ben was just standing there awkwardly by the elevator, looking at Hayley. She stood there looking left and right and looking angry. Ben raised a finger and was about to say something, but then stopped. I'll let her finish, he thought as he pushed the elevator down button.

The ding of the elevator arriving brought her to her senses somewhat.

"Huh," she spluttered.

Ben nervously began. "Er... ok, down the elevator is R&D where you will be working. This is as far as I go. Dr Yun will be waiting for you down there. Any questions?"

Hayley shook her head as she stepped into the elevator. As the doors closed, Ben gave a quick wave and said his farwells.

----------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------

Thanks for reading, I do also have a DA account where I will be posting this story as well as on FF and i do have plans for future stories. /

Feedback is greatly appreciated
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Jolene 5 years
Looking forward to more! Great stuff so far!
Theswordsman 5 years
I wonder if Sigrun will start stress eating or not
Lpark435 5 years
I’m liking where this is going, looks like a serious weight gain is in store for Harley, hope they pump her full of a fattening serum.
Theswordsman 5 years
Are Samantha and Ben married or just dating because their relationship seems serious
Hubbert2995 5 years
More please
Theswordsman 5 years
Can't wait to see what happens next