
chapter 11

When Vance opened the door, it all felt like the worse, or maybe in this instant, the best case of deja vu ever. His office looked almost exactly the same as the hotel room he'd just left. Fast food and discarded candy wrappers were littered about the oficescape. Empty milkshake containers were crowded around Uma and Tracey, while empty tubs of icecream, mass gainer and variously weighted dumbbells surrounded Veronica. "What the hell happened here?", thought Vance both curious and arroused by the machinations of his imagination.

And the skinny young girls hired by Samantha to encourage Vance's inception into feederism were non too skinny any more. While not exactly 400lb behemoths like Molly, Vance approved of their plumpened bodies. He well knew, especially now since Mol pointed out the behaviors of feeders, that these girls loved big men and feeding them, but he never figured they would turn their sexual proclivities on each other.

Both Tracey and Uma had passed out in what looked like a sexual embrace. Although they weren't completely naked, both girls skirts were hike up and a mess with what looked like red pasta sauce.

Vance's scanning eyes first caught a glance of Tracey. Previous to his little office hiatus, Tracey had been the thinnest of the girls in the office. He figured that if it wasn't for her out of proportion, enormous and natural rack, she could have been a supermodel. Vance always thought, if she wasn't so slender, she could have been one hell of a stripper, or swimsuit model. But since he was gone, she'd passed the swimsuit phase, and was definitely into bbw territory, "and only in a month?", mused Vance to himself as he struggled not to touch himself.

Tracey's yellow sunflour dress bunched up around her soft and now rather large lower belly. He would never have guessed that this former stick figure would gain a lion's portion of her weight in her midsection. There was not an ounce of fat on her body when her left, except for her jugs. But Tracey's big soft paunch still fell in at a distant second behind her now gigantic breasts.

Vance couldn't be sure, but he was pretty confident that Tracey now had to now buy her bras custom made. As tantalized as Vance had become with growing and fat belly's, he still couldn't be helped from salivation over her "now JJ's" he supposed.

Remarkedly Tracy's boobs looked to have outgrown her sexy and soft midsection, so much so that one pale and veiny breast was completely exposed. Her large nipple and areola looked engorged. He figured it was just the air conditioning, but he hoped she was pregnant. Images of her huge breast, squirting milk into his mouth filled his head before his eyes moved next over to her apparent partner, Uma.

Compared to the formerly lithe Tracey Uma's gain seemed substantially smaller to Vance. That was partially due to Vances eyes comparing Uma's tattas to Tracey's impossible watermelons. This assertion turned itself upside down when he scanned further south. Where Tracey gained most of her fat in the front, in her belly and boobs, Uma seemed to gain everything south of the border.

From her waist up, she looked pretty much like her old former self. But from the waist down it was a completely different story. Her curvy legs and thighs had rapidly blossomed, expanding both in their size and softness. He especially loved the forming dimples caused by her excess fat turning into curdily cellulite. Her hips were immensely wide and leading to two giant and jiggly ass cheeks.

And then there was Veronica. He remembered her teasing him "that it took a lot more man than he to satisfy a big girl like her", or something to that nature. Before inspecting her, he briefly gazed down at his ever expanding belly and playfully thought to himself, "I bet I'm big enough now".

However distracted his thoughts might have kept him from looking at Veronica, Vance couldn't help but grab himself when he saw her, really saw her for the first time. Like the other girls, she'd put on a significant amount of weight. He suspected maybe even as much as the other two girls combined. Where as the trash around Uma and Tracey contained mostly fast food, Veronica's meals while just as large in portion size where often less dense in meats and had lots of vegetables. She also looked to be drinking lots of mass gainer, accompanied by vanilla icecream. And from the looks of things she brought in her workout equipment. The two main pieces were an assortment of free weights ranging from 20 to 80lb sets. The other main piece of workout equipment was a state of the art tredmill.

The weights were scattered throughout the southeastern corner of the room. He could tell they'd been in heavy used by all of scratchmarks in his wooden flooring. However there was much less usage of the treadmill, evidenced by the fact it had become a makeshift clothes hanger for the girls variously outgrown garments and by the fact that there was a thick layer of dust covering the actual tracks.

Due to her intense lifting in and out of the office, but mostly in it, Veronica's muscles grew much thicker and much stronger in such a very short time. She would have looked like a female body builder if she had eaten better but there was way too much softness covering her big muscles for that these days. She was a sexy 6'4" (6'10" in her high heels) curvy and powerful bombshell with a big rack, a relivitely narrow but soft waistline, and a pair of thick and powerful legs.

Vance wanted her so much. He wanted her to push him down with her powerful body and have her way with him. He imagined being to weak, fat, and unfit to fight back. He found himself stroking his cock. "God, what have I become?", he reflected on his most recent deviant sexual fantasies, but he couldn't help it. He wanted her to dominate him. "Gotta get a hold of myself", he told himself as he further imagined her stuffing him with a strapon dildo while he ate cake on all fours. His imagination didn't have to travel all that far away for the sauce of this imagery as that's exactly what Mol had convinced him to do last night. Against better odds, he rather enjoyed being held by his fat haunches, and being pegged with a rather small dildo as he ate and oinked like a pig. But with Veronica, it would be different, harder, causing him to jiggle and wobble more. And if she wanted him to continue eating while she pounded him, he would be too weak to put up and resistence. "Snap out of it", he said under his breath before continuing on.

After gathering his wits about him Vance summized, and rightfully so that these two chubby bunnies and Zena Warrior Princess must have been doing all of his work instead of Helga.

"How could she?" he initially reacted, but after thinking about it for a minute his anger subsided as he recalled paperwork wasn't why he hired Helga in the first place. Come to think of it, he couldn't understand what he ever saw in her, there must of been something, he tried to recall, but couldn't put his sausage like finger on it, not just yet.

From what he could see upon quick inspection, the girls got all the work he expected from Helga, and probably three times as much as well. For that he was more than grateful as that meant his earnings grew proportionately. Gently sifting through the paperwork, he was glad to see that they'd done a "good job". There were a few technical errors here and there but overall, they were nothing he couldn't fix within a few minutes. "Maybe we could make this a permanent fixture", thought Vance. He was growing fatter and lazier by the pound and having three plump beauties always occupying his office didn't seem all that bad to the big boss man especially if they tripled his salary.
16 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 2 years
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Aquarius64 5 years
I like the story and it is well written, apart from... dare I say it... the spelling, which I find distracting.
GummieTummy 5 years
Aack! This cliffhanger will be the death of me! So, so good!
Masuli 5 years
Awesome story! Would like to read how those female hormones affect on Sam's moobs size during the gaining.
GrowingLoveH... 5 years
Exquisite! Thanks for sharing your talents -- and your wicked ideas.
GummieTummy 5 years
Things are heating up! I hope there’s much, much more to come!
FrecherTyp 5 years
very intriguing setup ;-) i love to read much much more ^^

great story ^^
Boomer 5 years
The scene is set when can I expect the next installment of the story due?