The food company delivers

chapter 8 - the piggy is let out of the sty

"You may want to stand back" Said Doctor Yun ushering Hayley backs with her hands.

She raised her hands and clapped, there was a pregnant pause. Suddenly the floor in front of her slid down ever so slightly and opened up to reveal nothing... or so it seemed. The sound of cogs spinning and pistons pumping erupted from the newly created hole. Curious, Hayley shimmied forward and peered over the edge, all she saw was a thick darkness which even the bright lights of the rooms couldn't help penetrate, from the abyss came a large silver metal table and a matching chair. As the table rose, it allowed Hayley to get a better look and inspect her "Workstation". She saw the table came equipped with a trough like shape built into it, what looked like a cola dispenser with a cola branded cup, a small TV screen and below that was a small counter which read "0000lbs" in red LED.

A grin was stretched across the Doctors face from end to end as the apparatus of her design rose and locked into place, almost giddy with pride. Once in place the floor retracted back and clunked into place around the newly installed table. This allowed the Doctor to slowly walk around the table, caressing it with her thin fingers.

"Here's where you will be working" Yun said giving the table a slap.

"Come..." She beckoned

Hayley took small baby steps, inching slowly towards the table.

"NOW!" Yun screamed slamming her baton down on the table creating a thunderous slam that puslated throughout the room, not even making a single scratch on the table.

This caused Hayley to shimming quicker, when she arrived at the table she attempted to sit on the chair. The chair was smothered by her rear with part of it lodged up between the crack.

"It's a bit... 'ugh' small" Hayley said while attempting to adjusting her weight to make it more comfortable.

The doctor clapped her hands again. The chair extended outwards from under Hayley. A pounding sensation could be felt on her left cheek, the side of the chair was stuck and required space but unknowing Hayley was putting up quite the resistance. The piston kept thrusting back and forth and the whirring grew louder and louder pushing with all its mechanical might.

"Quit it!" Hayley said, angrily looking over her shoulder at the chair as she tried to raise her cheek to help.

The doctor's eyes rolled in her head.

"You'll have to get up..." Yun sighed, rubbing her eyes in frustration.
Hayley looked around for anything she can grab for assistance, her head rocking back and forward due to the constant force that was being applied to her body. She paused for a moment.

"This isn't a half bad massage ya know" Hayley thought to herself as she put in little effort in trying to change her situation.

Clearly frustrated Yun, she walked behind Hayley and placed her mouth next to her ear.

"Is our little piggy having fun?" Yun softly whispered, unholstering her baton.

"N... No... i'm just... er tired... er" Spluttered Hayley, embarrassed she was caught finding pleasure in such a thing.

"Then... WHY HAVEN'T YOU MOVED!?" Yun shouted bringing her baton forward to strike Hayley's stationary rear. Finding her target.

The quick blast of pain was strong enough to cause Hayley to spring up from the chair for just a moment, a moment long enough for the chair to finally adjust. As she fell back down and hit the chair she noticed it perfectly cupped her two ass cheeks. As she sat down, the number on the red LED on the table began to change. It fluctuated between different numbers until it settled on one. "281 lbs" it read. Yun smiled as she saw the figure appear out of the corner of her eye, a little shiver of pleasure went through her body.

Hayley caught a glimpse and put a hand on her stomach. "Fuck.. 280... I could have swore i was 250 max... i guess i did really let myself go" The shock and embarrassment caused Hayley's heart to start to pound in her chest and droplets of sweat began to form on her forehead. "Fuuuuck i never felt being treat like the pig i am would feel so good...". She thought as she closed her eyes.

"281... how cute." Yun said giddily biting her lip.

The Doctor maniacally walked around the chair and placed her hands on Hayleys shoulders and sunk her claws into Hayley's jumpsuit causing her eyes to open.

"F.E.E.D.O... prepare the product for testing" She shouted pushing down into Hayleys neck.

"As you command Ma'am" F.E.E.D.O replied.

The tube descended from the ceiling again however this time over the table, cleaned and ready for action. The doctor grabbed the house and brought it to Hayleys mouth, Hayley new what was expected of her and reluctantly opened her mouth. As soon as it about to be placed in her mouth Yun pulled it away and cackled.

"My my this piggy is enthusiastic, no... we don't do it like this... yet..." Yun said seductively

The doctor pulled the hose over the trough and left it to dangling over it a liquid dripping from it. Hayley looked on with visibly confused

"This is more fitting for you... in a trough like a PIG mwahah!" The doctor shouted vindictively.

"Dispensing substance, bon... appetit Subject 'Hayley'" F.E.E.D.O said.

