
Chapter 8 - miss hawk

Heading out to Texas was a nice treat. Bruno had been trusted with the account of a super-wealthy heiress and had been told to do whatever he needed to, to ensure that she signed on with them for another five years. Sometimes he felt the company would be more than happy for their employees to prostitute themselves out in order to get these types of clients.

Bruno arrived at a large, gated Texan ranch. He drove up the long driveway until he could see a stunning mansion, miles from any other development. He stepped out of the car and admired the amazing building, before heading up to the door to be greeted by a member of the staff, who then led him into one of the living areas. There he waited patiently for Miss Hawk to appear.

Ten minutes passed, until suddenly, the door swung open and a very large lady entered. She was tall, like Bruno, carrying at least 350lbs on her wide frame. Her breasts were larger than any he had ever seen and her ass looked like a wall of meat as she strutted around the room. She had a pretty face and long blonde hair that was well maintained; she was also a lot younger than Bruno had anticipated, maybe only a couple of years older than him.

Bruno immediately had to slide his hand into his pocket to hold his erection down as he stood up to shake the beautiful lady's hand. Her eyes twinkled as they spoke for the first time. Bruno tried to be professional, but he could hear his flirtatious tone emerging and even the sound of her voice was making him hard. The girl of his dreams was sitting right in front of him!

For three hours, they discussed the issues surrounding the renegotiation of their contract and yet, she still appeared unconvinced. "Are you able to come back tomorrow when I've had time to think about it?" she asked.

Bruno had anticipated getting this signed off but he knew his company would allow him as much time as he needed. It would give him a good opportunity to sample some of the most fattening Texan foods whilst he was here. He called back the next day but was told Miss Hawk was too busy and would have to rearrange for the next day. The same thing happened for the next three days and by the time Bruno had his next appointment with her, sliding his only work pants and shirt back on became a bit of a struggle. He had been gorging his greedy face for the last few days, turned on by the memory of Miss Hawk's beauty and now his round, puffy stomach was showing the effects.

Back at the ranch, he waited once again for Miss Hawk to enter, squirming awkwardly in his seat as he saw how tight the buttons around his stomach were. She was bound to think how unprofessional he looked and decide to take her money elsewhere.

Finally she entered, looking just as sexy as last time, if not more so. They sat down together but, this time, she appeared a lot more friendly, even with her glances down to Bruno's tight shirt. "You know, I like you. I think you're a very clever guy. I'm just not sure that I like your company very much," she announced, putting all of her cards on the table. It didn't matter what Bruno said, her mind was made up. He had failed to get the contract.

"So now that our meeting is over, maybe we can relax a little?" she smiled flirtatiously. "You're a good looking boy. I'm a beautiful woman. We could... take this upstairs?" she winked. Bruno could tell that this was a lady who was used to getting her own way, but even he was stunned by her assertiveness. She patted the space next to her on the sofa and Bruno slid over to her eagerly, not quite believing his luck. They kissed and Bruno got to slide his hands all over her amazing, large body before they went upstairs.

It was the best hour of his life, but after they had both come, Bruno sensed a definite cooling in her affection towards him. Was she hinting for him to leave? He certainly didn't want to go. He wanted to make out with her all day and night, for the rest of his life.

"Do you want some supper?" she asked impatiently. Bruno nodded keenly to which she rolled her eyes and made a call downstairs. "You'll have to cook for two tonight," she huffed down the phone. "I'm pretty hungry too. Just give him the same as me," she ordered, putting the phone down and returning to bed.

"You're so beautiful," Bruno whispered as she got back in to bed, trying to rekindle her enthusiasm for him.

"You think so?" she huffed, deciding to get up instead. "I'm heading for a shower."
9 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 5 years , updated 2 years
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SyabLovesChub 5 years
Another chapter to this, please
Pd500 5 years
I'm digging this!!
Growingsofter 5 years
More please