
chapter 13

The first couple of days were hellish and even a bit scary. Helga had never eaten so much, nor been stuffed with food on a constant basis. The girls took turns and feeding or shoving food in her face. She constantly felt bloated, sick and sleepy all the time. After a few days though, she noticed that she could eat a bit more and that she was beginning to like being fed, especially by Tracey.

She was the nicest of the three. Tracey took the time to learn what foods Helga enjoyed, made them at home and brought them in for her. Tracey also brought her aperitifs like brandy and cognac to settle her stomach. These alcoholic beverages did help with digestion but also had the added effects of calming her nerves which in turn made her more susceptible to the inaudible tones that encouraged her to become a full fledged feeder. Tracey even sat with Helga, snacking herself and rubbing both their bellys when they ate too much. The first day she rubbed Helga's belly, Helga was taken back a bit, but it did feel good, so she didn't say anything. By the second day she didn't mind, and after that, Helga found herself looking forward to her belly rubs by the equally big bellied and big boobed Tracey.

Whether Helga wanted to admit it or not, she was beginning to enjoy her time with Tracey, telling herself, "Its only for a month or so. I might as well enjoy it". If Helga wasn't so greedy for money, she might have noticed her changing attitude towards fat but that never happened as she told herself "it's all for the cash, all for the cash.

As much as she liked Tracey, Uma stilled scared her a bit. Whenever, Uma fed her, Helga was forced to listen to Uma's ramblings about "ultimate revenge" or about "immobility". Helga never let it really bothered too much as she knew she'd be off to Tahiti or some other tropic destination all too soon, "leaving these fat bitches behind", although now she often pictured taking Tracey with her, picturing both their plump bodies in bikinis that excenuated both their expanded belly and boobs.

Uma was more forceful, often making her eat til she broke out in a sweat and passed out. Helga worried about her health as she knew all the food comas were a sign that her blood sugar was constantly spiked. She would have quit after day one of Uma's stuffings, but she knew she needed to gain at least ten pounds, hoping that Vance would hit 420 lbs in a month or two at the longest.

Midway through the first week, Helga began to notice that she was getting hungrier all the time. Sometimes she was still hungry after one of her lighter sessions with Tracey. She'd even started snacking on donuts and other fattening treats in between stuffings. To save face to herself, Helga constantly repeated the mantra "One million dollars, one million dollars, one million..." to herself. It was an conscious effort to convince herself that her poor choices in food, growing appitite and new sexual fantasies were not do to her changing will, but part of her efforts to get rich quick. In truth, Helga was dually motivated. Conciuosly and overtly she she ate more and more to fill her future purse, but unconciysly and without her knowing it, the seeds of gluttony and the feederism were quietly germinating. Wheteher it was the lust for money or the subliminal messaging that motivated her more, that was a mystery. It didn't matter, either way, Helga quickly became a snack grazing machine, constantly keeping her stomach stretched to it limits.

By the time the week was over, she was picking up fast food on her way to and from work and occasionally bought a tub of icecream to accompany her while Netflixing. What's more she didn't even feel guilty about it. "I've got goals to accomplish her. A fat end for some fat means", said the gold digger outloud to herself before spooning in more Chunky Monkey.

Weighing herself the Sunday before going back to work, the former 6"1 Swedish model was a bit disappointed to see that she'd only gained 5lbs, up to 150. At this rate she'd probably gain 20lbs and make $40,000, but she want sure. Helga knew she absolutely needed to make sure to hit the magical twenty pound mark. She remarked to herself that she'd better gain a few extra pounds as well, just in case there was a discrepancies with the scales. She wasn't taking any chances.

If she gained another 25lbs, by the end of the month, she'd be up to 175lbs. That would make her officially chubby or "thick" as she heard the Americans call it. As she pondered the situation, Helga dreamed about how her softer body would look. She imagined her breast swelling and drooping under their added gravitational pull. She imagined her midsection become softer, fatter, wider. And it wasn't too bad in her evolving opinion.

On Tuesdayof the second week, Helga's clothing was beginning to get a little snug so that evening after work she headed to her favorite shop with a purse full of cash to buy some clothes that actually fit. When she arrived, she was sarcastically greeted by some new teenager she'd never seen before.

The emaciated raven haired teenager asked "May I help you with something ma'am?"

"Just looking around said Helga. This piece looks nice", she said before the young lady cut her off. "Yes, that's one out nicest items in our catalogue, but.... she trailed off, "I'm sorry sure we don't carry your size." The young girl snickered and said, "I'm sure there are some plus sized boutiques that would better suited your more curvaceous needs".

Helga was furious. She'd just been called fat in her favorite clothing boutique, one she'd spent tens of thousands of dollars in over the years. Helga's stomach growled loudly and she almost doubled over in pain. Embarrassed and starving, threw the clothes down on the storeroom floor like a petulant child, left the store in a flourish and steamrolled herself over to the adjacent icecream shop to get a large double chocolate shake. She remembered Tracey telling her that nothing soothed the nerves like a big chocolate shake. For some reason she was starving and bought two, before heading over the the plus sized boutique she'd been avoiding.
16 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 5 years , updated 2 years
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Aquarius64 5 years
I like the story and it is well written, apart from... dare I say it... the spelling, which I find distracting.
GummieTummy 5 years
Aack! This cliffhanger will be the death of me! So, so good!
Masuli 5 years
Awesome story! Would like to read how those female hormones affect on Sam's moobs size during the gaining.
GrowingLoveH... 5 years
Exquisite! Thanks for sharing your talents -- and your wicked ideas.
GummieTummy 5 years
Things are heating up! I hope there’s much, much more to come!
FrecherTyp 5 years
very intriguing setup ;-) i love to read much much more ^^

great story ^^
Boomer 5 years
The scene is set when can I expect the next installment of the story due?