A engine like noise sounded around the room and a lightish brown looking mush filled the hose and spurted into the trough, hitting the bottom of the rough with some velocity causing a metallic ring to join the crescendo of metal. The aroma hit Hayley nose, her pupils expanded, it was the same smell as the pizza she had yesterday, the whiff of cheese,pepperoni and jalapenos caused her to lick Hayley lips. Hayley sat there in her chair eying the unappetizing looking muck but the aroma was driving her crazy. Combined with her expanded stomach she was dying for some food.

"Look at you... piggy wants some food?" Yun said very condescendly placing a hand over Hayleys belly.

The doctor placed her finger in the pile of mush, slowly twizing her finger around, attempting to gather as much substance on her finger as she could. Once saturated in the muck she raised to to Hayley's mouth. Hayley without hesitation engulfed the Doctor's finger with her mouth sucking every last drop from it, the amalgamation of flavours cascading around her mouth, the buttery taste of the cheese, the meaty taste of the pepperoni and the spiciness of the jalapeno, all in one delicious bundle of greasy goodness . The Doctor started to moan slightly as she felt Hayleys meaty mouth and tongue work around her finger, applying a lot of pressure.

"Someone's hungry 'hmm' Said the Doctor as she pulled he finger out from between to chubby lips.

Hayley was enthralled, she forced Yun out of the way and launch her face into the trough, devouring the substance. Yun's face was red with anger however the sight of her little piggy giving in to her hunger put a smile on her face, the smile of a proud parent. She stood up and began to stroke Hayleys hair.

"Thats right... good piggy... eat up" She said smoothly.

She was met with grunting and heavy breathing from the trough.

"You better have room, because this is only round one..."

After a few hours of eating, Hayley was defeated and was filled to the brim.

Dr Yun Peered into the empty trough and smiled.

"That's a good little piggy" She said condescendly while roughly pinching Hayley's chubby cheek.

Hayley was in too much of a food coma to respond in any form and was resting in her chair facing forwards with her mouth open slightly, in a food induced trance. Her belly hadn't grown nesacersilly, the empty space was now just packed full with the magical mush and was completely solid, If before it was a beachball and now it was a bowling ball.

The doctor placed her hands on the covered belly and slowly pushed down in two separate places. Hayley was startled as a bassey burp escaped her mouth however it was occupied with some vomit which she hastily swallowed, leaving a burning sensation in her throat. This caused the Doctor to grin maniacally as she loved to mess with her piggies. She pushed down harder causing sequences of burps to escape from Hayley's mouth and echo throughout the room. Again the doctor applied pressure, Nothing. Hayley lurched forward in slight pain and her heavy breathing became more audible.

" Im... So full" Hayley managed to say

"Im impressed, Usually our piggies are not as... experienced in gluttony like you, If i had a gold star sticker you would have earned it" The Doctor said placing her hands on Hayley's shoulders.

"Wha... What time is it?" Hayley grumbled.

The Doctor rolled up her lab coats sleeve slightly revealing a watch.

"3PM" She answered.

"What do i do now?" Hayley wondered

"As you cleared your quota before expected,you get to home... early Woo... yeah" Yun said while making jazz hands gestures.

"Sweet.." Hayley said

Hayley tried to stand up to leave but the Doctors hands dug deep into her shoulder forced her back down.

"There is one more thing we need to do, we need to make sure you leave this room before the next piggy comes in" The Doctor said softly.

She removed her hands from Hayleys shoulders and reached into her lab coats pocket, revealing a syringe. Removing the cover on the end of the syringe she slowly injected it into Hayleys neck.

Hayley experienced a shot of pain but instantly began to feel drowsey.

"Shhh... you'll be home soon" Yun said, conforming her.

Hayley struggled to keep her eyes open as her vision blurred and... she was gone,asleep.

------------------------------ ------- -------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------
Sorry for the long wait for the next chapter, it was a mix of burn out and work. I cannot describe how much it means to me to see over 32,000 people viewing my story and it becoming the most one of the most popular stories of the month of FF. Thank you for your views and i hope i can keep meeting your expec
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Jolene 5 years
Looking forward to more! Great stuff so far!
Theswordsman 5 years
I wonder if Sigrun will start stress eating or not
Lpark435 6 years
I’m liking where this is going, looks like a serious weight gain is in store for Harley, hope they pump her full of a fattening serum.
Theswordsman 6 years
Are Samantha and Ben married or just dating because their relationship seems serious
Hubbert2995 6 years
More please
Theswordsman 6 years
Can't wait to see what happens next