Growing into a queen

chapter 2

Zara Pov.
I'm still processing what I was just told when our carriage pulls up in front of a large stone castle with vines and flowers covering parts of it. It's quite beautiful but it's shrouded by the mass of people outside staring at our carriage eagerly.
Sebastian squeezes my hand. "Don't worry I'll try to get you to your chambers as soon as possible." I nod in thanks sucking in a deep breath and preparing myself for all the attention were about to get. I'm a princess so I've grown up to be used to attention but for some reason today I'm quite nervous. Probably because my fiance just dropped that bomb on me. If it wasn't already enough that I was being shipped off to marry a man I barely know. Now I'm expected to gain weight for him? I have slight curves but I'm never been considered more then thin in my life. I guess that's about to change.
The door to the carriage is suddenly opened and warm sunlight shines in practically blinding me after being in partial darkness for so long. I wipe at my eyes as Sebastian gets out.
Once I get my bearing I look up to see his handsome face and dimples staring down at me along with an outstretched hand. I smile at him and accept his help smoothing out my dress when my feet hit the dirt packed ground. I fold my hands together staring with wide eyes as the whole crowd bows to us a little bit impressed when they stay that way until Sebastian tells them to "rise".
I've never felt so many eyes examining me in my life and actually feel a little self conscious. Are they disappointed at my figure? Were they expecting someone more voluptuous? Sebastian's large hand squeezes mine reassuringly and I take comfort in his presence as the crowd splits to two sides forming a walkway for us up to the castle. I do my best to smile at my new people as we walk by trying to hide my nervousness.
We end up in a large feasting room, me and Sebastian at the head of it raised up on a stand in two large chairs and looking down at rows and rows of tables covered in food. I couldn't help but notice as the people pool in all the women range from chubby to obese I'm definitely the skinniest one here. Even the servants are quite round. The food must be divine.
Sebastian leans in the whisper to me and I shiver as his warm breath fans across my cheek. "The opening day ceremony is about to start, the people were invited to cook their best dish and bring you a sample. I would try to at least taste each one. You don't have to eat the whole thing since there's going to be so many."
I nod in understanding my mouth watering at the smells coming from various dishes around the room. "I'll try to eat as much as I can." Sebastian kisses my cheek his hand grazing over my flat stomach as he rises to his feet. No doubt wanting to feel it before it's stuffed with food.
Everyone immediately quiet's as he rises. "Thank you all so much for coming, my bride and I are humbled to have you all here along with the amazing meals you have no doubt prepared." He raises a glass practically oozing charm. "Let the ceremony begin!"
The first woman that comes up is a servant. "Here you go my lady, this is used to enhance your appetite. It will help you to not feel as full." She hands me a golden cup with a rich orange liquid inside. I sip it tentatively once before polishing off the whole thing. The drink alone is delicious. It's like nothing I've ever tasted before. I'm suddenly ravenous as she walks away and I look at Sebastian in alarm. He chuckles at me.
"That's how it's supposed to work. Don't worry they're bringing the first platter now." I see two servants pick up a large silver tray with an array of plates on there and see that similar trays are lined up all the way down the long table. There's at least 10. How am I going to eat all this? Who knows if there's more there's definitely more then 100 people in here.
The tray of ten dishes is set down on the large table in front of me and I grab the closest one, a thick stew in a large bowl. I'm so hungry that I don't even take my fiance's advice I take one bite of the delicious potato filled stew and then chug down the rest. Normally that would be enough to fill me up but I still feel so hungry when I'm done. I move on to rich slice of chocolate cake practically inhaling it. I barely notice Sebastian watching me as I polish off the rest of the tray. The next few trays go down easily I'm barely noticing what I'm eating at this point everything is just so delicious. I know I must look like a pig.
The only problem is that my lace up dress is feeling extremely tight. I look down and see that my previously flat belly is now much larger and I look at least five months pregnant as the seams of my dress struggle to contain it. I can't believe I still don't feel full. This drink is definitely doing it's job because I'm obviously completely stuffed. "Don't worry we'll get you some larger dresses tailored tomorrow."
"Okay thank you." I say stuffing almost a full muffin into my mouth. I look over and see that Sebastian's eyes are filled with lust as he watches me and a blush covers my full cheeks. At this point I'm not even worried about the weight gain. I want to do whatever it takes to make this handsome man happy. What's so bad about getting fat anyways? It will make the people happy and I'll be catered to like this all the time.
By the time I finish the ninth tray I'm feeling the effects of all the food. I groan wiping chocolate off of my mouth and look down to see that my dress is stretched to it's maximum but somehow still intact my belly is huge and resting on my thighs. I lay my hand on it and it's taut like a drum. Sebastian reaches over and rubs it gently and I lean back in the chair as far as possible to give him more access to it humming in pleasure as he works his way around it settling to rest just above my belly button before pulling away. "Your doing so good my love, normally I'd take you to our chambers to finish feeding you but you must finish in front of the people for the ceremony. Would you like me to feed you?"
I nod weakly I'm so full I can barely move. It feels like a boulder is resting on my stomach and I let the chair support most of my weight and hold me up.
I slowly chew the forkfuls of food Sebastian slips into my mouth not even caring that some of it is dribbling down my chin and onto my breasts as he goes. I weakly rub at my very overfed belly as I force myself to swallow everything he gives me. I may be full but the food is all still delicious. Halfway through the last tray I hear a rip and gasp as I look down to see that the side of my dress has ripped at the seams and my lightly tanned belly is struggling to get out. Even that little tear relieves some of the tension and I suddenly just want the rest of the dress to rip so I can have some relief.
Sebastian grins and runs his hand down the now showing skin on my stomach causing goosebumps to form over it. I may be full but I want him so badly right now. I know we have to wait until our marriage though.
The last five plates are slow going down and I struggle to keep my eyes open my jaw tired from chewing. I'm barely aware of my surroundings and the people cheering for me as he feeds me the last bite. I smile weakly. I did it.
Sebastian scoops me up bridal style and I groan as my stomach protests. Half of it is now hanging out the side that ripped the other half suffocated still by the sturdy fabric.
I must doze off because when I wake up Sebastian is laying me down on a large comfy bed. "I'm so full." I whimper.
"Here sit up." Sebastian helps me struggle into a sitting position as my belly pins me down and holds me up with one hand as he unlaces my dress with the other. I sigh in relief as I feel them give and I didn't think this would even be possible but my new ball like belly moves out another two inches. He lays me back down and carefully slides the dress off of me. Leaving me in my underwear. I look down curiously and frown when I can't see my feet. Sebastian crawls into bed next to me. "This should help." He murmurs kissing my shoulder and gently rubbing my red aching tummy. It's completely hard to the touch and I sigh as some of the tension eases out of it under his expert hands.
He continues rubbing it until I fall asleep knowing I can't succumb to my lust until our wedding night. Not that I could make a move anyways I'm far too stuffed for that.
2 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 5 years , updated 5 years
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Msbigbelly 5 years
More please!
Tarquin 5 years
Nice! Go for it!
Conejito 5 years
Nice i want more