
Chapter 9 - bruno's last shot

Bruno lay in bed, feeling a little awkward until a couple of guys entered the room, setting up a table and two large chairs. Two huge dinner plates were left covered over and they exited the room. Miss Hawk emerged from the shower and threw her towel off, sitting entirely naked at the table and waiting for Bruno to join her.

Bruno got himself out of bed, feeling a little awkward that he wasn't really wanted here anymore. Together, they threw off the lids of the plates and Bruno's eyes bulged at the sight of a mountain of food. No wonder Miss Hawk was such a beautiful lady if she ate like this every day! He spent a few seconds admiring the way she shovelled the food into her mouth and then slowly began to tuck in himself. He hadn't realised how hungry he was until now.

Even before he had reached the half way point, his stomach was aching; but Miss Hawk hadn't stopped eating, so why should he? He stuffed the food down with all of his might and finally had a couple of minutes to admire Miss Hawk as she finished her mountainous meal as well. She ate so greedily, never keeping her eyes off her food. Bruno would have done anything to be with a woman like this, but he knew his time was almost up.

Miss Hawk finally looked up once her meal was complete. She burped awkwardly, held the top of her bloated stomach and looked at Bruno. Then, suddenly, she glanced down at his empty plate. "You ate it all?!" she asked, shocked.

"Of course," Bruno smiled proudly. "I'm a growing boy," he winked flirtatiously, patting the shelf of his large gut too.

Miss Hawk suddenly seemed a lot more interested. "Most guys run for the hills when they see me eat like that," she smiled. "I've never, ever seen a guy finish one of my meals before."

"I think you're beautiful when you eat," Bruno replied honestly.

Miss Hawk blushed and smiled. "And you..." she marvelled, "...I thought today when I saw your snug shirt that maybe there was a chance you were... growing."

Bruno held his heavy gut proudly. "325lbs I weigh at the moment," he smiled. "Eighteen months ago I was only 170."

Miss Hawk could barely hold her breathing, she was suddenly so enthralled by him. He stood up and let her see his naked body, pointing out his surprisingly few stretch marks. "My ass is huge as well," he said casually, turning around to show her. "But I know it's only going to get bigger when I reach 400."

"400?" Miss Hawk stuttered from below.

"Oh, at least!" Bruno grinned.

Miss Hawk stood up, using her bulk to push Bruno back towards the bed. "Now that's what I call a man!" she marvelled.

The next morning, Bruno slipped on his shirt and pants, ready to leave the mansion. They were uncomfortable, but at least he was covered. They had gone downstairs for breakfast and he had accidentally spilled syrup and jam down himself as his distended gut sat awkwardly in front of him. Now he did look a mess. But the sight merely appeared to excite Miss Hawk even more.

"Leave us!" she called to the staff pottering about.

The doors closed and she stood up, pulling the table away from Bruno. She ripped his food stained shirt open, exposing the heavy gut falling into his lap. Bruno felt so full, he closed his eyes, just experiencing the tightness. He opened them again as he felt a pudgy thumb worm its way down his deep belly button, followed by chorus of fingers, gripping the softness of his underbelly. Together, they pincered a large, thick roll of fat, jiggling it with admiration. He couldn't help himself, groaning with pleasure at the touch.

"You know, I could do something with this..." she offered. "I said I liked you and your ideas. Quit your job and come work for me, doing what you do," she smiled, still holding his roll of lard. "I'll match your salary and in return..." she whispered, moving her lips down towards his ear, "...I'll grow such a huge, round, overfed belly on you!"

Bruno smiled. He pushed his stomach outwards forcefully, making the top button of his pants burst. He wouldn't be needing work pants any more.
9 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 5 years , updated 2 years
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SyabLovesChub 5 years
Another chapter to this, please
Pd500 5 years
I'm digging this!!
Growingsofter 5 years
More please