
chapter 10

As the weeks went by, Vance and Molly grew fatter quickly. They were both programmed by the same woman using the very same methods. This made for a perfect match. Vance and Molly soon discovered that they liked all of same things: force feeding, oinking when making love, humiliating each other in public and even eating on all fours while the other fucked them from behind.

Their complete and total lack of any exercise besides eating and fucking added up with them more quickly than ever before with Vance gaining another 30lbs in as many days. And Molly adding another 20lbs to her already gelatinous frame.

At 324lbs, Vance was a true fatty. He no longer looked like a guy that had recently gained weight, but a life long poker. No one meeting him for the first time would ever had guessed that the morbidly obese man standing in front of them was a hot stud with bulging pecs and washboard abs just a short 8 months ago.

About a month into their non stop stuffing sessions Vance decided to go into the office to see how things were going. He wore a new suit into the office as he'd recently outgrown all of his suits, even the largest of them.

Everyone from the doorman to the receptionist was taken back by the increased weightgain in their recently delinquent boss. No one actually said anything to him about it but he could feel their eyes staring in disbelief, and he loved every minute of it.

Upon reaching his office, he was greeted by perky and thin, too thin in Vances opinion secretary Helga. In actuality, she hadn't lost all of the 35lbs she'd gained but had worked tirelessly to lose 20lbs in the month of her bosses absence.

Helga figured that he'd be excited to see that she'd lost a few pounds. For a while, Helga was worried as she thought that she was starting to look more and more like his frumpy old wife. But now that he was back, he barely seemed to notice her. He was rather cold and demanding. Helga felt despair as she realized that it was all over between them. On the bright side, he kept on gaining, so that was another 20k in her pocket. And if he kept it up, she'd get her million. "Things aren't that bad", she uncheerfuly mused to herself while worrying how to get him to the finish line of 420lbs.

"I'll be in my office today, I don't want to be disturbed by you or anyone else, understand?", rhetorically asked.

"Yes but, but..."

"Spit it out Helga"

"Well, your office...." she trailed off.

"Yes, what about it"

"Well, the girls have been busy organizing paperwork and filings, and.... they're still busy. So, so, can I have you sit in the conference room while I clear them out?", she asked meagerly.

"No that's ridiculous", said Vance opening the door. The sight before him was too much to behold.
16 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 5 years , updated 2 years
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Aquarius64 5 years
I like the story and it is well written, apart from... dare I say it... the spelling, which I find distracting.
GummieTummy 5 years
Aack! This cliffhanger will be the death of me! So, so good!
Masuli 5 years
Awesome story! Would like to read how those female hormones affect on Sam's moobs size during the gaining.
GrowingLoveH... 5 years
Exquisite! Thanks for sharing your talents -- and your wicked ideas.
GummieTummy 5 years
Things are heating up! I hope there’s much, much more to come!
FrecherTyp 5 years
very intriguing setup ;-) i love to read much much more ^^

great story ^^
Boomer 5 years
The scene is set when can I expect the next installment of the story due?