Fat love

chapter 5

I couldn't believe it, Lain, Lain the guy slim little guy that comforted me in the bathroom stall all those years ago, the one I talked to sometimes, the one that had moved to New York was back, and I didn't realize it right away!? "Took ya long enough to remember, I was starting to think you forgot about me!" went Lain, "I, I..." I couldn't even form a full sentence, I didn't know what to say, "Tounge tied much? Must be a sight to behold huh hahahahaha!" went Lain, that laugh, I remember that laugh, it was still so nice. "Eight years." I said, "Yeah, eight long years." said Lain, breaking the conversation was gracious stomach rumbling loudly .which caused me to blush, "Hehehe hungry huh~? Look at you all blushy and red like your hair, that's a nice color by the way, it suits you." he said, blush? Me blushing, no way, I didn't blush, I never blushed, I wasn't blushing! "I'm hungry too, I came here because the line was so long, it might be shorter now, wanna go together?" he asked, "Huh? Uh yeah sure." I said and gathered my stuff and logged off the computer, "We're not coming back here?" he asked, "Oh, I go to the courtyard for lunch usually." I said, "Oh then I'll go with you then~." he said, "I guess." said Castiel and he went on ahead and I caught up with him, the line was shorter and lemme tell you I was amazed, the amount of food he was getting was emaculate! Mine was more of a normal portion, not only that he was taller too, taller than me, he had to be at least 6'3, I was 6'0, I was tall but he was a giant! Maybe that was why he ate more. As we paid for our food we went to the courtyard and sat under my usual spot under the tree and I took out my phone and I saw him almost immediately dig into his food before taking out his homework, "Mmm~." he went as he devoured his lunch, I watched with wide eyes and felt myself get aroused a bit, wait, aroused, what the hell!? "You not gonna eat yours?" he asked while still eating, "Huh? O-Oh yeah, I-I'mma eat it." he said, "You used to eat a whole bunch when we were kids, I guess ya cut down and that's why your so slim." he said, "Y-Yeah, that's why." I said and started eating my food till it was done, but he finished faster than me and drank two cartons of milk and let out big belch and slapped his belly a few times, "Oh that was good~." he said, "I'm still hungry though, ya got any snacks?" he asked, he was still hungry!? "Nah man I ain't got any sorry." I said, "Ah maan, I'm still hungry though!" said Lain as he rubbed his belly, my eyes found their way to his tummy and I watched as his hand did circular motions as it went up and down from his breathing, "I wish I remembered to bring my snacks, I gotta remember for tomorrow." he said to himself, "Uh huh." I said, then snapped out of it, what was I doing? "I know, I got pretty pudgy since the last time ya saw me." he said and my head shot up to him, "What? Oh no I wasn't-" I was cut off, "Hehehe it's okay, I don't care if a ya stare or not." he said, "I've been eating a lot more the past few months, it's just I'm almost all the time and I can't help it." he told me, "It happened so suddenly too, one day I wake up and I feel like I haven't eaten in weeks, weird." he said, I can't help but look down occasionally at him still rubbing his belly, "Now I got this." he said patting his belly, "I don't mind it too much though as much as I thought I would, that might be weird hearing something like that but it's true, I don't mind having a belly on me." he told me, "Ya don't?" I asked, "Nah not really." he said to me. I found myself looking up, my eyes trailed up to his face, he wasn't bad looking. Not bad at all. Wait what was I thinking, what was I even doing, I get aroused by watching somebody eat and now I'm staring at my childhood friend like...what!? I saw him get up and gather his things and I start doing the same, the bell probably rang, "What's your next class?" he asked, "History." I said, "Which room?" he asked me, "205." I told him, "Hey same, let's go together!" he said, we picked up our trays and before I could protest he grabbed my hand and dragged me to the cafeteria and we gave back our trays and headed to our next class, we did get some shocked looks, or I did, some we're confused, who was this guy hauling Castiel and holding his hand? I was kinda confused too myself but for different reasons.
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Edxl 5 years
Interesting enough to have gotten me to page seven so far, but the lack of paragraphs has me exhausted. Will try to find my way back another time to take in some more.
GayVeganAbroad 5 years
It's a great drama. I like the narrative takes form as a stream of Castiel's real-time thoughts. You did the first-person perspective nicely. I'd recommend adding paragraphs, as I often lost my reading position in a sea of words, and some proof-reading t