Scarlett packs on the pounds

Chapter 4 - september

When month one of Scarlett's weight gain began she didn't know what to think.

The night before she started eating she let Mike *** in every way he wanted as a way of saying thank you for going along happily with her job to destroy her body she worked for years to get.

The first day she was mailed a massive box filled with appetite enhancers and the kits for her weight gain shakes. On the side of the box Scarlett read that each 16 oz drink contained close to 1000 calories

"Maybe this will be easier than I thought" Scarlett said to herself

That night her and mike went out to eat at a local restaurant she always wanted to go to but never could since their food was too unhealthy.

After taking the appetite pills she was extremely hungry so when it came to order she went all out.

"I'll take a large coke to drink and the double bacon cheeseburger loaded with everything you have. I'll take some loaded fries and a chili dog on the side, thank you" she instructed

"We'll have that right out to you miss" the waitress said

When her food finally came she was getting nlooks from people all over the restaurant, including mike. They were surprised that a skinny girl like this could eat anything close to this much food.

Well she got to eating and enjoyed every bite. In less than 30 minutes she had eaten everything the place gave her.

The waitress came back and asked if they wanted any dessert and of course Scarlett ordered 5 scoops of ice cream on a brownie topped with fudge.

At the end of the night her belly was turned into a hard ball that made her look 6 months pregnant. She had to unbutton her pants in the car because they were cutting into her belly.

She had eaten close to 3500 calories in one sitting

The next day she woke up and checked herself out in the mirror.

She saw not too much of a change from the day before and was actually a little disappointed.

She went downstairs and made herself a shake. She slurped it up and headed of to the gym.

At they gym she did her usual workouts without any struggle and felt very good about herself.

On the way home she stopped at a fast food joint

She got a large burger and a large drink and devoured it very quickly.

When she got home she drank another shake and sat down on the couch with a bag of chips to watch some tv. After this she took a shower.

She met up with mike and they went out to eat again. Tonight she didn't eat quite as much as the night before but that's not to say she didn't over eat.

She went home had another shake. Fucked mike. And went to sleep.

She repeated this schedule more or less every day for the next two weeks and decided to not look at herself in the mirror for a while. She went to the gym 4 times a week and ate more than three times what she ate before per day.

Two weeks into this schedule she hit a snag. She went to pull up some skinny jeans that fit like a glove two weeks ago were getting hard to button.

She was very surprised because she'd been thought she looked the same as always but when she looked at the mirror for the first time in weeks she saw something crazy.

Her sculpted abs she's slowed on working out recently had started to get a thin layer of fat on top of it.

This wasn't enough that you could grab it but it's enough that you knew it was there. She whipped out the scale and saw the numbers blink


She's put on two pounds in just two weeks. Not to say she wasn't entirely surprised since she's been eating like a pig for the last couple weeks.

Another two weeks passed and she kept on the schedule she set.

Once again she tried to put on those skinny jeans and ran into a new problem.

She had a little struggle getting them up past her ass. Once was finished heaving and pulling she ran into problem two.

She couldn't button them. Two weeks prior she could get them buckled with some effort but now it took what felt like three times as much work. When she finally got them buttoned she looked and saw that she had a little bit of a muffin top bubbling over her waistband.

She ran and got mike to show him her development.

"Honey you hardly look any different. You got a little bit of something extra there that's all it's nothing to be scared over." He said trying to reassure her

"Well it's kind of fast isn't it it hasn't even been a month yet" she exclaimed

"Well what did you think would happen after a month of pure indulgence"

"I don't even know"

"Get the scale and let's measure you to see what you put on for the month"

They went to the scale and she stepped on.

128 the red lights blinked

"Holy fuck I put on 6 pounds in just two weeks" she said

"Well honey you still have a ways to go" he said

"That's 4 pounds more than I have ever weighed in my life."

"Well it suits you" he told her honestly.

Mike assumed that when she put on weight he wouldn't be as attracted to her but he found that the small amount of weight she had already put on didn't make a difference to him whatsoever. He was still worried about what would happen that their relationship after 92 more pounds.
16 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 5 years , updated 5 years
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Bobbo 5 years
Well shit my fellers it’s been fun writing this pile of dogshit but it’s time to move onto something better
Djfex 5 years
lol that part reminded me of Oscar Gold smiley
ConJohn 5 years
"unfortunately a movie about a gay disabled black teenager came out around the same time."

I've never laughed out loud reading a story on this site until now, lol
Jazzman 5 years
I will say that you have written a far better story than Any of mine.But if you want to be great please pay attention to spelling.To fat.No
Too Fat.Everything flows better when proper word usage is prevalent throughout.
I really enjoyed this story.
Aquarius64 5 years
I’m sorry, I cannot give this a ‘like’. I like the plot, but I do not like how it is written. Why do you have to start a new paragraph after almost every sentence? Why does every new paragraph have double spacing?
It got to the stage where it was affect
Jazzman 5 years
Great Story.Auto correct is hurting your spelling of you're and were.You're is used for "you are" .Your is a possessive pronoun.Were is past tense.We're is "we are".Picky? Yes.But you're too gifted as a writer for me not to mention it.
Theswordsman 5 years
It would be ironic if the movie she was gaining for got cancelled
Jazzman 5 years
This story is terrific.No need to jump the shark with quantities of cake and shakes after being patient and realistic with the gains so far
GummieTummy 5 years
Oh, man! I hope Scarlet overshoots the hell outta what the filmmakers expected of her, so much so that they can’t use her! I know, I’m rotten! smiley This is such a fun read!
Jazzman 5 years
Terrific pacing. A Marvelous Story
Karenjenk 5 years
I love this. its gradual and realisticish. the spelling thing doesnt bug me at all. this is amazing.
I hope you continue
Womansbellyl... 5 years
Keep up the good work!
Jazzman 5 years
You're getting fat
It will feel good to spell that word correctly. This is Too good a story to have that kind of error. Please keep going.You're a great writer.
Fatforfun 5 years
I agree with Jazzman. This has a great start, and I can see you took time with sentence structure, which really makes it readable. Yes, proofread your spelling, and go for it.
Jazzman 5 years
This is good.Nice character development. Be careful with your spelling. Your instead of You're. Right instead of Write.Striped as in Tiger instead of Stripped as in disrobed.
This story is terrific and I hope you keep going.
Theswordsman 5 years
I wonder how her marriage will be affected by her gain