Scarlett packs on the pounds

Chapter 15 - august

Well here she was. August. A few short weeks to go. She was finally in the home stretch. On August 27 she can call up Steve and get her information on when they shoot her scenes and how they help her lose the weight.

She was a little scared of what they would say because she met their goal and then some. Perhaps they will be pleased that she put on an extra 50 pounds. Well one things for sure it pleased George quite a bit.

Anytime she walked around in George's place he would jump on her and start kissing her while he felt up her squishy rolls and curves.

Sex was amazing he could please her in ways she couldn't have ever imagined. He was so generous and so mindful of her curves that it was all just perfect.

She may have been living in a small apartment on skid row but she was feeling the happiest she'd ever felt. On one hand she was sad about only having a few weeks left to pig out but was happy that she could lower her weight a bit for health reasons.

Also at her current weight she had passed the point where she still felt beautiful. With even up to 100 pounds of extra padding that she tacked onto her body she felt beautiful. But now no matter how much George told her how hot and perfect she was she just felt gross.

She was happy with severing ties with mike and was happy that she had a man that treated her right.

One thing about getting with George was he was not as open as Scarlett was and was having no part of jess and Scarlett's relationship. He gave Scarlett and ultimatum and she chose him.

He feels that fattening up a woman should be in a loving relationship and not a purely sexual one.

Anyways Scarlett would play with her self for hours now.

She'd sit in her bedroom and feel her softer body. To her it was really weird how in under a year she had more than doubled what she used to be and completely thrown away decades of self control.

She loved her jiggly belly. She'd feel it rest firmly on her creamy thighs every time she sat down. Every time she sat down she felt her pussy drip with enjoyment.

Her thighs had gotten so creamy that she couldn't see a bit of space between them at the molecular level.

Her ass had retained its shape but had gotten so round and jiggly that it looked perfect.

Her tits hung lower but still were very perky for their size. They would rest on her belly and make her look like an hourglass.

Since this was her last month and she would have to go back to being a fitness nut soon she decided to stuff herself to her limits every day.

Each day would be a smorgasbord of fast food, shakes, and anything she could think of to satisfy her needs.

She was getting ready for the big one. The day before Steve calls she would stuff at least 25000 calories into her in one day. It was very ambitious but she was working towards it.

She continued to push her limits each day until the day came.

She had sent George to the grocery store to get as much fattening and high calorie foods he could find.

He went to the store and got cheese puffs, chips, dip, and sandwiches. Everything from fatty cakes to the highest grade ice cream. He got her foods exclusive for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. He got her the works. Anything he saw he bought. Oreos. Candy. Nutella. Popsicles. Anything. The total came to about $1200. He brought it home and set the table.

He woke her up and brought her in to see the feast of the century.

She sat down and dug right in. She started light with a whole cake that she devoured in five minutes. Next she picked up a box of oreos and slathered each one in Nutella before shoving them down her gullet. She would eat whole frozen pizza after frozen pizza. At the same time as she had her feast George sat next to her and pleasured her to keep her going. She kept eating snack after snack.

After a good 6 hours of pure eating the table was cleared and the former model sat there with a food baby the size of Alaska.

It was a good night.

The next day she got a call from Steve telling her to come in and see the doctor one last time before shooting.

She went to her appointment and went through the same awkward experience as she did the last time she went there only worse since she was so huge.

She went into the doctors office and saw Steve chilling in there. He looked at her in awe at how massive she had gotten.

He looked at her and would not have known it was the same skinny fit Scarlett he challenged one year prior.

When the doctor walked she took one look at Scarlett and was knocked on her ass.

"Well what do we have here." The doctor said.

"Scarlett here for the clearance to start shooting my film" Scarlett said nervously.

"Well when I saw you in January I thought you were kinda fat but now look at you. I don't say this to be mean I'm just saying let's get this physical going."

"Ok" Scarlett said

Steve sat silently in the corner just watching

"Alright take of that shirt Scarlett we need to get you blood pressure and all that."

She whipped of her blouse revealing her cascading rolls on her midsection.

The doctor put her and on Scarlett's waist and felt how deeply she could push her hand in without feeling an ounce of muscle or bone. Her hand just sort of sunk into the fat until it was engulfed.

"Ok Scarlett now let's get your weight"

Scarlett stepped on the scale and watched the number go up.


"Wow Scarlett you've really put on weight in the last 8 months. Last I checked you weighed 178. That's a 118 pound gain. That is extremely unhealthy and I recommend that lose at least 100 pounds or more to be healthy"

"Well the thing is she doing this role that requires her to weight a large amount and she must keep her weight up through filming. Afterwards we'll help her lose the 100 pounds." Steve chimed in.

"You don't understand that makes her BMI 45. That is morbidly obese and I can't in good conscience recommend she stays the same weight for months. But I'll clear you if you really want to lose the weight after"

They said goodbye to the doctor and went to a coffee shop.

"Who would have thought that the skinny fit and perfect Scarlett would become a ballooning ball of fat in under a year"

"Yeah who would have thought"

"Well let's get filming" Steve said
16 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 5 years , updated 5 years
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Bobbo 5 years
Well shit my fellers it’s been fun writing this pile of dogshit but it’s time to move onto something better
Djfex 5 years
lol that part reminded me of Oscar Gold smiley
ConJohn 5 years
"unfortunately a movie about a gay disabled black teenager came out around the same time."

I've never laughed out loud reading a story on this site until now, lol
Jazzman 5 years
I will say that you have written a far better story than Any of mine.But if you want to be great please pay attention to spelling.To fat.No
Too Fat.Everything flows better when proper word usage is prevalent throughout.
I really enjoyed this story.
Aquarius64 5 years
I’m sorry, I cannot give this a ‘like’. I like the plot, but I do not like how it is written. Why do you have to start a new paragraph after almost every sentence? Why does every new paragraph have double spacing?
It got to the stage where it was affect
Jazzman 5 years
Great Story.Auto correct is hurting your spelling of you're and were.You're is used for "you are" .Your is a possessive pronoun.Were is past tense.We're is "we are".Picky? Yes.But you're too gifted as a writer for me not to mention it.
Theswordsman 5 years
It would be ironic if the movie she was gaining for got cancelled
Jazzman 5 years
This story is terrific.No need to jump the shark with quantities of cake and shakes after being patient and realistic with the gains so far
GummieTummy 5 years
Oh, man! I hope Scarlet overshoots the hell outta what the filmmakers expected of her, so much so that they can’t use her! I know, I’m rotten! smiley This is such a fun read!
Jazzman 5 years
Terrific pacing. A Marvelous Story
Karenjenk 5 years
I love this. its gradual and realisticish. the spelling thing doesnt bug me at all. this is amazing.
I hope you continue
Womansbellyl... 5 years
Keep up the good work!
Jazzman 5 years
You're getting fat
It will feel good to spell that word correctly. This is Too good a story to have that kind of error. Please keep going.You're a great writer.
Fatforfun 5 years
I agree with Jazzman. This has a great start, and I can see you took time with sentence structure, which really makes it readable. Yes, proofread your spelling, and go for it.
Jazzman 5 years
This is good.Nice character development. Be careful with your spelling. Your instead of You're. Right instead of Write.Striped as in Tiger instead of Stripped as in disrobed.
This story is terrific and I hope you keep going.
Theswordsman 5 years
I wonder how her marriage will be affected by her gain