
Chapter 6 - retreat

Hannah looked across at him, more cross than ever now, as she watched him wipe up the remaining grease on her plate with the fried bread; finished at last. He felt a bead of sweat roll down his chest and realised he was pretty sweaty all over from the sheer force of stuffing his face. Bruno's stomach was shouting at him, his skin surrounding the bloated middle feeling like it was stretching in every direction. Still, he did his best to hide his discomfort, smiling across the table at Hannah as if he felt completely fine. "I just have a good appetite," he finished, burping loudly and slapping his gut. He stood up, fighting the urge to lean forward with the bulk of his overfed stomach. His cock was half erect from the overindulgence and he smirked at Hannah flirtatiously. "How about we go back to bed?" he asked, hoping his bloated physique was having the desired effect.

Hannah looked at him up and down. "Go and put some pants on, or something," she grumbled, barely able to look at him, despite still sitting in her seat, with no obvious intention of leaving any time soon.

Disgruntled, Bruno plodded to his room. It was awkward bending down into his drawer to fish out underwear. He surveyed them all, fishing out a pair that he hadn't worn in months and slipping them on. The material stretched awkwardly, barely covering his crack and digging aggressively into his sides, splitting his love handles in two. The material also fitted snugly around his even firmer erection, emphasising it more as his bloated gut formed a veranda over his groin. In the safety of his bedroom, he rubbed his painful stomach appreciatively, surprised at how easily his hand swiped across the sweaty surface. He went to the mirror and gazed at his bloated physique, marvelling at the round ball shape his gut had taken on. He lifted his arm and smelt the sweat that was building up just from his gluttony; then, giving himself two taps of the top of his gut, he strutted back out into the living room, feeling more pleased with himself than ever.

"What are they?" asked Hannah in shock.

Bruno looked down innocently. "My underwear," he answered simply.

"They don't even fit!" she observed harshly.

Bruno chuckled, pleased at the response he was getting. "I only bought these six months ago," he explained casually. He rubbed his stomach and tried to jiggle it, unable to get a purchase on the tight drum, "I've been putting on a lot of weight recently for some reason," he mused, wandering over to the cookie jar and fishing one out for himself.

Hannah looked around the apartment, as if seeing it afresh. Gone were the rose-tinted glasses she wore and she could now see the dirt and grime of a place inhabited by an overweight slob.

Bruno strutted over to her, carrying a fresh cookie in his hand. "So, how about round two?" he asked, sliding up to Hannah.

She held out a hand before his sweaty body could make contact with her. "I don't think so," she stated assertively, still not moving from her spot.

Bruno had played every card in his hand. How could he get rid of this girl? "Alright then..." he grunted, trying to sound disappointed, dramatically throwing himself lazily on to the sofa and grabbing the remote. "...I'll just leave you to tidy up and then we can hang out today."

"Tidy up?" Hannah asked, confused.

"Well yeah..." Bruno yawned. "I cooked, so you clean," he explained, scratching his pot belly and sucking the bean juice off his finger that he had found on his belly.

Hannah looked at the mountain of greasy pans and plates from the last few days. She huffed, retreated to the bedroom and came out again with her shoes on and bag slung over her shoulder. "You're gross, you know that?" she shouted snidely, walking towards the door.

Bruno didn't even look over his shoulder and simply burped awkwardly trying to release the gas in his stomach.

"I'm going now!" she called, hoping to provoke a response. Bruno waved half-heartedly over his shoulder, not turning around. Then, with one final huff, she opened the door and threw it shut behind her.

Peace reigned throughout the small apartment and Bruno rubbed his painfully overstretched gut, groaning. He'd never overdone it this much before. He shifted his weight and awkwardly pulled down the tight, uncomfortable underwear, flopping back down onto the sofa, allowing the new softness of his wider ass to spread out underneath him. She'd called him gross, he thought back, appreciating her choice of words. He certainly felt gross. His cock bobbed up and down willing to be touched. It didn't take long for him to give in, shooting his load all over his ball-like gut. He could have got up, wiped himself off and headed back to bed, but he didn't. Instead he sat there, half asleep and yet unable to sleep due to the discomfort; all the time wondering how he could ever top this experience.
9 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 5 years , updated 2 years
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SyabLovesChub 5 years
Another chapter to this, please
Pd500 5 years
I'm digging this!!
Growingsofter 5 years
More please