Hayley’s belly

chapter 3


Hayley grabbed the top piece of chicken in the seemingly endless bucket and chewed the meat from its bones. She was starving and to begin with it felt like she needed this food to prevent her from passing out. Toby had also started with gusto, as he knawed his way through the first piece of chicken.

The hot, greasy flesh slid down Hayley's throat without complaint as she began to find her pace, making sure to chew the meat before she swallowed. Meanwhile Toby had given up on chewing. Instead, gulping down the chicken in big bites. Nobody was surprised to see him winning, he took great pleasure in his eating abilities.

Hayley had finished 4 pieces, her threshold between a respectable loss and becoming a fat stuffed pig. She carried on into the bucket. Looking up at Toby, she could see he was beginning to lose momentum. His quick eating tactics had backfired and he was filling up, the unchewed meat in his stomach taking up more room.

Hayley continued at her own pace. She stops for a drink of Pepsi to help wash down the fattening flesh. She takes two gulps then, "uuuurp"
Her tiny frame shakes as she lets out a very small burp. Her friends laugh.

Toby is really struggling now. His once impressive lead had shrivelled to just 3 pieces of chicken ahead of the petite girl sat across from him.

Hayley looked down at her stomach. It was becoming as bloated as the night before, accentuated by her right clothes. Micheal caught her peeking down and glimpsed her rounding midriff for himself. "Hayley's filling up!" He shouted.
"But Toby looks like he's in trouble too!"

Toby stood up and lifted his shirt. A round bloated stomach slid out, with the faint outlines of abdominal muscles pressed hard against his skin. "I'm done man", he said, muffled through a mouthful of chicken.

"She ain't gonna finish anyway", he said pointing towards the rather stuffed looking Hayley. She had 6 more pieces left to eat to finish, she only needed to eat 4 to beat Toby and claim her rightful room.

She continued eating. Careful chewing each bite, compacting it ready to be tightly stuffed into her expanding stomach.

15 minutes passed and hayley made her way through 3 pieces. After the third she lowered her hand to her stomach and cupped underneath her distended lower belly. "That's it, she can't eat anymore!", exclaimed Toby desperately. But, one hand still holding her new girth, she dipped her hand into the bucked and plucker the deciding piece.

Each bite seemed to take a lifetime to chew. Every mouthful pressed her belly harder and harder outwards in all directions. As she continued eating she felt it. Oh no. Not now. She felt the urge. The urge to stuff herself. Could she do it in front of all her flat mates? She continued munching away. Fat dribbled down her chin and dripped onto the table. As her desire to stuff took over, her flatmates looked on in a mixture of horror and amazement.

Soon Hayley had reached the final piece. Her belly was well and truly stretched out. Her tight t shirt had ridden up around her belly button and the once concave space between her ribs bulged outwards like an overfilled water balloon.
Her tiny body heaved as she breathed in and out with her new stomach.

"You literally look pregnant Hayley!", someone said, but she was too entranced to hear. She had to finish that final piece. As she reached for it, something grabbed her wrist. Toby stood, belly still bulging. He looked at her. "Stop. You can have my room. You don't need to do this."

Hayley hoisted her rounded middle up as she made her way u steadily onto her feet. She was surprised how much difference her full stomach made to her balance. Her flatmates gasped and whispered in the background as they caught a glimpse of her colossal stomach. Whilst maintaining eye contact with Toby, she took the final piece of chicken from the bucket and pressed it between her lips, letting her teeth sink into the flesh. She had done it. She had finished the bucket.

Collapsing into her chair Hayley let out a large burp and one of her hands clasped instinctively around her huge taught tummy. Her t shirt was almost a crop top at this point as her belly bulged outwards, even further than her breasts.

"I didn't see that coming", laughed Micheal
"Me neither!", exclaimed Toby. "Where the hell did you learn to eat like that?" He asked Hayley.
She looked up woozily, succumbing to the inevitable food coma.
"I just put it in my mouth and chew" she said smiling sleepily.

Toby touched her half bare stomach like a traveller touching a long lost sacred treasure. "I can't believe it's possible", he said, "she's so skinny!"

Hayley's pregnant looking belly heaved up and down gently as she breathed in her sleep, all her flatmates could do was gawp at their tiny innocent flatmate, sat open legged in a chair with a belly the aize of a basketball protruding from her middle and an empty bucket of chicken, intent for a family, placed in front of her.
6 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 5 years , updated 1 year
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Karenjenk 1 year
How did this get forgotten.
please come back and write more.
love it
Claude123 1 year
Glad you liked it! I’m aiming to add more soon. What kind of thing would you like to see happen to Hayley?
Rubarbstreet 1 year
Nice story here, would love to read more.
Claude123 1 year
I’m happy you liked it! What kind of thing would you like to happen to Hayley next?
Karenjenk 3 years
why did this ever stop???
its fun and light
Lovinitbig 5 years
Keep the fun going!