My neighbour

chapter 3

Time went by and Mia kept growing bigger and bigger. Two months into her all you can eat life she had probably gained about 60 pounds and you would have to be blind to not see it. Most of her weight was around her belly and love handles but her butt had also gotten much bigger.
One of the biggest football games was around the corner and Mia was still in the cheerleader squad. Lily sat in the benches to see the game. Since it was such a special game, the cheerleaders had decided to wear something different, it was a one pice suit that went all the way from their neck to their ankles. It was pink and really tight, just the perfect outfit for a 195 pound cheerleader who felt like she was 110.
Lily could not believe her eyes when the cheerleaders came out. Mia was the third one to come out, and as soon as she did, people started laughing and talking to each other. "Look at that fat girl" 'Isn't that Mia Halford?" "Holy... look at that shaking bunch of fat..." "Looks like she only eats McDonalds now... hahaha"
The music was on so the cheerleaders started their dance. Jumping up and down the only thing people could focus on was Mia's belly going up and down, shaking and pushing the fabric more and more each time.
Even the other cheerleaders were getting distracted by Mia's fat shaking.
Mia seemed to be proud, with a big smile in her now chubby face and trying to do the best she could, even if her fat body was getting tired.
The game was on a friday and on monday everybody at school talked about the same. Mia. Just like the first day of school, only one thing had changed, on that first day people talked about how hot the new girl was, now people talked about how fat she had gotten, how her belly shakes as she walks and so does her thighs. Mia meanwhile acted like any other day, walking around drinking a shake and wearing one of her once baggy dresses that now looked like a super tight dress and shorter that it should be. It was crazy to see how much Mia had changed in such a short period of time, but it was not enough, Lily needed to see more, she wanted to see Mia get huge, not big, but huge. Obese. So fat she had to buy new clothes because her old once had ripped, so fat her belly hanged, so fat she didn't fit in the regular seats at the high school, so fat you could hear her come. She wanted Mia to experience how it feels to not be skinny or the hot cheerleader.
Lily was spying Mia almost every night from her bedroom, eating in her room fast food she orders when her mum is not home, cookies and doughnuts, she sees Mia stuffing her face, her belly growing, getting tighter and tighter with every bite.
After an other week she noticed that Mia had new clothes that her mum had bought her online, they were big and made to cover her body as much as possible. She also had the change to see Mia's mum fight with Mia, about her weight of course. Mia's mum was grabbing Mia's belly and screaming, showing her pictures of how she used to look and touching her body to show her who she was becoming, but Mia seemed to not understand.
A couple of weeks later Mia started wearing her new clothes since nothing else fit her anymore, but instead of wearing the Large t-shirt the regular way, she could tight it so it was shorter and showed her "hot body".
After an other month Mia was over the 200 mark and growing bigger.
One day, in gym class they decided that it was time to weight the teens for a study for the government, technically they don't say the weight or not even tell you cause they don't want people to joke about others weight or feel better that some else but after that day one of the cheerleaders started saying that she walked by when they were weighting Mia and she saw the number on the scale say 215. People were talking about it all the time, and now plating with Mia. Offering food that she never refused, giving her cookies or inviting her to have lunch with them just to see how far she could go.
Since that day Mia was growing faster than ever, who could have thought that the hot girl that chowed up in class on the first day with toned legs and flat stomach was now officially obese and going strong with it.
Months went by and spring break did too, Mia was already at the 300 mark and proud, still acting like the skinny one she used to be. It was right after spring break, perhaps on the second day after the break when one of Lily's biggest fantasy happened. Mia entered in class, shaking her body around and smiling proud she then went to the second row of chairs and sat, squishing her belly in, she managed to make it fit between the chair and the desk. Her now huge boobs and the top fat roll were over the desk, Under it; two more belly fat rolls and then her butt and legs. From the back you could see how her butt didn't fit in the chair and was hanging from the sides.
The real magic happened when the class ended, every body stood up but Mia. They started leaving the class, Mia couldn't. She was stuck. It didn't matter how much she pushed her belly in or tried to squish her belly out, she was stuck.
3 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 5 years , updated 5 years
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FrecherTyp 5 years
Oh such a nice and.interesting start ...smiley
I think this is such a sexy kinky idea to use hypnosis for weight gain

interesting ^^smiley
Passionfat 5 years
Please continue 😍😍😍😍😍