Hayley’s belly

chapter 4

Hayley’s eyes flickered open.

Toby sat across from her, alone.

“Where is everyone”, Hayley said, sleepily

“They went to bed, you’ve been asleep for hours. I couldn’t leave you here...like this.”

She looked down to see that Toby had covered her in a thick blanket, covering her bulging middle.

Hayley suddenly remembered the competition and felt a mixture of embarrassment and pride.

She smiled, eyes half open, “I won your room”

“You sure did! I’ve never seen you eat like that, Hayley. When did you learn?”

Toby’s kind eyes glistened in the darkened kitchen. He was wearing an old hoody and leaning back in the chair like a school kid.

“I’ve always been able to eat a lot”, said Hayley abruptly, almost aggressively.

Sensing that she didn’t want to talk about it, he said, “We’ll, that competition really took it out of me. Time for bed.”

A sudden sense of longing came over Hayley. She wasn’t sure where it came from, but in that moment Toby looked like everything she had ever wanted.


Toby stopped and turned around.

“Aren’t you going to help me to my new room?”

Toby smiled and obliged, hoisting his now slightly heavier friend to her feet.

She waddled slowly behind Toby up the stairs to her current room. Toby opened her door and waited for her to heave herself in. But she stopped and shook her head.

“I want MY room”, ordered Hayley, a slender finger pointing up the next flight of stairs.

“I haven’t moved my stuff out yet...” started Toby

Hayley patted her stomach (and was a little surprised by just how huge it had got), “who...woah...who won Toby?”

Toby stood for a moment, then decided it wasn’t a big deal. He could sleep in Hayley’s room - he’d better get used to it anyway.

He guided his bulbous friend up the final flight of stairs and performed a quick tidy as Hayley entered the room.

She moved over to the mirror and let the blanket Toby had wrapped around her fall to the ground.

Out slid a large round orb of flesh. Above it, a top that had slid right up to her bra band and below it, jeans that looked about 5 inches away from buttoning.

Toby turned around ready to leave and was caught off guard by Hayley’s body. She was still very much the Beautiful slim friend he had fancied throughout all his time at university. But now something else was awaking in him. A lust, a desire. A need.

Hayley noticed Toby’s interest in her. She was no stranger to male attention but here she felt isolated and bare. She was so bloated and full. ‘Toby must think I’m a disgusting slob’ she thought.

She pulled up the blanket from the floor and covered her spherical middle.

Toby sensed her discomfort. He wanted to make his friend feel better. So he decided to take off his hoody and allow his own bloated stomach to protrude as he finished cleaning the room.

Hayley looked over at Toby. His slender, muscular body looked cartoonish with such a large pot belly, protruding out below his tight ribs. She watched the tendons and sinews twitch and tense as he made the bed for her. She chuckled as he finally stood up straight, stomach bulging outward like a pregnant woman.

“What’s so funny?” He smirked.

“Your belly”, she smiled.

Then, without knowing why. She moved towards him and placed a hand on the hard taught surface of his stomach, just to the side of his belly button. Her heart raced.

Toby couldn’t breath. What was happening. He tried not to tense up but he had no control over his body. He felt arousal stirring deep within him.

Hayley took a step back and let the blanket fall to her feet once more. Then , with slightly laboured movement, she slipped out of her jeans and top, leaving just her underwear.

Toby was still frozen on the spot. His shorts tightened as his arousal grew. He looked at Hayley’s overstuffed stomach. It was a sight to behold.

He traced her breasts with his eyes, working his way down to her tight narrow ribcage. Below it her belly pushed outwards steeply, as though it was being pulled by an invisible force. The protrusion continued as her engorged flanks met in the middle at her belly button. Then below the peak of her rounded stomach, a bulging lower belly as curved as it was full. The entire thing was a sight to behold.

What happened next, almost ended the night for Toby.

