
Chapter 5 - breakfast

Bruno barely slept with Hannah sprawled out across the bed and constantly pressing up against him. Once the sex and first couple of hours of drunken dozing had worn off, he felt tired and irritable, lying there waiting for the sunlight to start streaming in through the window, knowing that he wouldn't be inviting Hannah back again.
Somehow, he managed to drift back to sleep for an hour and woke up at 6AM, still feeling groggy and grumpy. How long until he could kick Hannah out without looking like a jerk? He crept out of bed and stood up, inadvertently waking the sleeping princess.

"Whatcha doin'?" Hannah squeaked in her perky, cutesy voice that went through Bruno.

"I was going to get some breakfast," grunted Bruno.

"Ooo!" Hannah giggled. "Breakfast in bed sounds perfect!" she enthused, gazing up at him like a cat with its fluffy belly on show, ready to be fussed over.

Bruno retreated in to the kitchen, not even bothering to put his underwear back on. He pulled out some cereal and collected the milk. A quick breakfast and then maybe she would leave? But there was still no guarantee. Maybe Hannah would hang around all day. He had already made the mistake of telling her he had no plans today. Suddenly his mind whirred into action. There was one way to get rid of her...

"Breakfast is ready," he called into the bedroom half an hour later. Hannah sat up ready in the bed. "Oh no, I don't have any eating in the bedroom I'm afraid. You'll have to come and get it."

Hannah pouted in a way that Bruno could tell previous boyfriends must have told her was adorable. Then she slowly got up, dressed herself in her outfit from the night before and headed out to the living area. Bruno could tell that the smell of grease and fat hit her straight away as she recoiled slightly. Sat on the table, covering plates almost the size of trash cans, were two full English breakfasts, with fried sausages, bacon, tomatoes, hash browns, black pudding, copious amounts of bread dripping with butter, all smothered in heaps of baked beans.

"Eat up!" Bruno cheered. "I thought you would appreciate a bit of fine English cuisine!" he smiled.

Hannah stepped towards it with a look of disgust on her face. "How much food?" she gasped, looking at their servings.

"Give it a try!" Bruno coaxed her, already tucking in to his own mountain of grease, enthusiastically.
Hannah slowly sat down and studied the plate, as if looking for somewhere to begin. She played with her knife and fork, trying to pick the fat off the bacon and nibble at the small portions of fat-free meat. Bruno on the other hand, guzzled his down greedily, indiscriminately shovelling each part of it down. It was a slog, and he was unable to hold a conversation, but, eventually, mouthful by mouthful, Bruno looked down at his clean plate feeling absolutely stuffed. He burped rudely and rubbed his distended gut, realising that he was still completely naked.

"I can't believe you ate all that," Hannah stated in disgust and disbelief.

"Best meal of the day that is!" Bruno laughed.

"Well, I'm done," Hannah said sulkily, symbolically pushing her plate away from her, almost untouched.

Bruno breathed in. Could he do it? "You're not leaving all that are you?" he grunted, pretending to be shocked. Hannah nodded. "Well, I'll have it then," he stated, switching their plates around and hoping desperately that he had the capacity for it.

Hannah watched as Bruno shovelled each and every mouthful of the greasy English fry up into his mouth. He felt so full that he no longer cared whether the grease was piling up around his mouth, nor whether the odd sauce covered bean rolled messily down his chest onto his distended gut. He felt more full than he had ever been in his life and yet he still ploughed on, trying to get the job done. Hannah didn't take her eyes off him, watching in sheer disbelief. "Are all English guys like this?" she spouted, as he was nearing the end.

"Like what?" Bruno asked through a mouthful of bacon.

"Greedy, like you?" she complained, with no hint of flirtation apparent in her voice.

"Greedy?" Bruno repeated, trying to look insulted, but secretly enjoying the shape of the word on his tongue. "Greedy?"
9 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 5 years , updated 2 years
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SyabLovesChub 5 years
Another chapter to this, please
Pd500 5 years
I'm digging this!!
Growingsofter 5 years
More please