My neighbour

chapter 2

The best part about this is that from lily's room you could see Mia's room and kitchen. Lily had been observing Mia eat in her house, when having dinner, if her mum was around she would eat a salad and some salmon, but a couple hours later when her mum was already in bed, Mia would go down to the kitchen, open the fridge and grab as much food as she could, then, go to her room and staff her mouth with food. She had also started getting some snacks at subway before going home, like cookies, chips or a sandwich.
After a month the results were shocking, Mias mum had invited Lily's family over for dinner. Lily will always remember how Mia looked that night. For the first time, she actually looked quite soft and not just a couple of pounds heavier. She could have gained about 25 pounds in just one month. Going from eating super healthy and going to the gym to eating crap, 5 times more and not moving at all had done some change in her.She was wearing one of her tight dresses, this time it was a red one. She looked like she was going to rip the dress anytime but instead of feeling conscious about her body, she was showing it proud, since she did not realize her weight gain. One thing had also change, Mia's mum look. She didn't look at her daughter proud anymore, she looked at her butt when she turned and at her fat rolls when she sat. You could tell her mum was mad about the situation, but Lily was happy and that was what really mattered.
Mia looked chunky, like her underwear was pushing her fat out. Her butt was wider and way softer than it used to be, and her legs now had the first sights of cellulite. Her belly was Lily's favorite part, since Mia was used to having a flat toned stomach, crop tops were her favorite to wear on daily bases. She kept wearing those short of clothes what made her belly totally visible. Her belly had grown the most, it now sticked out and was round and soft. It was the part that made her look the fattest.
At school had stopped talking to Mia since they no longer found her hot and most girls now talked about Mia behind her back. "Have you seen her today? she gets fatter everyday.." "She has so much cellulite..." "Her clothes are about to rip... I don't understand how she still wears them."
One of the things Lily was enjoying a lot was seeing Mia trying to fit into her old clothes. Every morning Lily would run to her window and observe Mia trying to fit into her size s jeans and her short crop tops. Her jeans no longer fit so instead she was using sweat pants and short skirts in order to fit her body into some clothes. She also kept wearing her cheerleader uniform around, and to be honest, that was the greatest part. Seeing a once hot cheerleader walk around high school 30 pounds heavier if not more wearing a cheerleader uniform with her belly out and showing cellulite was pleasure... But it was going to get better.. much better.
She was no longer eating more than her body was asking for, her body was now hungry for burgers, cheese, pizza, cookies... She needed more. During lunch she still sat with cheerleaders even though they could not stop looking at her fat rolls in her belly when she sat and how much she could eat. While they were having salad, or some carrots, Mia was going for a full size greasy meal most times, ordering something from mcdonald's or from wendy's and stuffing her mouth all the time.
3 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 5 years , updated 5 years
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FrecherTyp 5 years
Oh such a nice and.interesting start ...smiley
I think this is such a sexy kinky idea to use hypnosis for weight gain

interesting ^^smiley
Passionfat 5 years
Please continue 😍😍😍😍😍