A new year/a new me

chapter 23: before the party

"I can't believe I let you talk me into coming to this."

"Come on, Brian, it'll be fun. You've been to Linda's parties before, what's the difference now?"

"The difference is me! I've gained more than one hundred pounds since the last time I went to one of these! And things at work have changed, I know how people look at me, they don't think I've noticed but I have! I've heard them, laughing behind my back at how bad I've let myself go, it's going to be weird. And my tattoo..."

"I like the tattoo. It looks natural on you, and it's sexy. The weight's sexy too, your big butt looks cute, and your belly jiggles beautifully, especially now that your fur is gone. You're a fat, sexy, sissy pig of a man, and you're rocking the look. Don't worry about what they think, you work with us, you deserve to be at this party. Just lean into it and try to have fun. You worry too much."

"I know, I know I do. And you're right, I've been to these before. But this feels... different somehow. I'm different than I was the last time I went to one of Linda's parties, and I'm not just talking about the weight, or how my body's changed. I feel like I'm different, inside, now. I don't know how, this is dumb, I can't explain it, just... different... somehow. And I worry, I mean... I worry I might..."

"Brian, I'm going to be right there with you, okay? The whole time. Don't worry, I won't let you do anything you'll regret. And anyway, you've known these people for years, they're not going to judge you. These are your friends. It's a party, you were invited, you're overthinking this. Let's just go in, have a few drinks, hang out with people outside of work, get them used to your new physique, which by the way looks hotter with every pound you gain, and I'm sure they'll accept you for who you are, these are good people, you know that."

"It's not them I'm worried about..."

"Oh, you're worried you'll go out of control?"

Out of control.

Makes you hungry.

Turns you on.

Work that fat.

"Something like that..."

"Well don't. You won't, everything you do tonight will be normal, and natural, this is who you are, and you have to learn to be that in public, okay? I mean, how long has it been since you left your apartment to do something social with other people?"

"I... I don't remember..."

"See? Do you see how unhealthy that is? You can't just stay home every night by yourself, stuffing your face in front of the TV. You need to get out, into the world, and spend time with people. We're social animals, Brian, we need that sometimes. It will help you get out of yourself, help you get used to your new self, to be around people like this."

"I know, I know it will. I just... they won't laugh at me, will they?"

"No, Brian. I mean, probably not. And even if they do, we'll deal with that, okay? Together. I promise. I've got you, here. Now seriously, let's go in. We've been sitting here ten minutes now, drag your fat piggy ass out of the car and let's go in. It's a party, parties are fun, and you WILL have fun at this party. That's an order, porker."

"Yes, ma'am."

And, blushing, I do. I drag my fat, piggy ass out of the car, and the two of us make our way up the driveway to Linda's suburban home, to enjoy her party. One last backyard summer party, while the weather's nice, before things take a turn for the worse...
30 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 5 years , updated 5 years
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BulkBrit 4 years
One of the best fatfic stories I’ve read in nearly 30 years on the gainer scene.

Thanks for all the hard work and if you ever feel like continuing this story I know I and many others would be very grateful.
Feedfig 5 years
Please please please say theres more coming! I want this fat pig to sink lower into his piggish ways than any pig before. 430 is big, but hes nowhere near as fat as a proper pig should be. Oink!
Aquarius64 5 years
Feedfig 5 years
So good! Cant wait for the next chapter. Hes becoming such a good piggy, but he still has a ways to grow into his new role in life. So much growing, so many rolls. smiley
Feedfig 5 years
God I love this so much! Never been so jealous of a fictional person before. Great stuff!! Oink! 🐷
Feedfig 5 years
This is one of the hottest stories on the entire internet. Ive read a lot of fatfic and I can definitely say this is top three. I want to be Brian so bad! I need a Beast too! Ugh. I love this! Love it! Love it! Love it!!

Is there more? This would be a
Pinkbelly 5 years
I really ought to do a chapter on Jeanie's gain at some point soon, yeah smiley
Xandercroft 5 years
I'd love to hear more about Jeanies extreme gain, but that first person perspective is rather hot. (Flushed!)
Pinkbelly 5 years
Oh, I have some plans... smiley
Pinkbelly 5 years
We shall see, shan't we? smiley
Pinkbelly 5 years
yeah, there's no category for bi stories, it's likely going to flit back and forth a bit smiley
Feeder862 5 years
A great first two chapters. I love the dynamic between these two characters.