Scarlett packs on the pounds

Chapter 7 - december

For Scarlett December was off to a great start. After all the drama that happened at Thanksgiving she is now content with herself no matter what she looks like.

Mike on the other hand was getting a little bit disgusted by how much bigger Scarlett was getting.

She had already put on close to 40 pounds in four months and that's only gonna get bigger quick because now she's done excersizing for the rest of her gain.

The sex life before she put on weight was amazing.

She would take his penis and suck on it to get started. She would really do work with her mouth. Then they would move on to penetration. She was very generous when it came to sex. He could pound into her for minutes and she could keep coming and coming back until he came. She was so in shape and hot that just touching her body made him so happy.

When she started gaining it was like this for a little while but now things are different.

Now when they fuck she still gives good head but after that is where she has changed. When he starts penetrating her he can't get in as deep because of all the belly fat in the way. To get in he really has to push. Add to that that every hump that he does leads to her whole body jiggling. In the beginning this was kind of cute

But now it's getting old. We could fuck for hours before without her getting tired but now she can hardly go a few minutes without a breather.

Not to say it is all bad though. She has for the most part retained her figure with some padding on top. She is very curvy and her belly is not so huge compared to the rest of her that it is gross. It's just different. Mike loves to play with her huge titties and loves to feel her large ass.

He loves to grab it and squeeze it and sometimes he grabs her belly and squeezes it when they are in bed together. He doesn't know why he does it or why he enjoys it but he does.

Well Christmas is coming up and they will be going to see Mikes family for the holiday.

Mikes brothers always loved to see Scarlett because she was extremely hot and they all had huge crushes on her. Mike didn't know what would happen when he shows up with his obviously bigger wife.

Over the passing weeks Scarlett ate and drank to get her 5000 calories and just felt good while eating. She doesn't even remember what it was like to not have your pooch jiggle when you walk.

Halfway through December was about the time where the distinction could be made that Scarlett was officially a chunky girl. She wasn't fat yet but she wasn't the slim girl she once was.

She even had to buy new clothes because the stretchy and loose ones she bought in October are way too tight.

Her middle was starting to get pudgy now and most of her clothes were made for a slim thick girl that she was a month and a half ago.

Now when she sat down her belly would fold and many rolls would form on her midsection. She was insecure about her belly because she had never had one before and living in LA everyone was skinny and beautiful so she felt like a fat slob.

Christmas came and they went to mikes parents house.

When they were there they did some small talk up until dinner.

At dinner Scarlett once again made a pig out of herself by eating way too much

She just kept taking more and more expanding her food belly into a hard figure that was encased in about two inches of pure belly fat.

After dinner Scarlett could hear mikes brothers talking.

"Did you see Scarlett"

"Oh my god she has ballooned up"

"Her belly is big now and she wears that tight dress that just kind of shows it off"

"Remember how hot she was she went from looking like a pure 10/10 to whatever that chunk could be now"

When Scarlett got home after Christmas she had to come to terms

Through this whole thing she has been in denial about how big she was really getting.

Once again she stepped on her scale


"Oh my god". "I'm a whale". "I've put on close to 20 pounds in a month" "What happened to me" Scarlett said while very upset

She looked down and pinched her fatty belly. She could get handfuls of fat when into her empty hands when she was sitting.

In the mirror she was looking and seeing little specs of cellulite on her thighs.
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Bobbo 5 years
Well shit my fellers it’s been fun writing this pile of dogshit but it’s time to move onto something better
Djfex 5 years
lol that part reminded me of Oscar Gold smiley
ConJohn 5 years
"unfortunately a movie about a gay disabled black teenager came out around the same time."

I've never laughed out loud reading a story on this site until now, lol
Jazzman 5 years
I will say that you have written a far better story than Any of mine.But if you want to be great please pay attention to spelling.To fat.No
Too Fat.Everything flows better when proper word usage is prevalent throughout.
I really enjoyed this story.
Aquarius64 5 years
I’m sorry, I cannot give this a ‘like’. I like the plot, but I do not like how it is written. Why do you have to start a new paragraph after almost every sentence? Why does every new paragraph have double spacing?
It got to the stage where it was affect
Jazzman 5 years
Great Story.Auto correct is hurting your spelling of you're and were.You're is used for "you are" .Your is a possessive pronoun.Were is past tense.We're is "we are".Picky? Yes.But you're too gifted as a writer for me not to mention it.
Theswordsman 5 years
It would be ironic if the movie she was gaining for got cancelled
Jazzman 5 years
This story is terrific.No need to jump the shark with quantities of cake and shakes after being patient and realistic with the gains so far
GummieTummy 5 years
Oh, man! I hope Scarlet overshoots the hell outta what the filmmakers expected of her, so much so that they can’t use her! I know, I’m rotten! smiley This is such a fun read!
Jazzman 5 years
Terrific pacing. A Marvelous Story
Karenjenk 5 years
I love this. its gradual and realisticish. the spelling thing doesnt bug me at all. this is amazing.
I hope you continue
Womansbellyl... 5 years
Keep up the good work!
Jazzman 5 years
You're getting fat
It will feel good to spell that word correctly. This is Too good a story to have that kind of error. Please keep going.You're a great writer.
Fatforfun 5 years
I agree with Jazzman. This has a great start, and I can see you took time with sentence structure, which really makes it readable. Yes, proofread your spelling, and go for it.
Jazzman 5 years
This is good.Nice character development. Be careful with your spelling. Your instead of You're. Right instead of Write.Striped as in Tiger instead of Stripped as in disrobed.
This story is terrific and I hope you keep going.
Theswordsman 5 years
I wonder how her marriage will be affected by her gain