A new year/a new me

chapter 28: moving out...

Beast is on top of me, and I'm screaming, and oinking, and sweating. The longer we're together the more violent he becomes, but I've never once told him to stop. I need it like this, now, this body, my body, needs to be abused, to be mauled, to hurt, and I need an a mindless animal like Beast to use me...

It's what I deserve.

He's bigger, now, than the first time the two of us were together, it seems like he's bigger every time I see him, stronger, hairier, his arms more muscular, his chest broader, his thick, furry belly resting against my fattened ass. He's grown a full beard, now, and it suits him, brings out his inner bear, now outer. He rarely speaks, when he visits, grunting commands and growling as he has his way with my bloated, jiggling body...

I'm bigger too, I've been eating nonstop since Paul told me to stop working out, not going out, sitting around the apartment, nude, stuffed, horny, waiting for Beast to visit and destroy me, a little more each visit. I know it's unhealthy, I know I should be worried about how big I'm getting, how big he's getting, how uncommunicative the two of us are, but...

But the time we're together, what little time there is, is the only moment of connection I have with another human being, now, and however violent it is, however brutal, however brief, I cling to it like a lifeline. I need it. Everyone needs connection, even pathetic bloated pigs like me...

He's mauling one of my tits with a large, rough hand, playing with the nipple, and I'm screaming, they've gotten so sensitive as I've grown, so thick and plump, they never used to be but they sure are now, and between his hot breath in my ear and on the back of my neck, his hands on my breasts and bloated, sagging, stretch-marked belly and the speed and ferocity with which he's driving himself into me, I can barely think, barely vocalize, barely find any sense of self here, lost completely in the moment.

I certainly don't hear the banging on the door, or the yelling from the hall, and even if I did I'd ignore it. I'm sort of in the middle of something, and Beast is in the middle of me.

He thrusts again, then spasms, and I whimper as he collapses onto my back and rolls off, onto my living room floor, his breathing heavy, satisfied. I haven't climaxed myself, I rarely do, now, barely remember that I ever did, but I'm glad to know that I did good. I did a good job. It's important that a pig knows how to do a good job...

"Answer the fuggin' door, pig." He doesn't even bother looking at me as he says it, but he doesn't have to. I struggle to my feet, unwilling to let either my new bulk or how sore I am from so recently having been worked over stop me, I've been instructed, and I will obey.

"Brian, what the hell?"

It's Mr. Mathews, our building super, and as I answer the door, naked, sweaty, reeking of sex, he doesn't even bother acting surprised. He just rolls his eyes, shakes his head, and thrusts an envelope into my chest.

"You're evicted, Brian." He tells me, "Obviously."

"What... I... why?" My eyes are wide, and I'm stammering, "I can't lose this place, it's the only place I have left, the only place I can be... myself... I have no where else to go..."

"I don't care. At all. I've called a dozen times, you haven't picked up, you're obviously avoiding my calls, you've gotten dozens of noise complaints, you've gained something like two hundred pounds in the past year and you're answering the door naked..."

He slaps my belly, hard, and I blush and whimper as my whole body jiggles. I wonder if I should grab a sheet, or something, and wish he'd do it again...

"...and don't think I don't know what you've been getting down to down in the gym. Your little striptease show, blowing strange men, it's disgusting. You're disgusting, and I'm not going to have a pervert like you renting a room in my building. So here's your eviction notice, you have a week, and then I'm calling the god damned cops and having you arrested."

"But where... where will I..."

"I DON'T CARE!!!!" he screams it at me, "I will have you imprisoned, you will be listed as a sex offender! You have seven days, and if I EVER see you after that..."

He's shaking with rage, his hands clenched in front of him, as though trying to cover himself, but that can't be, he's too angry, I mean... this can't be...

"Please," I tell him, "I have nowhere else..."

He slaps me, then, hard across the face, and I fall back into my apartment, landing on my fat, round, so recently used ass, and stands over me, towering over me, staring down at me like a vengeful god, disgusted at a pathetic slob.

"I. Don't. Care." He tells me, "I'm not here to help you. I don't like you. I don't respect you, I owe you nothing, you're nothing to me. You're a fat, disgusting pervert, a pig of a man, and I've let you get away with it too long. I let you get away with it, and I made excuses for me, and for what? Get the fuck out of my building, you bloated, fat pig. I don't care where you go. Die in the street. It doesn't matter to me."

And then he's spinning on his heels, and disappearing down the hall, and I realize I'm crying, and the tears won't stop coming, and I'm breaking down in the foyer of my apartment, naked, fat, door wide open for anyone who passes by, but I can't stand, can't shut the door, can't do anything but sit here, and weep, and wonder what on earth I'm going to do...

"What?" Beast asks, from the living room.

"I... I got evicted. I'm losing my apartment. And I don't know where I'm going to go... I mean, I have my severance, but I have no job, I don't even have clothes that fit. I haven't spoken to Jeanie, to any of my friends, in weeks, and I don't know, I can't just start over, like this, I have nothing, and I'm so fat, and what would I even do?"

I look over at him, and to his credit, he does look genuinely sympathetic, though between his legs his dick is already getting hard again. He takes a knee, next to me, puts a huge hand on my soft, pink belly, and leans in.

"Hey, it's okay, pig. We're going to figure something out, okay? Somewhere you can go, so don't worry about that. Hey! Paul lives in this building, right? Maybe you could talk to him about it, I bet he could find you a place to stay..."
30 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 5 years , updated 5 years
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BulkBrit 4 years
One of the best fatfic stories I’ve read in nearly 30 years on the gainer scene.

Thanks for all the hard work and if you ever feel like continuing this story I know I and many others would be very grateful.
Feedfig 5 years
Please please please say theres more coming! I want this fat pig to sink lower into his piggish ways than any pig before. 430 is big, but hes nowhere near as fat as a proper pig should be. Oink!
Aquarius64 5 years
Feedfig 5 years
So good! Cant wait for the next chapter. Hes becoming such a good piggy, but he still has a ways to grow into his new role in life. So much growing, so many rolls. smiley
Feedfig 5 years
God I love this so much! Never been so jealous of a fictional person before. Great stuff!! Oink! 🐷
Feedfig 5 years
This is one of the hottest stories on the entire internet. Ive read a lot of fatfic and I can definitely say this is top three. I want to be Brian so bad! I need a Beast too! Ugh. I love this! Love it! Love it! Love it!!

Is there more? This would be a
Pinkbelly 5 years
I really ought to do a chapter on Jeanie's gain at some point soon, yeah smiley
Xandercroft 5 years
I'd love to hear more about Jeanies extreme gain, but that first person perspective is rather hot. (Flushed!)
Pinkbelly 5 years
Oh, I have some plans... smiley
Pinkbelly 5 years
We shall see, shan't we? smiley
Pinkbelly 5 years
yeah, there's no category for bi stories, it's likely going to flit back and forth a bit smiley
Feeder862 5 years
A great first two chapters. I love the dynamic between these two characters.