The food company delivers

chapter 7 - f.e.e.d.o

Hayleys eyes opened groggily.Due to the lack of windows or clocks in the room Hayley was uncertain how much time had passed. She tried to how here hands to rub her eyes but found she was still tied to the contraption, her newly bloated midsection was weighing her down causing her wrists to rub against the ties making them sore, she tried to adjust her hand but they were bound tightly. She looked around and noticed Dr Yun had not returned and she was still alone, or at least so she thought...

Her buxom chest made checking out the extent of the damage difficult however she was able to see the top of of her globular stomach poking out from under her chest. The pain had subsided considerably however her skin still felt extremely taut around her stomach. She let out a small moan.

"What now, Am i gonna do that again?" She thought to herself biting her lip and clenching her hands.

A rumble erupted from her stomach,echoing throughout the room.

Suddenly a small 'beep' could be heard.

"Hello subject 'Hayley', I am F.E.E.D.O..." Came a soft male sound robotic voice,

There was visible confusion on Hayley's face.

"Ugh... what?" Replied Hayley

"Dr Yun is having a important meeting right now, she activated me to tell you she will be down shortly after she has finished" Said F.E.E.D.O

"Heh... What does F.E.E.D.O stand for then... Feeder,er... " Hayley say, having to force out words still slightly exhausted.

"That is just my name Subject 'Hayley' , does 'Hayley' mean anything?" It responded bluntly.

Hayley didn't answer.

The door opened and in stepped Dr Yun looking down at a clipboard and holding a plastic long bag. She raised her head forward to look at Hayley. The view she was met with caused her heart to start pounding. Hayley was leant slightly forward allowing gravity and her stomach to duke it out, gravity was winning, her bloated stomach was weighed down slightly toward the floor. The doctor put down her clipboard and the bag on a desk and slowly walked towards the trapped Hayley. Hayley looked at the Doctors face as she walked over, She was sweating profusely and her eye were wide open staring at Hayley but it wasn't the look of lust, but the look of a proud artist admiring their work. The doctor reached Hayley and placed both of her hands under Hayleys stomach and pulled it upward slightly, causing Hayley some discomfort.

"So... when are you due?" Yun laughed giving her underbelly a soothing rub.

Her hands moved up to where her belly button would have been. Hayley normally had a deep belly button but it was now forced out and Yun tried to force her pinkie finger into the extroverted navel, attempting to push in back in. The pain Hayley was suffering caused her more pleasure than pain and she was rolling her eyes back into her head. Hayley felt small kisses on her stomach and she looked down to see the Doctors ear placed on her belly, listening to it.

"Doctor, may i remind you, we have a job to do" F.E.E.D.O remarked who was silent throughout the Doctors little inspection.

Her face looked like a toddler who had just their toys taken away,The Doctor stood up, wiping the sweat from her brow and adjusting her shirts collar.

"Yes, you're right... HAL" Yun smirked as she chuckled.

"My name isnt H.A.L, it is F.E.E.D.O, did you forget doctor?" The voice replied.

The doctor rolled her eye and gestured her hand being brought back over her head while making a wind like noise.

"Release" Shouted Yun

The clapses holding Hayley up had been cut and she fell to her knees on the cold floor. She was finally able to touch herself and feel the extent of her gut. Her hands glided across the surface and she grasped it with both hands. Her mid sections new size twineed with her already thick thigh made her look like a goddess of fertility, her belly mimicked that of late pregnancy and her thighs appeared more childbearing now she had the stomach to match.

Yun admired the sight and smiled, proud of her handiwork.

"Just you wait piggy..." She said under her breath

"Stand!" Commanded the Doctor.

Hayleys legs felt like jelly and she attempted to stand but her ballooned stomach made it difficult, slowly she rose to her feet. The weight of her newly acquired stomach caused her back to ache and she placed her hand there in order to help support it. While all this was going on Doctor Yun was unpacking the large plastic bag on the desk. She pulled out a dark blue jumpsuit and threw it at Hayley.
Hayley only just caught it, it felt heavy and durable in her hands.

"This is some heavy duty stuff" Hayley thought.

"Put it on, NOW!" Barked Yun.

Even at Hayleys size the jump suit seemed far too large for her, she easily managed to put it on with a lot of hanging fabric. Doctor Yun walked over to her and pressed a button on the chest part of the jumpsuit. It then suddenly constricted against Hayleys body becoming skin tight, showing off Hayley various curves, even causing a small camel toe to appear in between her plump thighs. The suit creaked as Hayley slowly moved around but she felt the suit held her belly in just the right position for it to no longer ache.

"It's a new product we are testing from Materna Corp, its made from elasta fabrics that are made suite any size, it is normally made for expecting mothers but... we have made some adjustments so it can be sold to fatties, 'One size fits all' " The doctor said smiling while making a rainbow with her hands.

"F.E.E.D.O, get Hayleys workstation operational..." Shouted Yun

"Is the subject ready Doctor?" Replied F.E.E.D.O

The doctor looked over to the bloated Hayley.

"Yes... shes ready..."

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Thanks for reading, I do also have a DA account where I will be posting this story as well as on FF and i do have plans for future stories. /

Feedback is greatly appreciated
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Jolene 5 years
Looking forward to more! Great stuff so far!
Theswordsman 5 years
I wonder if Sigrun will start stress eating or not
Lpark435 5 years
I’m liking where this is going, looks like a serious weight gain is in store for Harley, hope they pump her full of a fattening serum.
Theswordsman 5 years
Are Samantha and Ben married or just dating because their relationship seems serious
Hubbert2995 5 years
More please
Theswordsman 5 years
Can't wait to see what happens next