Hayley let out a long exhale, as though someone was letting the air out of a balloon. Her already burgeoning belly pushes yet further outwards. She had been sucking in her stomach the whole time, in a bid to not creep Toby out. She could sense his arousal over her bulge, so decided to let it al hang out.

Toby stood in utter awe, as his skinny friends stomach grew from looking 5 months pregnant to looking 9 months with twins, right before his very eyes.

They stood in silence for a moment. Then Toby approached his rotund friend and kissed her tenderly in the lips. His hand placed flat on the huge surface area of her bloated belly. His own stomach, now dwarfed by hers, touched her at the belly button.

The two engorged friends stood kissing in the darkness of Toby’s room. Then Hayley pulled away. She looked towards the bed. Toby didn’t need any more hints.

He pulled her towards the bed.

“Can I just have a quick shower?” Hayley asked, “feeling a little greasy after all that chicken!”


Hayley went over to Toby’s small en-suite, which was essentially just a toilet and a shower cubicle, squashed into a tiny room.

She removed her underwear and slid open the door on the shower cubicle. It wouldn’t slide all the way.

“Toby!”, she called, “your shower cubicle is broken!”

“Nah”, Toby called back, “It just doesn’t open all the way just sli...”

He stopped and realised what was happening. Hayley couldn’t get into the shower. She was too big. He was now shaking with arousal.

“Do you need a hand?” He asked

“Erm...hmmmgh...rgh...yes...please” came the reply.

Toby opened the door to see a naked hayley, red in the face and round in the belly stick in the door of his shower cubicle. Her huge belly was pressed hard against the door and the frame. Her naked breasts jiggled up and down as she tried to force herself in.

“I don’t think you’re going to fit”, Toby giggled.

Hayley’s stomach gurgled and churned as it became more and more squashed. She squeezed and squeezed, using every muscle in her abdomen to suck in her blimp-like belly.

With a more than willing helping hand from Toby, she was in.

The cubicle was small, and with her huge stomach she had to have her back to the wall as she showered, making it very difficult. However, she still enjoyed a nice 20 minute shower.

But, as Hayley showered, the food inside her digested and made its way down into her intestines. This meant that her upper stomach began to flatten, but her lower belly - the area that was already the largest, was growing.

She turned off the shower and began the struggle of leaving. Toby, who had been watching and chatting to her throughout tried to help. But Hayley’s belly barely even squeezed into the gap now.

“How did I get bigger in the shower?” She asked, a little embarrassed.

“Were you gulping down water?” Toby joked.

She tried again. Sucked in her gut, slid a tiny shoulder and slender leg through then ‘hwwf’. The beach ball lower belly gets stuck.

Hayley began to panic.

“What if I never get out? I’ll die in here!”

Toby calmed her down and assured her he would get her out. He reached for the baby oil in the back of his bathroom cabinet and explained his plan.

Toby’s erection was impossible to hide as he watched his friend oil up her balloon of a belly in order to squeeze through a door she would normally not even touch the sides of.

Her globular tight belly and perfect breasts glistened in the steamy room, contracted by toned arms and legs, rubbing and moving.

She had another go, the slippery orb slid into the gap in the door. And made the sound a cork makes when it’s pulled from a bottle. The very little fat Hayley had around her belly button spilled around the door frame, sealing her in. She pulled and pushed, the frame of the cubicle groaned and clicked, but nothing gave. She was stuck.
6 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 5 years , updated 1 year
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Karenjenk 1 year
How did this get forgotten.
please come back and write more.
love it
Claude123 1 year
Glad you liked it! I’m aiming to add more soon. What kind of thing would you like to see happen to Hayley?
Rubarbstreet 1 year
Nice story here, would love to read more.
Claude123 1 year
I’m happy you liked it! What kind of thing would you like to happen to Hayley next?
Karenjenk 3 years
why did this ever stop???
its fun and light
Lovinitbig 5 years
Keep the fun going!