Hayley’s belly

chapter 2

Toby was quietly confident. He had lived with Hayley for two years, enough to have seen countless crop tops and bralettes showing off her slender tummy. This eating competition was going to be a breeze.

Upstairs, Hayley stood in front of her mirror once more. Her flat stomach looked even thinner today. She had been starving herself all day in preparation for Toby's eating contest and it really
showed. Downstairs he had arrived with two family buckets of fried chicken and a litre of Pepsi each. The first to finish was the winner and had the biggest stomach capacity of the flat.

Toby was a skinny set, somewhat nerdy looking guy. He didn't play sports but retained a kind of skinny toned body gifted from his genetics.
The other flatmates had gathered in the kitchen, waiting for Hayley. It was now or never. Should she go all out and beat Toby at his own game? Or chicken out and pretend to bow out at 4 pieces of chicken. Maybe that was for the best. She didn't need to show the others the fruits of her strange hobby anyway. And she didn't have to worry about a huge engorged gut grossing out her flatmates. She decided to take it easy and let Toby win.

Hayley slipped into a tight t shirt and her larger sized jeans (for bloated days) and descended the stairs into the kitchen.

The buckets of chicken towered high on the kitchen counter. Toby stood behind them beaming.
"Choose your weapon", he grinned, eying Hayley's tiny middle that sank inwards below her rounded breasts.
"You won't be smiling after this", thought Hayley, as her stomach have a loud rumble.
She picked up a bucket and a bottle and went to sit at the table. Toby did the same and sat oposite.
Micheal readied the stop watch and prepared for start.
"Wait wait wait", exclaimed Toby, "I want to show my confidence that I'll win today by declaring the winner of this eating contest the official owner of my room."
Hayley snapped out of her hunger induced trance to shoot evils at him across the table.
Hayley had wanted Toby's room since they had moved in, he beat her to it on move in day and had been teasing her about it since.
"It's on", scowled Hayley, completely eradicating the idea of giving in after a few pieces. She was here to win now.
As Micheal counted down the start, Hayley unbuttoned her jeans in preparation. This was going to get messy.
6 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 5 years , updated 1 year
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Karenjenk 1 year
How did this get forgotten.
please come back and write more.
love it
Claude123 1 year
Glad you liked it! I’m aiming to add more soon. What kind of thing would you like to see happen to Hayley?
Rubarbstreet 1 year
Nice story here, would love to read more.
Claude123 1 year
I’m happy you liked it! What kind of thing would you like to happen to Hayley next?
Karenjenk 3 years
why did this ever stop???
its fun and light
Lovinitbig 5 years
Keep the fun going!