A new year/a new me

chapter 27: august

"Jesus Christ, Beast, what the hell have you been doing to him?"

I'm in the gym, in nothing but the pink silk panties Paul had sent up once I outgrew the black, boyish ones he'd had me in 'til recently, and Paul is, for once, at a loss for words. Blue and purple bruises cover my ass, my hips, my belly, my tits, my whole body is tender to the touch, now, and I'm squirming as Paul, Beast and their friend, Andrew, survey the damage.

That first night Beast and I were... together... I was terrified. I'd assumed due to the size of the toy Jeanie had been pegging me with that I was ready for anything, but it didn't mean anything of the sort. The sex was like a fistfight, and one that I didn't have any chance of winning, not that I'd want to. Bruises were left, and blood was drawn, and by the end I didn't know myself if I was screaming in pain or pleasure. Afterward, I cried, and Beast held me, and told me he was sorry, that he didn't know his own strength, sometimes, that he'd been caught up in the moment and didn't realize how rough he was being, and the two of us ordered in takeout and ate it in front of the TV, still naked, while he cleaned up my cuts with a washcloth from the bathroom.

The next morning he asked if he could visit again, and I said yes, because I didn't know what else to say, and since then he's been back three times a week, throwing me against the wall, forcing me to my knees, and...

"I didn't mean to, Sir," Beast is looking at his feet, mumbling. I've never seen him like this. When the two of us are together, he's so strong, overpoweringly so in a very literal sense, but with Paul it's like he's a completely different person, "I just... with the workouts I'm stronger than I think, sometimes, and he's such a hot fat little butterball, I lose control..."

He looks like he's going to cry, not because of the bruises he's left on me, I've long since given up on him taking those too terribly seriously, but because he's afraid he's disappointed Paul. And, in that moment, I've never felt closer to him...

"Hey, big guy," Paul puts a hand on the small of his back, "it's okay. I know you have problems with self-control, it's natural you would. You're just a big, dumb brute, an animal in heat, and you've got a lot of energy to take out on piggy, and it's natural that you would."

"Natural..." Beast mutters, nodding his head a little.

"Yes, natural. When you see a fat, bloated hog, and see how big his tits are getting, and how wide his ass has grown, and watch his fat, sagging belly bounce and jiggle and wobble in front of him when he walks, it's only natural you'd want to tear him apart, isn't it?"

"Natural..." he repeats.

"And really, it's not like pig minds, do you piggy?"

I cough, blushing, hands to my belly, rubbing my fat stomach and feeling how soft it's become, and nod, because I have to admit I do. My body aches all the time, now, but for all of it I've never cum so hard as when Beast is riding me, mauling my tits, spanking my fat ass and grunting and moaning like some kind of wild animal bent on my destruction.

"Good boy. Now, let's hustle that fat body of yours up onto the scale and see how you're progressing."

Paul pats my rump as I step up onto the scale, and I wince in pain as my bruised behind jiggles. I just need a week with no new bruises, to rest up and recover a little...

"Oh my god!" Andrew says, and lets out a laugh that's way more giggly than I remember from last month's weigh in, "Three-hundred-eighty pounds? Jesus Christ, he's gained forty pounds in a month!"

"Forty-three." Paul just smiles, nodding approval, "He'll be well over four hundred by next month's weigh in, he's ahead of schedule. Well done, piggy, I'm very proud."

"Thank you, sir." I don't completely understand what he's saying, but it's good that he's proud of me. I need him to be proud of me. I have so little left...

"Now, get down off that scale and enjoy your reward. Beast, out of your shorts."

"Huh? Beast asks, looking around, "But this is a public..."

"Get them off." Paul tells him, and moments later Beast is naked, his cock already springing to life.

"On your knees, pig. Enjoy your reward. You've earned it..."

And I do, I'm on my knees, my hands on Beast's meaty thighs as I struggle to swallow him, struggle not to choke, his hands pulling roughly at my hair, enough to hurt, grunting and growling above me. And, through it all, Paul keeps talking...

"This is your last workout, pig. You don't need them anymore, and I think it's time to start limiting your activity. You have no job, so you don't need to be worrying about getting to and from work, there's no reason to waste your time on the treadmill. Just stay in, watch TV, and eat. You don't have to worry about social contact, anymore, Beast will be visiting you regularly, won't you Beast, you stupid animal? And it's not like you have any friends from work who you need to go out to see, after the performance you gave at that party, from what Jeanie tells me. Better to focus on becoming the best possible version of yourself. The fat pig that's been inside you this whole time, who just needed a little push to come out. Because that's what you are, isn't it? That's all you've ever been, and it's time to stop pretending you've ever been anything different. Beast, cum."

And he does, filling my mouth, and I nearly choke on it, but I swallow every drop, struggling not to cry. I'm a good boy, I'm a good pig, and I do what I'm told, and if this is...

If this is what Paul wants...

What can I do? I mean, what other options do I have?

"Good boy," Paul tells me, "now, say goodbye to the gym, you never should have come down here in the first place, gyms aren't for pigs, and head up to your apartment. I'll have a few pizzas sent up once we're done our workouts, and I'll send Beast up to play once I'm done with him. You don't belong here. Go."

"Yes, sir." I'm choking on my words, shuffling out into the hall, trying not to cry in front of them, still near naked, to head up to my apartment and stuff myself 'til the emptiness inside me is filled...
30 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 5 years , updated 5 years
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BulkBrit 4 years
One of the best fatfic stories I’ve read in nearly 30 years on the gainer scene.

Thanks for all the hard work and if you ever feel like continuing this story I know I and many others would be very grateful.
Feedfig 5 years
Please please please say theres more coming! I want this fat pig to sink lower into his piggish ways than any pig before. 430 is big, but hes nowhere near as fat as a proper pig should be. Oink!
Aquarius64 5 years
Feedfig 5 years
So good! Cant wait for the next chapter. Hes becoming such a good piggy, but he still has a ways to grow into his new role in life. So much growing, so many rolls. smiley
Feedfig 5 years
God I love this so much! Never been so jealous of a fictional person before. Great stuff!! Oink! 🐷
Feedfig 5 years
This is one of the hottest stories on the entire internet. Ive read a lot of fatfic and I can definitely say this is top three. I want to be Brian so bad! I need a Beast too! Ugh. I love this! Love it! Love it! Love it!!

Is there more? This would be a
Pinkbelly 5 years
I really ought to do a chapter on Jeanie's gain at some point soon, yeah smiley
Xandercroft 5 years
I'd love to hear more about Jeanies extreme gain, but that first person perspective is rather hot. (Flushed!)
Pinkbelly 5 years
Oh, I have some plans... smiley
Pinkbelly 5 years
We shall see, shan't we? smiley
Pinkbelly 5 years
yeah, there's no category for bi stories, it's likely going to flit back and forth a bit smiley
Feeder862 5 years
A great first two chapters. I love the dynamic between these two characters.