
Chapter 2 - power of the mind

Bruno should have been delighted to have had the cast taken off, but somehow the fact that he had gained 35lbs stuck with him more than it should have. At home, he glanced in the mirror, trying to understand how he hadn't noticed. Now it had been pointed out to him however, he could see it plain as day. His flat stomach somehow looked bulkier and his chest too appeared fuller, as did his face. He felt around behind him, feeling his smooth ass; somehow it felt softer and better fed than it had been before. "Wow, I really have put on weight!" he said aloud in front of the mirror. He pinched a little fat to the side of his stomach. He should have been repulsed at the touch of the soft flesh in between his fingers, but instead, he felt fascinated. He had only ever had a slight six pack on his frame, but now it seemed like the shape of it was still apparent, nestled under a new, thin layer of fat. There was no doubt about it, he would have to go back to the gym soon. But with another month of the crutches, there was no point in stressing about it now.

Bruno had been working for the company for nine months and his salary had already taken a significant jump. He mostly worked with clients from the UK, which suited him well, and the client base there was increasing faster than in any other market. The company seemed to get wind that Bruno might want to start shopping around for new job opportunities and so they lavished the benefits on him: more money, a company car, increased holidays and a new batch of wealthier clients from around the world. But best of all, they agreed that the arrangements with Bruno working from home were going well.

Bruno had now been off the crutches for over a fortnight and could no longer justify, even to himself, the amount of procrastinating he was doing in making his return to the gym. Now that he had appreciated the weight he had gained, he felt more aware than ever of the changes. Living on American take-out was not good for someone trying to control their weight, but damn, it was tasty! The portion sizes were a lot larger here, but now he had got used to them, pigging out on a mass of fried chicken, or battered Chinese food, seemed like a normal part of life. 'Why not order pizza tonight?' his mind encouraged him. He worried about gaining too much weight, his boyish good looks seemed to be altering as his cheeks puffed up a little with a few extra pounds. 'So what?' his mind argued back. 'It's just a little weight gain - and besides, a little extra weight on you will make you look less lanky and awkward next to the fat girl of your dreams!' Bruno couldn't argue with that point. So what if he wasn't the perfect slim guy? He didn't want the perfect, slim girl, so why worry?

What Bruno hadn't anticipated was the erotic feelings he had when he tried to buckle his pants. He sucked in as hard as his could, but instead, his new, meatier backside seemed to pull the material backwards, stretching the clasps further and further away from each other. 'You're getting FAT!' his mind teased him. He looked in the mirror at the softness around his middle. His cock seemed to stir a little but he pushed it aside. He couldn't put it off any longer. It was time to go back to the gym.
9 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 5 years , updated 2 years
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SyabLovesChub 5 years
Another chapter to this, please
Pd500 5 years
I'm digging this!!
Growingsofter 5 years
More please